Monday, February 16, 2015

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Fish-eating wading birds like cormorants and spoonbills since 1987 greatly increased. Species that eat shells and worms, such as knot and dunlin, long-term are actually great gatsbt declined in the Wadden Sea. According to a recently published report by 34 trends in the Wadden Sea migrating and wintering bird species.
Recently a report released on trends in the numbers of 34 species of birds that pass through the Wadden Sea and overwinter. The report relates to a monitoring of the entire great gatsbt Wadden Sea, the Joint Monitoring and Migratory Birds Program of the Trilateral Monitoring and Assessment Program (TIMAP). In the Netherlands, the monitoring of staging birds in the Wadden Sea, part of the national waterbird counts coordinated and implemented by compare species Netherlands, Ministry of Economic Affairs, Ministry of Transport great gatsbt and the Central Bureau of Statistics, in cooperation with BirdLife Netherlands.
Piscivores increase Species that in the long run greatly increased in number in the Wadden Sea, mainly concern fish eaters such as spoonbills and cormorants. These species are in all countries increased significantly, although the trend of the cormorant is negative in the last decade, especially in Denmark. Also Sanderling and ringed plover have increased in the Wadden Sea.
Shellfish eaters do poorly under the shellfish and worm eaters great gatsbt we find several species decline, such as knot, dunlin and oystercatcher. For these birds, the Wadden Sea is very important. Of the knot and dunlin staying nearly 80 percent of the population for wayfarers a certain time in the Wadden Sea, the oystercatcher more than half. The eider decreases, this species shows an overall decline from 1995/96. Types that use short-grazed grasslands and marshes (lapwing, golden plover, ruff) also decrease. Other species that do not do well are Avocet, plover, redshank great gatsbt and black-headed gull. It is striking that herbivorous species (including Brent) to 2000 showed a stable trend since then decrease in number.
Differences within the Wadden Sea are also clear differences between different parts of the Wadden Sea. Various species grow in number with us, take off or Denmark or Germany are stable great gatsbt in number. That goes for shelduck, bar-tailed godwit, Whimbrel, Redshank and Greenshank.
Source: Trends of Migratory and Wintering Water Birds in the Wadden Sea 1987 / 1988-2010 / 2011 (7.08 MB). WADDEN SEA ECOSYSTEM great gatsbt No. 31-2013, Progress Report. 2013. Common Wadden Sea Secretariat, Wilhelmshaven, Germany; Joint Monitoring Group of Migratory Birds in the Wadden Sea.
See also:> Breeding birds Wadden Sea in trouble (5-11-2014)> Lack of success for breeding waders (22-11-2013)> Waders on farmland (12-11-2013)> App helps find and identify birds in Wadden Sea (31-8-2013)> Big Brother spies waders (29-1-2010)> Food birds examined in the Wadden Sea (24-7-2009)> Ecosystem engineers contribute to flood protection (18-11-2014 )> Rare mushroom first found on Texel (17-10-2014)
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