Tuesday, February 24, 2015

As a blog with a more personal touch. Shells Hobby and a new book, already an announcement. In the

As a blog with a more personal touch. Shells Hobby and a new book, already an announcement. In the fall I'm the last few years as on Ameland nature and especially steamables the beach. The sand nourishments steamables are shells on the beach and rinse still new to that without all that new sand could not be easily found. Shells that are normally in the Netherlands are rare or very rare, are now a bit to find good search. Below the photos, front and back of three shells.
Topping the rarest, the breedgeribde clam (Clausinella fasciata). Below that a large fragment of the oval nun (Macoma calcarea). In addition, the least rare of the three, but not to find just the egg shell (Gastrana fragilis). The breedgeribde clams was on October 3 at 11,800 post. Halfway between the beach, not directly into the tide line. Pole 11.800 is the edge of the area supplementation, there are still more or ancient fossil shells, and fragments thereof. But a little further towards Hollum, it runs out quickly, though there are plenty of types of shells that do not come from the replenishment sand. The back of the shells is also important. At the end you can often best determine what type it is. For the egg shell and the oval nun is that really important in these instances. Maybe someone steamables thinking: steamables "That breedgeribde clam is not rare that I find so in Spain." That may be true. The shell probably comes from subtropical waters. For the North Sea should you go back a long time, to a warmer period between the last two ice ages, I treasure. Here shell is so rare, but on the beaches of Spain or Portugal, you can find fresh colored specimens of this shell. Is not it strange to also pick up some broken oval nun? The shells seeker does it usually does, because this is a (relatively) rare species and you also know what has been found all. That data can then pass on to Waarneming.nl or another registration system. Which are then used for shells guides and other publications. On observations and observing systems, see www.strandwerkgemeenschap.nl and www.anemoon.org. On the shells of Ameland is recently a very beautiful book came out. No rigid nature guide, steamables but one with many anecdotes surrounding shells and with nice information on various collections. Many pictures and also bilingual Dutch-German. Highly recommended. This book: Rykel de Bruyne, Ditte Bandini, Ameland CDs Empire, the island feeling experience with shells, amber and fossils, Foundation Anemone and KNNV Publisher, Lisse and Zeist 2013, ISBN 9,789,050,114,769 talked about books. In November my new philosophical book. Below is already the front of the book. In upcoming blogs below for more information.
2015 (12) February (6) january steamables (6) 2014 (63) December (6) November (4) of October (7) Basic Income as a redistribution of poverty Basic Income and expensive labor Autumn Blog, nature and announcing new book Ode to Ryazanov Kobani - Practical vs. Rare principled criticism steamables (Plea for Emile) Short-time working and Minister Asscher - Verdee ... September (4) august (5) July (4) June (5) Soon (6) April (4) March (5) February (7) of January (6) 2013 (47) December steamables (4) november (5) October (4) September (4) august (3) July (3) June (4) May (4) April (4) March (4) February (4) of January (4) 2012 (48) December (4) November (4) October (4) September steamables (3) august (3) July (4) June (4) May (5) April (4) March (5) February (4) january (4) 2011 (38) December (4) November (4) October (4) September (4) august (3) July (4) June (3) May (3) April (3) March (4) February (2)

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