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Oct 25, 2011 at 19:52

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This cudne department I came across foodstylists and photographer Mira Kubecki. Once I brought irregular lump that looked literally like snot. For a semi-transparent envelope is but sketched walnuts, so overcome initial skepticism preserving sand dollars was a little easier. It was a Georgian preserving sand dollars čurčela. Nuts soaked in grape must dried in the sun.
Until such unknown specialty's turn it is, I know it from Greece preserving sand dollars through Turkey and the Caucasus. In Georgia, calling churkchela, Greece and Turkey soutzouki turn pestil cevizli preserving sand dollars sucuk. Sucuk means sausage, so sometimes the sweetness popularly called - grape sausage. Grapes and nuts simply preserving sand dollars belong together.
Production is simple, and therefore it is right season for all raw materials. You can additionally vary. The basis of the grape must. For Grandma I robbed dark scented grapes, variety guess Concordia. Čurčela mostly used to do with the light of grapes, but also the good of the red varieties. Not as juicer juicer
The market preserving sand dollars is scads juicers, but unfortunately, the vast majority are centrifugal. They have the speed they want, at the end throw a huge amount of good that the fruit is. When you park, so only classical tutti-frutti. It's basically a grinder that fruit pre-ground and pressed at the same time, all at minimum speed. At the end of the work, leaving you with minimum waste and everything remains in good condition. The residue is dry waste, stems and pieces of peel. If you must, you need to nuts
Along with grapes just started falling nuts. Collect them rozlúskajte and thread the needle on a white strings. If the poor harvest preserving sand dollars of nuts, one can not help it. Do čurčeli are usually used for example, raisins, hazelnuts or almonds. When you nuts strung, make a knot at the end so you can hang the whole thing.
Grape must be thickened with flour. Do it on the stove. On low heat slowly heat the cider, just below the boiling point. Then gradually whisk shake fine flour. How exactly tell you. Please try again in small doses and see how you like the meat will thicken. Be sure to stir constantly. At the end of the meat should be semi-solid consistency. Around thicker than honey. Enough liquid later, it would have given souse nuts, but quite thick, would have held a neodkvapkala down.
When you have finished meat, stop it from the heat and dip into it for strap nuts. I did this so that I hung them over the vessel in which I dunked them. Due to the fact there was no waste, all excess dripping back to the grape flesh. preserving sand dollars Thus looked nuts after the first wetting.
Čurčelu make and hang to dry for about 40 minutes. Then repeat the process. Prihrejte a grape mass and again it soak nuts. Alternatively, to keep them in the air for strap and spoon them right pooblievajte to get juice into each pleat nuts. Again let dry for at least 40 minutes. Repeat this 2-3 times more until you will not create more coherent mass, as on the cover picture.
Finally Poprac nature. Čurčelu hang in direct sunlight, and allow to dry properly. At first I was afraid preserving sand dollars of insects, but it miraculously avoided. Flies and no single axis, which flew, flew away with disinterest. Ready Curcio has a consistency similar to that of gum or chewing gum. What to čurčelou?
Exactly the same thing with sausage! Carefully pull the cord and can be sliced into rings. Alternatively, just take it in your hand and you can get out of it odhryzávať ... With the sausage, I was not joking. One Russian foodblog čurčelu I saw that looked just like salami.
Despite deterrent appearance preserving sand dollars is very tasty sweetness. Not too sweet, nutritious and reasonably interesting. It's worth a try. Tell me if you try this at home! Similar articles carob bars with different flavors instead of vermouth red wine with olives
Oct 25, 2011 at 19:52
Well, Victor, it is much better than any muesli bars in the world. Truth is indeed such that the mussel was wrong (and unhealthy) modeled (sugar, bad fats, rancid, flakes, nuts pokazene) that he whichever preserving sand dollars is the lesser evil one way. For Churkchela are metabolically Increasing agony and grapes slow motion nuts (in a ratio greater amount), so it is well-balanced. I admit I'd tasted something like :) nice article. preserving sand dollars
Somewhere I have also read that in musth add beer that was separated by solid of must from clean. Courage vyskusat would also be, but again, whereupon preserving sand dollars this liquid cirit when good things in it ... when they finally meet, and nezozeriem it yet, so I'll bring the sample;-)
skoda that I missed preserving sand dollars was without a doubt, I knew at first sight, as it already now no one will believe ... Two things to note - I'm not grammatically fascist, but writing about curcile and curcele. why not using either transcription in English as the beginning (which is also unnecessarily, helping

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