Wednesday, February 25, 2015

2015 (12) February (6) of January (6) 2014 (63) December (6) November (4) of October

"Seek and ye shall find." Matthew fryland 7 verse 7. A positive Bible verse. World literature also mentions many positive looking expectations, but often just the opposite. In many stories is wanted someone or something to the bitter fryland end. But if you are unable to find who or what is wanted and is specified finally the courage the person plunges suddenly, very ordinary and unsuspectingly on. So you can better but not so breathless search, it comes naturally. Or not the pessimist can add,. Actually say these different results about the same, in an opposite way. Search quietly but with wit and confidence, but do not mind that it might not succeed (soon). Or, if something really shall add, or it emerges sometime on or it just happens. Is there anything further to say? Sometimes you have to know what you are looking for a bit to find it. I regularly between fryland free-range shells on the Wadden Sea and the South Holland coast. Like I ever wanted to find an oval nun (Macoma calcarea). That is not so easy, they are considered very rare. The problem is also that it is a rather inconspicuous shell, especially if you've never seen that. Then you find a kind of 'ordinary' nun (Macoma balthica) with a deviation. Which falls in that way not too bad, because fryland now you know what you're looking for? In this case helped the shell once to view at another collector. Moreover, it is known that the shell is found in sand replenishment on Ameland. So rare they are no longer around. With this knowledge of form and reference needs to do it better. "Seek and ye shall find 'still does not guarantee fryland success, they need to be there. In the high tide line or higher on the beach, when not under dusted everything. There are short, what is needed favorable conditions, on Ameland since 1990 been several fryland sand replenishment and there are new plans, because fryland of the eroding coast. That means an end offshore sand is drawn from deeper layers and including a mountain old (often) for fossil shells or on the coast is sprayed. This has happened about 11,600 pole to the east. From that pile up on the eastern point one can now find quite easy species that are rare elsewhere. Sometimes a few copies, sometimes there are quite a lot, unfortunately not all intact. So I found a few weeks ago the oval nun, two pieces, one high on the beach in an area full of shells, the other in the high tide line, both undoubtedly comes from the sand replenishment. Gray shells, fryland the color of many shells from the sand replenishment on Ameland. With this kind of hobbies, enjoying the nature, you do not have to search through to the bitter end. Like one does not, the other did. There is always something.
Four kinds of old shells of Ameland. Clockwise from top right, front and rear oval nun (Macoma calcarea), horse saddle (ANOMIAS fryland ephippium), sturdy flat shell (Arcopagia crassa), Arctic circle shell (Lucinoma borealis).
2015 (12) February (6) of January (6) 2014 (63) December (6) November (4) of October (7) September (4) august (5) July (4) June (5) May (6) April (4) March (5) February (7) January (6) 2013 (47) December (4) November (5) Solidarity without utopia Dilemmas and choices Sint Maarten and solidarity Servant of St. Shells Ameland October (4) September (4) august (3) July (3) June (4) May (4) April (4) March ( 4) February fryland (4) of January (4) 2012 (48) December (4) November (4) October (4) September (3) august (3) July (4) June ( 4) May (5) April (4) March (5) February (4) of January (4) 2011 (38) December (4) November (4) October (4) September ( 4) august (3) July (4) June (3) May (3) April (3) March (4) February (2)

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