Sunday, February 22, 2015

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The oyster season is underway. We should rejoice in all kinds of shells and clams. And there is good news. Shells food is excellent for the climate. Over there Foodlog reported earlier this week in the article Oyster is the most sustainable animal. Man has always had a great love for bivalve molluscs. Mussels, clams, Ark clam or oyster, archaeologists look still amazed at the giant hills piled our distant ancestors with those shells, witnesses for binge secular parties. For thousands of years people are keeping their hunger along the beach. Maybe that's why people even today are attracted by the sea? The appetite for seafood is in our genes. In the interior had to, in order to eat, hunt aurochs or mammoth. Not an easy task. On the coast, on the other hand, the proteins were literally up for grabs. Today, when we are freed from the dangers of famine, we will start looking at our food. That is the now famous dilemma of omnivore. Once a choice is, once the primary struggle is overcome enough sand dollar crafts food, we are going to ask us questions. The first question sand dollar crafts is whether our choice is healthy. Previously it was poison or decay, but for now we have the Federal Agency. Today the dilemma comes to cholesterol or omega 3 fatty acids. Opinions vary about it, we have lost the security of my grandmother, who claimed that "all is well what goes into a good stomach." And as we become more and more spoiled, we are going to project political and philosophical ideas in our food: animal rights, fair trade, vegetarian, halal or kosher. Food not only nourishes our body, but also our guilt. But as the holiday season approaching, it also eat a form of salvation, of redemption. In Belgium, we have saved a considerable tradition of the world through food. Look at the 11.11.11 dinners of the past weekend. We eat in this country hunger from the world! We help the healing of cancer patients with kilos of cooked mussels or buy boxes waffles and chocolates for the benefit of a hospital in Africa. Not many cultures that make us after, or not on that scale. I know of countries where fixed a day for charity. But they do. This year we will combine the two equally: the oyster season and charity. We eat against global warming. How To? By submitting shellfish with the holidays. Shellfish are - as the name suggests - in a jacket shell. Some molluscs have a shell, the land snails for example; most in the sea have two: the bivalves. These shells are built up from calcium carbonate. The animal gets dissolved calcium from the water and makes a carbonaatje of: CaCO3. The animal that binds calcium with a carbon dioxide molecule sand dollar crafts from the air (through sand dollar crafts the water). Going back to the textbooks: carbon has an atomic weight of 12, oxygen-16, calcium-40: sand dollar crafts a molecule calcium carbonate thus has an atomic weight of 100. Carbon sand dollar crafts dioxide (CO2) has a weight of 44, which means that there is in one kilogram empty shells 440 grams CO2 is trapped. One kilo of mussels contains the fishmonger (as Zeeland are) an average sand dollar crafts of 25 percent meat; there remains after the feast 750g shell about: that's a meal so 330 grams carbon dioxide. Since we can breathe for a while. Belgians eat a good year all around together 50,000 tonnes of mussels. Calculate: 16.5 million pounds of CO2 from the atmosphere. Here with that mussel! But we do not only eat mussels, oysters are better because they contain a percentage lot less meat. Then there are scallops, which contain so little meat per shell that the importer shell already omit differently transportation costs too high. Clams (vongole) and cockles (berberechos) are mostly shell with a taint meat here and there. And then there are the razor clams, the clams, the praires. A seafood platter is one party for the climate. The carbon dioxide is sucked from the air by the courageous creatures who wear our revelry. Forever, because unless particularly acidic or hot conditions dissolves calcium carbonate no more. You may not send them or to the incinerator. Put a garden path join or so. We can see the effect of the shells in the quarries of Wallonia: there we see meter thick layers of lime animals that lived millions of years ago and left their calcium carbonate. Not only shells, but also corals lay carbonated fixed on a gigantic scale. sand dollar crafts The Palace of Justice in Brussels consists of Walloon limestone and thus 44 percent of CO2! And sake

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