Tuesday, February 3, 2015

News and press releases Trans Tech Exchange how do the three seashells work - inspiration for scien

In the Friday, March 21, 2014 starting how do the three seashells work at the Botanical Garden of the University of Pavol Jozef Safarik University in Kosice Manesovo no. 23 Kosice exhibition entitled The mysterious world of shells. It is in the order of the third exhibition with the theme of the Botanical how do the three seashells work Garden UPJŠ and visitors will be able to enjoy more than a thousand how do the three seashells work exhibits from a private collection Collector Milan Beresik. It will be available until April 13, 2014 a day, including weekend days, the time between 9:00 and 15:00 pm. For more information, please call 055/234 1667th
Milan Berešík how do the three seashells work of Great Lehôtka at Prievidzi collects shells for almost twenty years. Is their a few thousand to about a thousand different species, including those exceptional both for its beauty (such as conch family Epithonium what once bought and Maria Theresa to Vienna Museum), toxicity (shell type Conux textile) or respectable size. Almost half meters long muesli Charonia tritonis will be able to admire and visitors Botanical Gardens UPJŠ at this year, already the second, show the mysterious world of shells. how do the three seashells work
"Feast your eyes will also be able shells and shells of shellfish tropical seas and oceans, especially the Indian Ocean and the Pacific Ocean, and also from the Caribbean Sea. The exhibits are great from a few millimeters to 45 centimeters of shells from New Guinea. Among the biggest attractions will include porcelánovce, tritonka Indian, Pahala how do the three seashells work Nautilus deepwater and harsh, "says owner-exposed collections Milan Berešík that this year's exhibition enriched with new shells and mother of pearl products imported from Vietnam.
"Porcelánovce how do the three seashells work have a glossy shell, which forms the basis of spiral and covers her last big thread with characteristic drawings. These molluscs live in warm seas and feed on algae and small animals. In addition, they serve to decorate various objects or jewelry making in the past, their shells how do the three seashells work used as currency. Tritonka India is a marine mollusk with a pointed large conch, which lives in the waters of the Pacific and Indian Oceans, and natives of these shells like to use as a musical instrument. Pahala rough is very rare mollusk that lives deep in the ocean and developmentally one of the oldest species originating from Palaeozoic - are considered living fossils. It is characterized by a conical slotted box at the bottom of the thread. Northern Nautilus or Nautilus is among cephalopods and also lives at greater depths how do the three seashells work of the Pacific Ocean. For this genus is very characteristic, and the animal kingdom very unique, tetramers (štvoritosť) of certain organs, "explains Milan Berešík.
"This show is a highlight how do the three seashells work of our traditional exposure Botanical Gardens and visitors to be able to see it except those mentioned things terrestrial snails and clams, how do the three seashells work urchins, corals, starfish or jaw shark," notes director of the Botanical Garden UPJŠ doc. Mgr. Sergei Mochnacký, PhD.
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