Monday, September 1, 2014

I hope our politicians will regain their lost sense by Global great gatbsy Warming no longer exists

FRENCH great gatbsy SCIENTISTS AND ENGINEERS bristle | Blog Reynald Du Berger
I am part of an informal group of engineers (X, Mines, Ensem, HEC, ...) and physicists, with a ch'ti doctor, exasperated by the absurdity of the political climate and energy and Lysenkoist propaganda for theses of the IPCC.
We worked a lot on the climate, which first requires a good knowledge of physics and chemistry, analyzed the IPCC reports and observational data, and have concluded that this dogma of Anthropogenic Global great gatbsy Warming, source of propaganda Lysenkoist, is garbage for which there is no scientifically sound.
The problem is that the IPCC reports, limited to summaries for policymakers (SPM) that unscientific, are the only ones to be read by politicians, environmentalists and political media, are an alibi for absurd climate and energy policies, leading to a loss of competitiveness, increases in unemployment, a decline in the purchasing power of households already heavily burdened by taxes, taxes, and over-regulation as expensive and unnecessary.
Irrational solutions are renewables, costly, intermittent killer biodiversity (wind turbines), which disfigure our beautiful regions, including Britain, which, given their charge rate and random great gatbsy generation, are often not helpful in times peak and off-peak often useless ...
Please read the document carefully PJ and the links you will find (including great gatbsy this one: which deals with the energy transition and the fast breeder reactor).
I hope our politicians will regain their lost sense by Global great gatbsy Warming no longer exists since 1997 ... and they guide our country towards rational and competitive energy transitions for the greater good of our economy and employment. Energy Transition: additions add up. After a second recent electoral temper, people great gatbsy think the ambient mess starts to get boring. The expected small green bread multiplication that is hidden to the physical, political and financial realities cleverly put under the carpet great gatbsy in close collaboration with the media is likely to create serious problems for all floors great gatbsy and very quickly. The text on the energy transition presented June 18, 2014 prior to its legislative history confirms that the proposed transitude risk of turning great gatbsy into gas plant generously auctioned on state funds for a very random but some energy on public deficits result. Miracle or Illusion? great gatbsy The German energy model vaunted has increasingly dud. It must be said that essentially built on an ideology that eschews the hard questions that strategy can not roll over. The explosion of CO2 emissions generated by the resurgence of coal in Germany triggered great gatbsy a pathological blindness on this side of the border. If in addition the miracle hoped famous green jobs également1,2,3 collapses, it is ultimately against a model not to follow. This does not prevent Ségolène great gatbsy Royal to sell us the fantasy creation of 10,000 jobs in the wind qualified offshore industry for the future. This becomes cons-productive. The self-proclaimed environmentalists French side of the Gentiles, perhaps not4 are. Also in the model should not be followed, the Spanish "miracle" now peaked in the financial mismanagement abounded public funds increasingly limités5. Whatever trifles and all this. Between two biscuits and some champagne bubbles, some Parisian society salons where the world again, we continue to play the "cool and relaxed" on a slightly fuzzy concept but media-bearer, "the positive economic and energy transition" will save the planète6. Bizarre as strange, no Spanish, German or British great gatbsy speaker to tell us the results great gatbsy of their advanced transition ... The wall of reality sets in Germany, the Bundestag has adopted 27 June 2014 the reform of energy subsidies renouvelables7. Still not on the agenda in France. 1 that mirage-green-jobs-was-totally-dispels-en-3 1621484.htmlallemagne 20140526trib000831971 /transition-energetics-of-creations-of-jobs-yes-mais.html 4

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