Tuesday, September 9, 2014

Why thank you Mr. Lord! What you Lord to blame? O my Lord! Categories: Uncategorized, Conversations

Why thank you Mr. Lord! What you Lord to blame? O my Lord! Categories: Uncategorized, Conversations with (...) | Tags: star power will shine joy wet grass nature sounds in the night dew give thanks troubled heart invite guests
Categories Tales of przytupem Uncategorized About Love Prose Life Conversations with (...) Archives June 2014 May 2014 April 2014 March 2014 February 2014 January 2014 Guestbook ~ nasumi: o ... just wyruszyłaś a stellar way :) ~ nasumi a place. antique candy dishes .. it happens, but the end is not yet in good intentions :) ~ nasumi: the heart has a voice? :) Miyu-chan: Beautiful poem, greet :) ~ homeless: Very nice poem. Regards. Total visits: 15604 Visits today: 45 Total Comments: 10

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