Sunday, September 7, 2014

Giant piles of branches were burning as giant and several stories high flames. You had to be carefu

I was in the Czech Republic. Then it was still Czechoslovakia glass candy dishes ... Czechoslovakia mate:-D glass candy dishes ... like the "soul" were all the countries around us (and all today non-existent!). We went there for the whole class on the OHP. Decipher this name can, because she's younger probably not talking. Well, in the full version it sounds Voluntary Labour ... probably today no longer exist, but then were quite fashionable, as allowed "voluntary" socialist youth to earn some extra pair of gold by working in the wealthier countries of us so-called "demoludów".
The end of socialism it was already time to relative freedom. 1989 years ... strange year even though hardly anyone saw it then. Today, knowing what we know, we could go ahead, to paraphrase Mickiewicz's statement repeated by our prophet glass candy dishes "of this year! Who you saw in our country! ":-)
The system just pounded four days ago were held in Poland, glass candy dishes the first (almost) free elections. No fever them too, because it could not participate in them. For the majority lacked in their day suddenly four days. Those that missed the pleasure of personal participation in "overthrowing the system," as it were miffed, though few people realized that smashing our little wall, a moment like dominoes rozpieprzy a whole pile of rubble, seemingly glass candy dishes impassive and inviolable, "the camp of socialist glass candy dishes states ".
We stayed in a small town in the heart of the Jizera Mountains. The vile pension in a bobcat and nasty Sudeten German. Kurt was him or something. Together with us, (but on a different floor and separate entrance) for a colony or a green six-year school were Czech. We worked hard, they went in pairs to handle tours surroundings. The canteen and the portions were the same;) ... ever went there hungry like a dog.
The Jizera Mountains ecological disaster occurred. glass candy dishes That is, somehow did not happen suddenly, but watched glass candy dishes her last phase. Centuries ago natural for these mountains mixed forests of firs, beeches, sycamores, larches and spruce admixture only, replaced by solid spruce. So it was more economical, because this wood was high demand. As these mountains abounded also in metal ores and coal, have grown up around glass candy dishes many industrial plants. Longer time nature gave cope with pollution, but at the end of the twentieth century gave up and covered with plastic derived from solid spruce planted on the slopes glass candy dishes of the mountains just dogorywały. Acid rain finally destroyed needles, poisoned soil, so stands just surrendered and withered. Everywhere the horizon stretched dry spruce. At the top left kind of combs in the hope that it will stop the winds but I gave it a little.
Such a forest made ghostly impression. Crunched crackled, did not give shade, but you had to keep looking glass candy dishes up and care to again and again falling dead branches and whole trees, somebody just did not kill. Sam ducked once only wonder if the severed tip of a sizeable spruce dug deep into the ground right behind me in a place where you just just passed.
Czechs fairly smoothly it all cleaned. Disaster disaster, but the amount of good wood could not go to waste. Brigade lumberjacks and harvesters wycinały trees and exported their trunks. Branches were a waste. On the surface she stayed so almost meter thick layer of dry spruce glass candy dishes branches. You could not join the afforestation him its not removed. Today in the forest branches to zrębkuje using chippers, but then simply burning them. That's what we dealt. We were entering the next space, We laid lying branches in big piles and podpalaliśmy them. From the embers of the first outbreak of roznosiliśmy in metal buckets for the next heat. In the meantime, dorzucaliśmy other branches on the already burning stacks and walked further leaving behind (like the victorious Soviet Army!) ..same Ashes;)
Giant piles of branches were burning as giant and several stories high flames. You had to be careful about how you do not shove. Wind could well hurl the flames, and even shoot them in something like a fiery tornado. Visibility was generally glass candy dishes very limited. From the very beginning of the work everywhere concocting a thick, white smoke and sparks flew and the whole flaming torches. That amount of fire induced glass candy dishes rapid convection currents and floating hot air resulted in almost gale from flowing from all around the bottom of the new. We felt as interns in devils in hell ... Day after day we came back charred and black with smoke. After two weeks of such work did not even try to take to the country of his working clothes. It smelled (or rather smelled) glass candy dishes cruelly smoke the best Smoked glass candy dishes sausage ... just be dumped as it was still in tatters glass candy dishes and whole burnt. Tanned hair, tanned eyelashes, tanned hands were at all the norm. No Pandemoni

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