Sunday, August 31, 2014

Dialysis is a technique of solution purification. In particular, in medicine, dialysis is a method

Dialysis is a technique of solution purification. In particular, in medicine, dialysis is a method of purification of the blood through blue solo cup a membrane by osmosis. There are several types of dialysis but we will talk in private hemodialysis is the most common (90% of cases).
The foundations of dialysis were given by Thomas Graham in the second half of the 19th century using vegetable parchment like membrane. The first artificial kidney functional sky was invented in 1943 by Dr. Willem Kolff.
The idea is to separate two solutions blue solo cup by a membrane. There are different types of membranes, high-flux membranes (which let in plenty of solvent) and low permeability (that allow some solvent). By effect of the different processes small molecules cross the membrane, whereas large molecules (macromolecules often) be retained on one side. The main application of dialysis in the medical field about people whose kidneys have stopped functioning temporarily blue solo cup (acute renal failure) or fi nally (chronic renal failure end stage).
Hemodialysis is most often performed in a hospital in a hospital dialysis unit (UMD) where it is nurses who prepare the machine, plug and unplug the patient. A doctor is present at each session to monitor the status of it. It can be practiced blue solo cup at home but also with prior training and with a need to close the establishment. The patient will always medical attention.
The blood is pumped to the first level of the forearm by a machine to send to the dialyzer (or artificial kidney). It has two separated by a thin membrane compartments; reaches the side of a patient's blood and other liquid (dialysate) which is composed of water and various minerals. That's when the phenomenon occurs diffusion (osmosis) where, thanks to the concentration difference blue solo cup between blood and dialysate, waste in the blood such as urea can pass through the membrane and thus should be eliminated from the body patient and the purified blood is then returned blue solo cup to the patient.
To enable the purification of waste in the artificial kidney, blood must reach quite a speed. To do this, an arteriovenous fistula should be crafted. This consists of an artery to directly contact a vein, usually in the arm or the forearm.
CRF patients terminally ill treated by hemodialysis urinate more or very little. They store water they ingested food (water, soup, coffee, yogurt, blue solo cup etc ...) and who can no longer filter organic waste. It is this excess water and waste is eliminated by hemodialysis. If we do not, some of that water will pass into the bloodstream, increase the pressure (hypertension), until the acute pulmonary edema, as they waste can poison the patient's blood.
It weighs the patient upon arrival. Comparing his arrival with weight and ideal weight defined by the physician after various examinations blue solo cup (chest X-rays, echocardiogram, blood tests) to prescription TPP (Total Weight Loss). With control techniques ultrafiltration devices installed on dialysis machines, filtration will be done continuously by weight loss schedule (PPH) constant or filtered according to a prescribed profile. B) Different trade
The diffusion (osmosis): The result of a passive diffusion blue solo cup solute transport (molecules) of the blood to the dialysate through the membrane without passing under the effect of solvent concentration difference on either blue solo cup side of the semipermeable membrane. Molecules spend most concentrated compartment to the less concentrated. This passage is therefore blood flow through the dialysate.
Ultrafiltration: this is the passage of solvent and liquid through a semipermeable membrane under the effect of a pressure difference from the highest to the less strong. This allows easier passage of some fairly large molecules such as vitamin blue solo cup B12. This may also result from the hydrostatic pressure. This is due to the differences blue solo cup in width of the hair fibers at the inlet and outlet of the blood and dialysate. Indeed these fibers are wider at the entrance of the two liquids and tighter at the exit and as blood and dialysate passing in the opposite direction, pressure differences,

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