Monday, January 6, 2014

Follow Emile

Read Dolce Vita Adriatic sailing accounts again intensified the desire in me to myself to stay water again. tripod fluid head The following tripod fluid head come on organized tours, but until then have three months to go! So, you need to urgently something, anything I felidéződik tripod fluid head the sea smell, taste and even better evokes memories of the rides, like the ... View Photo Of course, tripod fluid head such decisions have always largely depend on whether tripod fluid head we can obtain the desired material is not really ancient Hungarian, but on Friday I was lucky, tripod fluid head it was mussels, and even fresh mussels in Cora.
As you saw, we have also come to mind as the first guided program kagylótelepeit what kept looking suspiciously towards reaching the Sibenik channel tripod fluid head Skradim section, uncle sitting in the boat, and then a second tour has also sailed there, we took one dose (5 kg, it was the minimum quantity), the most recent as possible, as the uncle then pulled out of the water and dirt-cheap prices.
Of course, the rock-bottom price beszámolandó tripod fluid head that this phone should not be subjected to a cleansing like what you just bought tripod fluid head fresh from the hyper, but a little harder. As the crew (though not in the picture at the time, but last year, but the composition of the crew nearly identical) except me no one has cooked his home phone, I got the easiest job, I was the cook, but the others certainly suffered. Because tripod fluid head mussels cook is not at all complicated. Summer Quotation mussels tripod fluid head Ingredients for 2 persons 2 kg mussels, 1 red onion 6-8 cloves of garlic 3-4 eye tomatoes (or half a tin of tomatoes) (1 green pepper - optional) 2 oz dry white wine 1 dl broth Salt and pepper for 3-4 s olive oil a large bunch of fresh herbs: parsley tripod fluid head definitely be included, basil, thyme, oregano (the latter three, if all else fails, it may be dried) juice of 1 lemon after the phone cleaning should be sorted out by the Golden Rule: Before cooking the opened throw out After the cooking is closed. In a very large pot, heat up the olive oil, a bit of chopped onion megfuttatom it. Add the sliced garlic drums, and then when it's also got a bit of color, throw on the small diced peppers and diced tomatoes, a little Sozo, hair stands up. Repeat until all the átválogatott mussels, pour the wine, broth, covered and 10 minutes Parole (sometimes mixed it one that all shells into the close, but the steam also distils) a few minutes before closing it I pour most of the herbs (aside doing a little for garnish) finds that deep plate or larger bowls I take a couple of phone (of course, closed to throw it away!), I take it the juice also has to be included tomatoes, peppers, pour out a little lemon juice and sprinkle with green spice. I Served with fresh baguette or bread, which can be dipped into the near and kikanalazni with the "thicket" of tomatoes and pepper pieces. The table should have a huge bowl of empty shells tripod fluid head or have a water with lemon juice in the bowl of kézöblítéshez (the receiver does not it mostly tripod fluid head by hand of man) or wet wipes.
Otherwise, looks like Cora and mussels. tripod fluid head I only buy it if the Imprint according to the date of packing the previous day and also try to be prepared the same day or at the latest the next day. Maybe this is unnecessary careful reasoning on my part, because tripod fluid head otherwise the expiration date on the package tripod fluid head a couple of days, but everyone has seen watchman days ...
My Big Fat Greek yogurt
Lima's Bakery
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Follow Emile

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