Sunday, April 6, 2014

Sunday, 30.08 am and 11.00 am Monday: 7.00pm Tuesday: 7.00pm Wednesday: 7.00pm Thursday: 7.00pm Fri

Parish Newsletter - March 9th 2014
Sunday, 30.08 am and 11.00 am Monday: 7.00pm Tuesday: 7.00pm Wednesday: 7.00pm Thursday: 7.00pm Friday: 8.30am and 7.00pm Saturday: 7.00pm Fine O'Boyle: Sunday 10.00am Close Lúiche: Bloody Sunday 10.00am: Saturday 7.00pm Sunday 11.00am. Perpetual Adoration Friday 7.00pm Tuesday 7.00pm seashells types to 8.00pm Wednesday seashells types Faoisidin Friday 9.00am to 7.30pm Bloody Hill Perpetual Adoration: Friday, 10.00am-10.00pm
People should all from Fine O'Boyle, Bloody Dunlewy Derrybeg and the perpetual worship attendance during the Chargais. Should attend the Masses of you regularly and give you younger generation also.
Pilgrimage to Italy: Benevento, San Giovanni, Rotondo and the Adriatic coast. Spiritual guide, Fr Aidan Cannon. seashells types 8 day tour departing from the information 2/6/2014.tuilleadh (01) 2410800 or (071) 9851129.
FIRST READING Extract from the book of Genesis.
The Lord God invented human clay ground and blew his nose the breath of life; In this way he made a living soul of the person. He put garden in Eden and put there the person who created it. The Lord God to grow up from the ground every form of trees, nice view and good to eat on them and in the middle of the garden were the tree of life and the tree of good and know evil.
Ghlice the snake was not injured by any wild animals the Lord God, and she said to the woman: 'Our God told you not to eat from any tree in the garden?' The woman said to the serpent: "We may result tree in the garden to eat; just about the tree in the middle of the garden, God said about; "Hithigí not touch it and do with a fear that you bhfaidheagh die." 'And the serpent seashells types said to the woman:' You will not die, will not be! For God knows the day you eat of to open your eyes and you will be like gods and will know what is good and what is evil. ' The woman saw that the tree was good to eat, pleasant to the eye and fit-siocar the information he could give. She took, therefore, some of its fruit and ate it; She gave some to her husband, as well as a company was, and he ate it. Then fosclaíodh eyes and saw that they were fhíodar tarnochta and fig leaves together and made themselves coverings ranging bottoms.
A brethren, sin came into the world through one person and came in through sin death; and thereby dowry death among all mankind as sinners everyone was.
Now if any man sin gave one death prevails, the more that will win big and life - through the one Jesus Christ seashells types - those who took a wealth of grace and gift of righteousness. Again, as has been sentenced to death for everyone because seashells types of one crime, in the same way and life was saorbhreith for everyone because the action good one. As in many sinners through the disobedience of the one, as many gcréanna made righteous through the obedience of one person.
At that time, the Spirit led Jesus into the wilderness to withstand temptations of the devil. He tried fasting for forty days and forty nights, and afterwards he was hungry so. The cathaitheoir agua said to him: "If thou be the Son of God, tell these stones to become bread." But he answered: "It is written; bread not only live in person, but on every word that comes from the mouth of God. "then grabbed the devil is in the holy city and placed on the gable of the temple and said to him:" If thou be the Son of God, throw you itself down, as it is written; He gave command of his angels about you and you shall bear in their hands, for fear that strike your foot in the stone facade. "Jesus said to him:" It is also written; you shall not try the LORD your God. "the devil caught up with it again very high mountain and showed the kingdoms of the world and all her glory and told him:" I shall give you all these if you shléachtann me and worship me for. "Jesus then said:" Go you, Satan! as it is written; You shall worship the Lord your God, and him-the one you made service. "Then the devil left him, and angels came and made him attend.
White Mary O'Donnell, Sliochán / Glasgow Brendan O'Reilly, Rannafast Helen (Sam) From Duibheannaigh, Derry the crib. Anna Coyle, Canada / a'Stollaire Bob Allan Hill, Cork / Dublin Frankie Beagan, Frances Glasgow Magnesis, Cormhín / Carroll Francie Glasgow, seashells types Middletown. Robert Mackie Edinburgh seashells types / Small Doirí. Bridie Doody / Doherty, Rannafast / London Mary Mc Fadden, Hill F

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