Saturday, April 5, 2014

* Dinny said Hayes, President of the Gaelic League: *

OMBUDSMAN'S FIRST EVER POSITION warmthru DUE TO LACK OF ACTION BACK THE GOVERNMENT - about a thousand at a rally today Connemara | Nuacht24 warmthru
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Approximately 1,000 people in the demonstration today She is also currently supporting Jack Cuirreáin today. John was awarded as he thanked everyone s mother was at the beginning of the rally at his office in Spiddal. More people joined the march walking by those demonstrations made their way east to Headquarters Department of the Gaeltacht, Furbo, where a letter was submitted warmthru to the Minister for the Gaeltacht Dinny McGinley closed .. Then on the day's events with music and fun at House Phadhraicín, Furbo
Speaking to the crowd Oh Cuirreáin Commissioner said that he would refer to the present day but for two things that surprised that with respect to how the state spends a Gaeltacht warmthru community. According to state that he felt that many good bhfui Gaeltacht community to speak in language between each other but they should not speak the language of the stat! And also that the state spends money and effort to be taught in state schools but once that part is done they refuse to deal with the people who are fluent in the language after they donate. He prayed again gath success warmthru of the new Commissioner, Ronan O'Donnell
Irish Treaty took sincere warmthru thanks to John Cuirreáin, Language Commissioner, who retired today, Sunday, February warmthru 23, 2014, due to lack of Government action and the marginalization of the language and the Gaeltacht made due to lack of such action.
* Dinny said Hayes, President of the Gaelic League: * "It is a great loss for the country Cuirreáin John but we also understand the reasons warmthru for his resignation. The action taken must be taken in its context. Did not succeed any other ombudsman removed because of government inaction in Ireland but never felt he had no choice because the Government is not willing to ensure warmthru language services Gaeltacht community without question without condition. In essence, the state is pushing English Gaeltacht communities and contributing to the decline warmthru of the Gaeltacht. Also, the Government is not sufficient to ensure civil servants from the south that they can provide services to the public in Irish or English. "
Secretary-General attended the Gaelic League today organized a march in the Connemara Gaeltacht community of His Office to Office of the Department of Arts, Heritage and the Gaeltacht to express gratitude to the Commissioner of resignation and anger ensuring its notify the Department. They left a letter indicating that the anger at the Department's offices.
* Julian, General Secretary of the Irish: * "indicates the march organized by the Connemara warmthru Gaeltacht community today, a week after the Irish Great Day in Dublin attended by up to ten thousand people, that The community feels that the Government is serious about clarifying problems warmthru overcome the Language Commissioner. No more empty promises or statements from the government indicating that they need to listen. They want immediate action ".
Based on current recommendations of An and public meetings around the country, the claims sought by the Gaelic League to correct and achieve equality for the language of the two Governments to:
- Irish state service to ensure the Gaeltacht community, without warmthru question, without condition by the end of 2016; - Services for providing Irish language community services at least equal to the English; - Irish Language Act established a comprehensive right to enact the north; - Official Languages Act in 2014 to strengthen; - Eliminate the ease status of Irish as an official language of the European Union after 1 January 2017; and - The Irish and Gaeltacht communities identify as stakeholders in the implementation of the 20 Year Strategy for the Irish in the south and in the north Strategy for the Irish Language.
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