Thursday, April 30, 2015

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Some of that might sound familiar, especially since there s a well-known tech company with optimize in its name , but Clark said that SigOpt goes beyond A/B testing. Put (relatively) manfrotto 055xprob pro tripod legs simply, manfrotto 055xprob pro tripod legs it doesn t just let you test different variations, but instead examines the data and recommends what experiments to run next, so you can continuously make something better.
To use one of Clark s examples, if you work for a company that wants to test different versions of an ad, you might normally set up tests for each version, then choose the most effective variant at the end of the test. With SigOpt, manfrotto 055xprob pro tripod legs you can provide the creative assets and guidelines, then SigOpt creates the different versions, tests them, creates new versions based on those tests, and so on, to automatically maximize revenue or clicks.
Even more intriguingly, SigOpt helps you optimize physical experiments. For example, Clark said one of his initial customers is using SigOpt to test different chemical combinations in creating shaving creams. It shouldn manfrotto 055xprob pro tripod legs t matter what you re testing Clark said SigOpt s technology just uses your data and builds up this model of what it thinks the world looks like. It s designed to be a very general system.
Clark has a Ph.D. in applied mathematics from Cornell, and he said SigOpt draws on the subsequent work he did as an engineer on Yelp s ad-targeting team, specifically the Metric manfrotto 055xprob pro tripod legs Optimization Engine, or MOE . That s an open-source optimization tool that he co-developed, and beyond Yelp, it s actually used by Netflix . (Xavier Amatrain, who was then Netflix s director of algorithms engineering, mentions MOE a little under 25 minutes into this talk on machine learning .)
Clark gave me a quick demo of the SigOpt interface and, while it clearly requires some technical know-how (plus, it s a more manual process if you re entering data from physical experiments), it did seem relatively straightforward, running tests with just a few lines of code.
By the way, I was curious about how broadly Clark thought this optimize-everything idea could go. Given the buzz around the quantified self movement, could SigOpt ultimately be used to run experiments on yourself? Probably not on an individual level, he said, but it could aggregate, say, health information from a large number of users and provide recommendations based on that data. Featured manfrotto 055xprob pro tripod legs Image: University of Liverpool Faculty Of Health/ Flickr UNDER A CC BY 2.0 LICENSE manfrotto 055xprob pro tripod legs
    Overview Give SipOpt a metric, like CTR or growth, and tunable parameters, and we will make that metric go up. We are going to build an optimization framework on steroids for web and mobile applications. Our framework makes this happen with sophisticated math, but it will be available as an online service, making optimization as easy-to-use as logging is today. Many companies don t tune their parameters … Categories Machine Learning , User Testing , Optimization Founders Scott Clark Website manfrotto 055xprob pro tripod legs Full profile for SigOpt Y Combinator
Founded 2005     Overview Y Combinator is a startup accelerator manfrotto 055xprob pro tripod legs based in Mountain View, CA. In 2005, Y Combinator developed a new model of startup funding. Twice a year they invest a small amount manfrotto 055xprob pro tripod legs of money ($120K) in a large number of startups (most recently 68). The startups manfrotto 055xprob pro tripod legs move to Silicon Valley for 3 months. The YC partners work closely with each company to get them into the best possible shape and refine their pitch to … Location Mountain View, California Categories Startups , Venture Capital , Finance , Consulting Founders Jessica manfrotto 055xprob pro tripod legs Livingston , Paul Graham Website Full profile for Y Combinator
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