Tuesday, April 14, 2015

Many people Lama of his life: it would be different! It is important to adopt Being as it is changi

Many people Lama of his life: it would be different! It is important to adopt Being as it is changing and equalizing / balancing it with all existing. You do not know what you have prepared your highest "I". Or, maybe, you are asking him? Have you asked the most important - the most important question: "What do I need to know what I do or do not do?"
Your Higher "I" magic cup ice cream knows everything about you, about your lives, about your non-integrated, multiple parts of the soul. He knows well about its other fragments that are sent to experience magic cup ice cream different magic cup ice cream LAND experience and who are closely related to you, because you're Uniform! Your Higher "I" is connected with its other superior "I".
Is not it wonderful magic cup ice cream - Being a group? And sure - all looking at each other and strives for perfection. You have known the feeling of loneliness, it is not possible for something to see and understand what is happening. You, dear people are looking for partners to complement yourself and feel one-piece - whole, undivided.
You just seems that you are separated from your divinity. From Your Higher "I" associated with such higher "I". The path to wholeness, magic cup ice cream integrity go through many of your Souls edges of your soul Fair.
You are never alone! And those who at this time to go through the multiple actions change - suffer, lose friends and relatives - Transitional or after divorce, I will say: realize that loss is only apparent. The fact that you miss in the next, and the other is next to you, who in the past, or even in another life was closely connected with you. They are here. No one is lost. You still have not picked up the cover ... It's getting thinner and thinner, are blown away more and more, and TU EJ PA LOVE BRIDGE AT ALL TO HOW YOU WANT. NONE (NO) separation!
Talk to them and say that you are concerned about managed / driven, or that you are injured, or why you have sorrow, sadness ... Express your pain and release it. And the feeling that comes from the ether answer: "Despair not, everything is fine, I'm just other vibration breath away, BUT AM NOT A divorced / separated from you!"
This feeling of unity with all people and creatures play an important role in order to understand this time. You can not have one, lonely! It is NOT possible! We are all interconnected, and coming from GOD Initial magic cup ice cream Thoughts that unite us. And now feel that I stand beside you beside. I put my hand on your shoulder and your wish to say to you: "I am beside me feel. Ask me questions, which you have always wanted to find out. Do it now, believe in yourself, not put on the "after", thinking that you can not. "
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