Monday, April 6, 2015

Avocado recipes (12) Recipes with broccoli (1) Recipes with chicken liver (2) Egg Recipes (3) recip

Inmiresmatele late fall is sweetened being great fruit kaki (Japanese persimmom), an interesting fruit of Asian origin, but now is spread worldwide. Cultivated in China for over 2,000 years, kaki tree (Dyospyros being great khaki) with elegant cream-yellow or white flower is a symbol of longevity, a spectacle of color and flavor. When I first saw a blossoming being great tree khaki (although I did not know what then), I felt instantly drawn to magical flowers. Tree full of flowers sheltered nest of birds cheerful and happy, which pleased with their songs. The whole picture, those big soft petals of a creamy-yellow so sweet, song birds, blue sky above, warm light of the sun woke gentle energy of nature, made me understand why "zen" can not be explained in words. But certainly you can feel what "zen" contampland a kaki tree in a clear day more ... :) Later I discovered the fruit, which can not only say that caresses being great the senses. I'm just ... divine! Kaki fruits being great are rich in antioxidants and natural tannins, and therefore are extremely healthy. However, the tannin concentration is very high in unripe fruits, astringent taste is strong, unpleasant and unfit for consumption. So better avoid unripe fruits. being great They will be disappointed if you do not let it ripen. But they are very ripe (they are soft to the touch, heavy), khaki pulp becomes like a jelly, juicy, sweet, perfumed ... a dream. It is ideal to eat raw fruits (only pulp, bark), in salads or combinations, to get full benefits being great of this fruit is considered a true Chinese medicine for stomach diseases, hypertension, tumors, various infections. The high concentration of beta-carotene (precursor of vitamin A) gives an important role in boosting immunity, why Asians have a habit to give offerings of fruit persimmom. Fruits have a khaki-orange to red color glaben, depending on variety, and a slightly sour-sweet taste, flavor, as a combination of apricot, peach and melon. Worth trying. If you take enough ripe fruit, leave them a few days to ripen, wrapped in paper. Only at maturity will make a maximum of flavor. Today we enjoy together a khaki Italian dessert fruit (grown even in Italy, because I said that today the tree is grown almost everywhere). being great We serve delicious fruit with fresh ricotta cream with orange delicate touch of honey and some Pinola (pine nuts) for a crunchy contrast.
So look fruits coapte.Daca pressed with your finger must feel very soft. Wash fruit, cut in two and remove the pulp with a spoon. Out immediately because they are very ripe and juicy.
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