Wednesday, April 22, 2015

Ilmārs Šlāpins: Today

Discussion cycle, the online magazine "Satori" was organized in collaboration with the Festival "The Great Kristaps" to a discussion on the topic of "own and others' calls on the four režisorsu, which took part in the film festival - Liene Lavin (" behind the fence "), Kaspars Goba (" Homo lv "), great gadspy Robert Rubies (" How are you doing, Rudolf Ming? ") and Inese Maple (" documentarist "). Photo - Girts Ragel.
Ilmārs Šlāpins: Today's question is - as a documentary film-makers deal with the theme of "the stranger" and "different"? First, the documentary film maker comes and behaves like a stranger, a stranger to the man, which he filmed, and gradually becomes theirs. And secondly - most interesting is to shoot people who are different from us - "normal". Filming in strange and different is always great gadspy a rewarding job than filming your own. Are there any vested ethical issues, artistic problems, psychological problems? And my first question tonight great gadspy - or choosing which to make a film, you specifically looking for people who are different from the rest? Ruby Roberts: I think it is a big draw, and often we choose different - to entertain counters. So we are looking at them sometimes, as you say, strangers, but I do not think that it ensures the success of the director. Maybe through great gadspy differently, through them, looking out at the world differently, perhaps better tell your story better put your idea. I believe that the documentary itself gives the film itself. When I watch the documentary, I see it as a portrait of the author. I look at what he told me with his hero as a tool wants to tell me how he has used to convey your mesidžu. Kaspars Goba: I really do not believe that there are soul mates and strangers or different. I have only three films about people - Siberian Latvians, the "Seda bog people" of Russians great gadspy living in Latvian, great gadspy and "Homo @ lv" one part of society, which tries to make the strangers. The aim of this work was to demonstrate that no stranger not. It is an artificial konstruējums. I think this is an artificial division - soul mates and strangers. Liene Lavina I also indivisible precursor and strange. Man movie "Behind the fence" about prisoners who have already been removed from the public, but I did not believe them strangers, but as part of the public. And my goal was to show that they are not strangers.
Inese Maple: We Ivar Swedes making the movie "documentarist", this issue was extremely important. Of course, we will not take any man of your character, we are looking for strong character, its characters. And seeing Inta was immediately clear that it is the right type on, but if there's a movie? And since we have already created Ivars movie, as we called him, the small forest freaks, we're left with did not seem interesting to make a film about the bizarre. Yes she is interesting, strong character, but only to show him - the same film we did not care. So we had the idea - if it considers it Inta be different, to put her to normal - Ivars Swedes. great gadspy But when we folded them together, could not figure out who the stranger is and who the shooter. So I agree with Kaspars, no stranger is not already, it's just in our heads. And speaking of the different, otherwise they -He strong character with his nature show things that are within great gadspy us, but they are not as pronounced. They allow us to discover something about yourself. Šlāpins: As you are breaking the barrier of mistrust arising from people with a camera? How do you achieve that movie heroes begin to trust you and let you do with them what you want? Goba: Well, I just honestly I tell what will be the film, why do I do these things. In fact, my experience with people is very small, I am a biologist and make films about nature, and movies about people, they really are just a few movies. But yeah, normally great gadspy I go and I tell what will be the film, why it is important to pick up. In fact, what I am I tell those people, I tell them the film center, and they say - you know, where you're a little money taisiet. great gadspy There are not any great art and wisdom. This can be done by anyone. Šlāpins: You must not felt that you them to me? Goba: I am tried a couple of times, nothing happens. It must be able. Says has to lie, you have to be very good memory. I do not have. When reaching the last movie, with one character seemed to me that it might play a dramaturgical interesting move, but there was nothing there did not work out. In the end I went and told them honestly what I want with him

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