Friday, April 10, 2015

Competition - Green Bee 2013

National Museum of Natural History "Grigore Antipa" in collaboration with the Association of Origami Romania - ADOR launches youth and adults "creatures and creations of paper" to be held at the Museum from April 18 to May 16 and June 20 to July 18 .
Want to relax after work or after college course? You want to deal with something constructive leisure time? Moreover ... .Vrei learn to transform an ordinary piece of paper into a work of art? We teamed up with the best, Origami Association of Romania, and we offer you the best program in the field of creative workshops! We start with Module 1: Creatures and paper creations (April 18-May 16, 17.30 - 19.00) 1 Workshop (April 18th): "ABC on origami and peace symbol - Crane" Workshop 2 (April 25th) "Animals paper: terrier and bat" Workshop 3 (2nd): "Spring is the season of butterflies - even those paper" 4th and 5th Workshop (9th and 16th): "A mouse took home the" More specifically : This module aims at initiating participants to the world of origami, focusing on its classic side - a single sheet of paper with scissors, without glue.
Learning models chosen from simple to complex level, allowing students to easily learn the technique of folding paper. We are confident that the skills they will get from these workshops, you will increase coffee warmer the curiosity to try as many different origami models as basic shapes coffee warmer and folds are found in most major paper creations. Module 2: Japanese Charms - balls of paper (June 20-July 18, 17.30 - 19.00) Workshop 1 (June 20th): "Kusudama - traditional model" Workshop 2 (June 27th): "An coffee warmer amalgam of colors - Tornillo" Workshop 3 (July 4th): "Origami from pentagons - I love the" Atelier 4 and 5 (11 and 18 July): "A ball as two - from Oriro to Oriro compound" Specifically: This module aims at initiating coffee warmer participants in art împăturirii balls paper. Known as kusudama, they are wearing traditional Japanese and talismans role being given to special occasions: weddings, births, baptisms. It offers if a family coffee warmer member gets sick, even as their name says: Kusu = medicine = tama ball, kusudama = bile Medicine. It is made of several parts which are then assembled, allowing coffee warmer everyone to use their creativity and inventiveness in the choice and arrangement of colors. coffee warmer
With who? "We call Adina Paun, Andrei Rusu and Horace Petrescu and we are founding members of the Association of Origami Romania. Our passion for origami began 4 years ago, each of us discovered in an individual. This art us brought together although they profess activity areas are totally different and even unrelated to the art itself: Andrei pilot Horace IT engineer and teacher Adina. Origami Forum Romania ( has Currently over 1000 members and is the first online community of origami. For us Orgame is a hobby, coffee warmer a way to relax and an art that challenges us to realize how interesting hatches a seemingly banal material. coffee warmer We wish and hope that our passion to infect others, believing that the art of folding paper is something as beautiful as it is simple and accessible coffee warmer to all. " coffee warmer How much? The price per module is 130 / participant, which means 26 / per session Entries shall be made to or no. 021 / 312.88.26, ext. 316 or three key robot.
National Museum of Natural History "Grigore Antipa" hosts during February 26 to July 5, 2015 spiders and scorpions live exhibition entitled coffee warmer "Dangerous fabrics". More than 50 species have already fascinated v ... more
Exhibition - Russia lipoveni in Romania
Competition - Green Bee 2013
Competition - Green Bee 2013
Competition - Green Bee 2013
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Exhibition - Russia lipoveni in Romania

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