Friday, August 1, 2014

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Winter racing training in the swing. The aim is the successful preparation for early spring start of a long racing season, and when the target is set, every workout has a role to play. Therefore, you no serious runner can not afford the "luxury" because such a great of stronger cold or flu is sick, and it must be forced to skip two or three training sessions. Even worse situation if the runner is forced to make a longer break from training. The most common cause of this scenario are: "winter" viruses and respiratory (breathing) infection characterized by a general decline in immunity.
In order to more easily such a great find their way in a sea of information about the diet of athletes during the winter months, I made a brief overview of the important items in the diet runners and active athletes in this period of the year. Emphasis is on the basic approach to the winter diet and to raise awareness about the nutritional facts that are not (sufficiently) known.
Also, in the coming two articles I will offer you a brief overview, and my choice of food and a bit neglected such a great nutrients essential in the diet runners and active such a great athletes in winter. No less important, and certainly interesting, could you do my review of natural herbal "generic" food supplements that may be helpful assistance in raising or preserving immunity during hard training in the winter of the training season. When most expose declining immunity during training?
It has been shown that runners who work in demanding longitudinal training lasts longer than 90 minutes before and after a workout does not make adequate "charging" and replenish glycogen stores, exhibited a stronger decline in immunity. Insufficient filled glycogen stores are primarily related to reduced or denied nutritional intake of carbohydrates. In winter, more than usual, filling carbohydrate reserves has qualitatively, not just quantitatively meaning. So it should such a great not be based only on processed products: pasta, baked goods, white rice, but the strategy planning diet should include vegetable sources of starch rich in phytonutrients (antioxidants), low in unsaturated such a great fatty acids and vitamins and minerals. Examples include legumes (beans) such a great and rich in carbohydrates and various phytonutrients, corn is rich in carotenoids, but starchy such a great fruits and other nutrients listed above.
Lack of quality sleep in combination with diet neglected in these training conditions favored the emergence such a great of "winter" illnesses. The strong and hard training results in increased secretion of stress hormones (adrenaline and cortisol) and appropriate anti-inflammatory factors, which reduces the body's ability to fend off infections like colds and flu. Winter sleep every night for at least 6 hours (as shown and studies), and it is best to have 8h sleep. Lesson: Food warms us
Running in the countryside in winter is a great physical activity, and is ideal for those who are "always cold", ie those with a "poor" circulation and constantly "cold feet". But such a person, as well as all those who are prone to them being cold during training, must take care not to undercooles to get enough calories and keep an eye on the composition of the meal. The importance of warm-up exercises before training is not necessary to talk too much, considering that about a lot of words, and we know it and practice training.
However, the effects of food and nutrition to "warm up" the body (called thermogenesis) may be not enough story. The food termogenetsko owns the property, so it except for "processing" requires energy, and it "warms the body." Some foods have more, others less termogenetski potential. Foods that have a relatively such a great strong potential thermogenesis - warm bodies are: green and black tea, ginger, red pepper such a great and black pepper as most protein foods poor in fat. Energy
The body is at running winter consumes more energy than the more pleasant such a great weather conditions, and that at least 10% more. Examples include: heating inhaled cold air into the airway, then the involuntary such a great processes tremor - muscle contraction which the body automatically seeks warm. Therefore, if you run on winter training, for the same distance you need higher calorie intake than for example in the late spring or early fall. We know how the muscles in his work primarily consume glycogen. Glycogen requires "filling" and supplement the intake of carbohydrates. Hunger
If you are running during the winter training catch hunger, it is a possible sign that you lower the body temperature

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