Friday, August 8, 2014

(3) The performance sea shell city of official controls in accordance with this Directive is withou

Contents Chapter I General Provisions Chapter II. Official controls that apply to objects Chapter sea shell city III. Procedures for importing Chapter IV. Final provisions Annex Imes bivalve molluscs FISHERY PRODUCTS MILK EGGS OTHER DEFINITIONS ANNEX II PART I - Identity Code. PART II - OBJECTIVES process based on a system of HACCP PART III - INFORMATION food chain ANNEX III PART I - Meat of domestic ungulates PART TWO - Meat from poultry and lagomorphs (rabbits, hares and rodents LIKE) PART THREE - farmed game meat PART FOUR - MEAT wild game PART FIVE - minced meat, meat PREPARATIONS AND MECHANICAL separated meat (MOM) PART SIX - MEAT PRODUCTS PART SEVEN: bivalve molluscs PART EIGHT - FISHERY PRODUCTS PART NINE - RAW MILK AND DAIRY PRODUCTS PART TEN - EGGS AND Egg Products PART ELEVEN - FROG legs and snails PART TWELVE - melted animal fat and GREAVES PART THIRTEEN - treated stomachs, bladders and intestines PART FOURTEEN - Gelatin PART FIFTEEEN - COLLAGEN
(3) The performance sea shell city of official controls in accordance with this Directive is without prejudice to the primary legal obligation subjects that food business operators to ensure food safety as defined by the Food BiH .Which down the general principles and requirements of food law, establishing the BiH Agency Food Safety and the procedures for food safety issues as well as any civil or criminal liability arising from the breach of their obligations.
c) 'competent authority' Veterinary Office sea shell city in cooperation with the Agency for Food Safety, which is the central government body responsible for the safety, hygiene and quality of food and the organization of official sea shell city controls and is the contact point to the European Commission, with that certain jobs are official controls can be transferred to other bodies.
d) 'audit' is a systematic and independent examination to determine whether activities and results associated with them, according to planned procedures, whether these procedures are effectively implemented and whether these are suitable to achieve objectives;
e) 'inspection' sea shell city is an overview of objects, animals and food and started food processing, inspection companies doing business with food and examine sea shell city their management, and production phases including documentation, testing of final products and ways of feeding the animals, as well as the origins and destinations of incoming and output sea shell city items of production in order to, in all cases, confirmed compliance with the prescribed requirements;
h) 'official assistant is a person that is in accordance with this Ordinance qualified to act in that capacity, appointed by the competent authority for the operation sea shell city of which is authorized and responsible official veterinarian;
b) the definition of 'animal by-products',' sea shell city TSEs' (transmissible spongiform encephalopathies) and 'material specific rizika'utvrđenih determined by a special sea shell city regulation which establishes measures for the prevention, sea shell city control and eradication of transmissible spongiform encephalopathies. ("Official Gazette" sea shell city No. 31.03) and the BiH legislation laying down the health rules for animal by-products not intended for human consumption; Regulation (EC) No 1774/2002 of the European Parliament and of the Council of 3 October 2002 vol. laying down health rules for animal by-products not intended for human consumption; sea shell city
(1) If BiH legislation requires the approval of establishments, the competent authority shall carry out a site visit. It approved facility for the respective activities only if the entity in the food business sea shell city demonstrate that it meets the relevant requirements of the Regulations on food hygiene BiH and hygiene rules for food of animal origin and other relevant requirements of food law and Herzegovina.
(2) The competent authority may grant conditional approval if the site visit, that the establishment meets all requirements in terms of infrastructure sea shell city and equipment. It granted full approval only if the new site visit, which is carried out within three months of granting conditional approval, that the establishment meets the other requirements of subparagraph (a). If the object is achieved obvious progress, but still does not meet all of these requirements, the competent authority may extend conditional approval. However, conditional approval shall not exceed six months.
(3) Each approved facilities, including those who were issued a conditional approval, the competent authority sea shell city shall assign sea shell city the authorization sea shell city number which can be added to the code to indicate types of products of animal origin that are produced. Approval number that is assigned to wholesale markets may involve additional numbers indicating units or groups of units that sell products or products of animal origin.
b) institute proceedings for the revocation of authorizations issued this facility if it finds serious sea shell city deficiencies or more times must stop production at the facility and a

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