Thursday, August 7, 2014

Milk and dairy products are another food group about which a lot of stories, and the participants w

Milk and dairy products are another food group about which a lot of stories, and the participants were divided opinions. On the one hand assure us that milk is good and very healthy food, on the other hand, it is advisable to avoid it or even completely thrown out from the diet. What's this doing here, why the government is such a completely opposite opinion, who to trust and finally: do you drink milk or not?
Raw milk, as I have in the domestic fresh milk which is not industrially processed, natural and healthy food of man, and all dairy products made from raw milk. Raw milk is an excellent source of nutrients, but also very important beneficial bacteria such as laktobakterije, which we now know to play a vital role in strengthening the immune system and protect the body against various disease states. Raw milk is also an excellent source of vitamins, minerals and enzymes and contains omega fats proteins and fats, which are construction materials for our bodies. Raw milk and products made of it are actually perfectly natural and rightful foods for humans.
What's crystal candy dish the problem? I believe it affects. The problem in the industrial processing of milk. As is the case with many other foods, industrial processing of milk destroys this extraordinary food and gives it a completely different properties. The milk we buy in stores is pasteurized and homogenized. Pasteurization is a process in which milk is heated to high temperatures to destroy bacteria in milk. This at first glance crystal candy dish may sound just fine, knowing that pathogenic bacteria causes of various diseases. However, pasteurization completely changes the structure of the milk, and milk instead crystal candy dish of becoming a safe and beneficial crystal candy dish to use, it actually becomes crystal candy dish something else entirely. Except that heating at high temperatures kills pathogenic bacteria, it kills the beneficial laktobakterije crystal candy dish like many other nutritional components. High temperature completely changes the structure-sensitive dairy proteins denature crystal candy dish and become very difficult to digest and harmful to health.
Pasteurization destroys enzymes entirely from milk that are necessary for the breakdown and digestion of milk. Pasteurization diminishes vitamin content, denatures milk protein, destroys vitamins B12 and B6, vitamin A, vitamin D, vitamin C, prevents the absorption of calcium from milk, kills beneficial bacteria and promotes pathogens! Could it be worse? If you leave raw milk at room temperature, the milk will not spoil it but you'll get the sour milk - a very healthy food. This is because the beneficial bacteria from raw milk kept under control bad bacteria. However, pasteurized milk has no beneficial bacteria that keeps it from rotting.
Denatured milk protein because its structure is very difficult to digest, besides in pasteurized milk destroyed all the enzymes and beneficial laktobakterije crystal candy dish that help breakdown and digestion of milk components. Because of these problems is industrially processed milk one of the most common allergens, and is associated with a variety of symptoms and disease states such as digestive disorders, allergies, colic in infants, caries, osteoporosis, arthritis, growth problems in children, recurrent ear infections in children , heart disease and cancer. On the other hand, raw milk does not cause disease states which already crystal candy dish promotes health, and people who for many years were allergic to milk, typically can tolerate raw milk. Raw milk is one of the healthiest and most complete foods that can be consumed and so different from the industrially processed milk that these two foods should not even be called a common name.
With pasteurization began the 20-ies of the last century at a time when tuberculosis crystal candy dish was a road, as well as other infectious diseases due to poor animal health and poor hygienic conditions and production methods. But times have changed and today it is used in stainless steel tanks, milking machines and systems for cooling, and implemented strict sanitary inspection pasteurization thus becomes completely unnecessary. The only person who benefits from the pasteurization industry because pasteurized milk extends shelf life.
Another process where the milk is coming homogenization, breaking the molecules of fat under great pressure crystal candy dish to prevent the formation of cream to milk. And this is a very unnatural crystal candy dish process crystal candy dish because the fat that gets longer has its natural structure. In addition to the milk removed crystal candy dish (skimmed) fat so its buying milk contains at most 3% fat. Here for comparison: the milk I buy directly from the farmer, the cow breed Jersey, contains more than 6% fat. The worst of it is that consumers are deceived the whole milk harmful and nonfat skim milk and well. Only thanks crystal candy dish to the campaign against the natural fat and aggressive propaganda light products, the industry managed to free industrial bob left thereof

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