Friday, August 8, 2014

Triacylglycerols warming plate (TAGs, ointments or neutral fats) are esters trohidroksilnog alcohol

Contents Key concepts Fats and oils - triacylglycerols Key concepts Phospholipids sphingolipid Key concepts Waxes Lipids izoprenoidnog origin Key concepts Lipoproteins glycolipids Key Terms References warming plate
. Lipids are fats and oils only. Lipids include a broad range of molecules diverse chemical structures and biological origin including: fatty acids, triacylglycerols, waxes, phospholipids, sphingolipids, cholesterol and other steroids. Different criteria can be taken in the division and classification of lipids. This can be the origin, composition, role in the organism, warming plate the level of complexity, nutritional requirements and the impact on health.
According to the origin of the lipids are divided into plants and animals. According to their chemical composition (saponification value of options) are divided into saponifiable and unsaponifiable. Saponifiable lipids contain in the molecule the residue of at least one fatty acid, which frees the alkali in the form of an alkaline salt or soap. In this group are neutral fats (triacylglycerols), phosphoglycerides, sphingolipids and waxes. Unsaponifiable lipids are often called collectively and isoprenoids, and include: steroids (sterols, bile acids and steroid hormones) and terpenes.
The role they perform in the body are lipids as energy storage, structural lipids (phospholipids, waxes, steroids) and regulatory lipids (sex hormones and hormones of the cortex of the adrenal gland).
According to the level of complexity of the chemical structure of lipids can be divided into simple, conjugate, derived and other lipids. Simple lipids are neutral fats (triacylglycerols and polyglycerides) and waxes. The conjugated lipids include warming plate phospholipids (containing a phosphate group and a molecule of fat) cerebrosides (containing carbohydrate and fat molecule) sulfolipidi (containing sulfate group)
Lipids in foods have unique physical and chemical properties. Their composition, crystal warming plate structure, melting temperature, the ability SR unit (binding) of water molecules and other molecules nelipidnih are of great importance for the functional properties of most foods. Characteristic of the micelle-forming lipid bilayers and in contact with water. Lipids with one sidechain create micelles while lipids with two side chains create bilayers.
Lipids are found in all living cells arise as a structural component. Some linear aliphatic molecule, while others have a ring structure. Some aromatic, while others warming plate are not. Some lipids are partially polar character, while others are non-polar. Generally, their original structure is non-polar and hydrophobic, which means that there is good intereakcija with polar solvents such as water. Some lipid groups can be part of the structure which is polar or hydrophilic and exhibits good tendency to blended warming plate with a polar solvent such as water. Generally, this phenomenon makes them ampholytic molecules (possessing both hydrophilic and hydrophobic properties). warming plate In the case of cholesterol hydrophilic component is - OH groups (hydroxyl or alcohol). In the case of phospholipid polar groups are larger and more polarized. . Key concepts Lipids are not only oils and fats. The lipid compounds of different composition typically insoluble in water and soluble in organic solvents. Lipids warming plate encompass a wide range of diverse chemical warming plate structure of molecules, including: fatty acids, triacylglycerols, waxes, phospholipids, sphingolipids, sterols and other compounds. There are complex lipids conjugated with proteins, such as lipoproteins (HDL, LDL and VLDL). Lipids warming plate can be classified according to various warming plate criteria such as origin, composition, role in the organism, the level of complexity, nutritional requirements and the impact on health. Lipids are a basic component of biological membranes and affect:
Propustljivos warming plate membranes of nerve impulses, creating contacts between cells make energy reserves, protect the body from mechanical povredaformiraju thermal insulation layer of lipid-rich food is meat, milk, eggs, legumes, warming plate oilseeds and nuts.
Triacylglycerols warming plate (TAGs, ointments or neutral fats) are esters trohidroksilnog alcohol and monocarboxylic fatty acids. Molecules fats and oils consist of three fatty acid molecules, which are linked in one molecule trihidroksilnog alcohol glycerol. Fats containing unsaturated fatty acids (with double bonds between carbon atoms) are actually oil, characteristic for plants than animals. The molecules of fat as an energy source shall be deposited in fat (adipose) cells, which contain many lipid droplets.
The composition of fats enter fatty acids with 4-26 carbon atoms and only fatty acids with an even number of carbon atoms. The composition of most fats dominate fatty acids with 16-18 carbon atoms in the chain (palmitic, stearic and oleic).
As trivalent alcohol, glycerol monoesters can be built, and triesters, also called monoacylglycerols, diacylglycerols warming plate and triacylglycerols. TAGs that in all three positions contain the same type of fatty acids are referred to as the

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