Saturday, August 9, 2014

Carbon hydrates are the most common biomolecules on Earth. Annually, food warmer trays photosynthes

Contents Key concepts food warmer trays of space carbon hydrates or simple sugars Disaccharides Key pomovi Oligosaccharides Complex carbon hydrates Key concepts Raw vegetable fibers Key Terms References
. Carbon hydrates are chemical constituents of foods that play an important role in biological energy feeding system. Constitute a large group of chemical compounds together with lipids and proteins constitute the basic nutritional components that daily food intake. Are measured as energy and biologically active components of nutrition. From the point of view of energy, carbohydrates are the most important component in food. Carbon hydrates food warmer trays are the cleanest and most efficient fuel source of energy for the human body. The human body can absorb in the form of simple sugars (glucose, fructose and galactose), which does not mean that we take more complex forms. If the entered quantity sufficient to meet our needs, biochemical creating reserves food warmer trays as more complex forms (glycogen), which can be mobilized. In the combustion leave behind, as by-products, only water and carbon dioxide, which is then eliminated.
Carbon hydrates are predominantly cyclic polyhydroxy aldehydes or ketones, or substances that provide hydrolysis of these compounds. According to the classical definition of carbon hydrates are oxidation products of polyvalent alcohols, or they are aldehydes or ketones, alcohols, or compounds formed by condensation of polyhydric alcohols. Looking at their chemical composition, are composed of hydrogen, carbon food warmer trays and oxygen. The general formula of carbohydrates is Cn (H2O) n. Because food warmer trays of its great diversity, there are several divisions of carbohydrates. They are divided according to their chemical composition and digestibility. Given the digestion easiest of them divided into: simple and complex carbon hydrates. In the group of complex carbohydrates are soluble and insoluble fiber. Simple carbohydrates significant as final products of digestion of carbohydrate foods are glucose, fructose and galactose. The daily diet highest intake of disaccharide sucrose in the form of kitchen sugar, and industrial products, most of fructose, glucose-or dextrose (of candy) Syrup. It is characteristic that they all taste sweet. In addition to carbohydrates, which are found naturally food warmer trays in food, chemical means has observed a significant number food warmer trays sinteskih compounds that are primarily used as sweeteners, which by their nature are not always carbon hydrates.
Carbon hydrates which contain aldehyde groups are known as aldose and carbon hydrates containing a keto group of ketosis. Carbon hydrates called glicidi (double, glucides, m. Glicidii). food warmer trays It is often used and the name of saccharides (as Lat. Saccharum = sugar).
Table 3.4.1. Division of Carbohydrate Group of polymerization Subgroup components in the diet of simple sugars 1-2 monosaccharides glucose, galactose, fructose polyols sorbitol, mannitol, oligosaccharides food warmer trays 2 disaccharides sucrose, lactose, maltose, trehalose 3-9 malt-oligosahridi maltodextrin, raffinose stachyose Polysaccharides Greater than 9 amylose starch , amylopectin, modified starch, non-starch polysaccharide celulozahemiceluloza, pectin, mucilage
Carbon hydrates contain energy in an indirect way, comes from the sun. Plants produce carbon hydrates and oxygen through photosynthesis using carbon dioxide from the air and water from the soil and solar energy. Created in green plants assimilate carbon dioxide (CO2) and water through photosynthesis in which leverages food warmer trays solar energy per reaction:
Carbon hydrates are the most common biomolecules on Earth. Annually, food warmer trays photosynthesis in cellulose and other plant products translate more than 100 billion tons of CO2 and H2O. They are structural components (cellulose), made up of energy reserves (plant starch), food warmer trays have essential functions as components of nucleic acids (ribose and deoxyribose) and as a component of the vitamin (ribose and riboflavin). Carbohydrate oxidation release energy. Glucose in the blood of human primary source of energy for the human body. Fermentation of carbohydrates by yeasts and other micro-organisms food warmer trays can be prepared by carbon dioxide, alcohol, organic acids and other components. The classic division of carbohydrates is the division into simple sugars, oligosaccharides and polysaccharides. . Key concepts are the most simple sugars: glucose, fructose and galactose. They are also the monomer units in the construction of carbohydrate components of food. By binding of glucose and fructose formed sucrose and glucose and galactose binding occurs lactose food warmer trays and they are important dietary disaccharides. Starch food warmer trays is homoglikan because is composed of chains food warmer trays of glucose food warmer trays and indigestible cellulose. food warmer trays There are heteroglucan such as polysaccharide food warmer trays gums and pectins. Carbon hydrates are normally divided into monosaccharides (mainly pentoses and hexoses, or aldose and ketose), disaccharides and polysaccharides. Carbohydrates has in grains (starch), fruits, vegetables, milk (lactose) and industrial products.
The simple carbon hydrates (prost

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