Monday, August 4, 2014

Oxygen is a tool that can be used to rapidly ripening. If you want to apply for accelerated ripenin

. Among other types of atmospheres, which are controlled and are used in preserving fruits and vegetables and process control ripening and maturation are: hypobaric atmosphere and ambience for artificial ripening and razzelenjavanje. . Hypobaric atmosphere
Hypobaric atmosphere is a method of preserving fruits and vegetables fresh in the atmosphere and conditions subatmosferskog pressure (vacuum). In doing so, the composition of the atmosphere can be common or modified, and the pressure of this atmosphere is lower than normal atmospheric identifying sea shells pressure. When, for example, normal pressure decreases ten times this leads to an equivalent reduction of O2, ie then its concentration is about 2%. Normally it would lead to a decrease in the oxygen content in the plant tissue. An atmosphere slows the maturation and aging of the fruit, while slowing identifying sea shells the growth of mold. In this way, reduced atmospheric identifying sea shells pressure prolongs identifying sea shells storage time compared to conventional identifying sea shells preservation in the cold room. Preservation in hipobaričnoj atmosphere connects the beneficial effects of reducing the concentration of O2 and up (total) pressure gas environment.
The product was stored in dilute atmosphere - air pressure which is lower by 10-20% of atmospheric (0.1 to 0.2 x 105 Pa). Humidity is maintained at an appropriate level in order to avoid dehydration product. Total pressure identifying sea shells resulting sum of the partial pressures in the air. This is an effective method for reducing the oxygen tension, and to accelerate the evaporation of the ethylene and the other evaporator. identifying sea shells Low pressure system (LPS) has advantages over other methods in atmospheric modification for more accurate control of oxygen concentration and the demand lower concentration of oxygen tension and removal of ethylene and other evaporator. LPS is of limited use in the case when carbon dioxide or carbon monoxide very important add-on product.
Removal identifying sea shells of endogenous ethylene is a benefit that is attributable to storage identifying sea shells in hipobaričnoj atmosphere (low pressure). The level of ethylene identifying sea shells in fruit is significantly reduced. Many of the benefits of storage in hipobaričnoj atmosphere can also be an indication of how to reduce the partial pressure of oxygen, which automatically monitors the decrease in atmospheric pressure. identifying sea shells . Artificial ripening and razzelenjavanje
Table June 01 - The values of some parameters of the artificial identifying sea shells maturation Ord Parameter Values first O2 content of 50 - 55% second temperature 16-24 C 3 Relative humidity 95-98% 4th low concentration of CO2
Oxygen is a tool that can be used to rapidly ripening. If you want to apply for accelerated ripening of oxygen, can be used a base Ca (OH) 2 or water absorption of CO2 generated during respiration increasing the proportion of oxygen in the ambient atmosphere.
Table on the 2nd - of individual parameters at razzelenjavanju Ord The value of the first parameter is 5 ppm Ethylene in the air T emperature second 28 - 29 C (18 - 21 C) Relative humidity third 90-96%
Some varieties of autumn and winter fruits (apples, pears) provide fruits that, although physiologically mature, are not the most suitable identifying sea shells for consumption, ie not possess konzumativnu identifying sea shells maturity. During storing these fruits go through a phase of maturation. identifying sea shells In this period, it loses one part acid and astringency, comes to fruit softening and the formation of the characteristic aroma. Therefore, the usual subsequent ripening. For these reasons often tomatoes, bananas and lemons harvested in the green state, transported thousands of kilometers away from harvest under controlled conditions, and only subsequently matured to the stage of maturity for consumption. Depending on the moment when you want a particular fruit or vegetable is put on the market during storage can be taken with the objective to slow down or speed up ripening. Razzelenjavanje is usually done for the purpose of entering the market (citrus, citrus fruits, bananas).
The table on the 3rd - Initial concentration of ethylene that are essential for its activity in the maturation of some fruits Ord Fruit initial concentration (ppm) first Avocado identifying sea shells (type Choquette) identifying sea shells 0.1 2 Bananas species Gros Michel species Lacatan types Silk 0.1-1.0 0.5 0.2 to 0.25 Melon third- cantaloupe (PMR types no.45) 0.1-1.0 0.3-1.0 fourth Honeydew melon fifth Lemon (species Fort Meyers) sixth 0.1 Mango (sort Kent) from 0.04 to 0, 4 7th Orange (sort of Valencia) 0.1 8th Tomato (type VC-243-20) 0.5
Effect of ethylene at a faster maturation depends on the type of fruit being treated ethylene, temperature and relative humidity in the chamber for ripening, ethylene concentration and time of exposure identifying sea shells to ethylene. Generally, the optimal conditions for ripening are: temperature: 18 -25 C, relative humidity 90-95%, the concentration of ethylene: identifying sea shells 10-100 ppm exposure treatment: 24-72 hours, depending on the fruit and ripeness, air circulation: enough to maintain identifying sea shells a constant identifying sea shells temperature inside the chambers and ventilation: Adequate air exchange due to the accumulation of CO2 which reduces the effectiveness of the action of C2H4 (ethylene).
It is necessary to ensure a sufficient amount of gas. Recommended

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