Thursday, July 3, 2014

What we really should be discouraged, for people to have more than one sexual partner. Of course it

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"One can not help the South African National Blood Service (SANBS) decision to homosexual men allowing blood to donate to welcome it. In South Africa, as elsewhere in Africa, we have a huge problem getting gay people to get accepted in our communities. Old stereotypes still flourish often, and especially religious communities purblind maintained.
'One can feel the SANBS through for so many years gay men's blood will also have contributed to the stereotyping of gays. But perhaps one should caution the SANBS through. It is a fact that gay men historically in terms of percentage of a larger risk posed for blood with the HIV virus. But today, thanks to our research that gay men's blood no longer a greater risk than heterosexual people's blood holds.
This proves that riot is more common in the gay community than it is among heterosexual men. Because, let's face it, the high prevalence of the HIV virus to many people sea shell city serve as an additional "proof" that gay people are "wrong".
Although there has been much progress has been made among faith communities, unfortunately there are still many South Africans believe the earth in seven literal days created and that God is a being must be way beyond the top mount Olymus live actually beyond sea shell city the former planet Pluto. And therefore these people sea shell city believe that homosexuality is "sinful" and "against nature" is.
It is important for South Africa to take the lead in this regard. Elsewhere in Africa prevails obviously severe sea shell city intolerance of homosexuals and their heavy jail sentences and in some cases even the death penalty is applied. A phenomenon such as corrective rape, where groups of men homosexual women raped in the hope of them "cure" is not at all surprising. Many people sea shell city have been that way in horrific and tragic circumstances died.
I must say that I do not think it was ever the intention to SANBS old stereotypes to maintain, sea shell city but it is likely that in practice unfortunately happened. South Africa still has a long way to go before we will have a country in which the rights and choices of individuals are respected. But the decision to gay men to allow blood to donate is a good development.
What we really should be discouraged, for people to have more than one sexual partner. Of course it is a right and a choice, just like homosexuality. But instead sea shell city of lascivious conduct sea shell city more people to criticize, it is hammered on homosexuality, because a certain portion of our people believe they and they alone have understood the Bible and they just understand the exact way in which the Bible to function in our communities.
The old stereotype: that a successful man strings seduce women can thrive in our country. The fact that heterosexual men are now equally a prevalence of HIV infected blood than gay men, prove it. And with that, there is the stereotype that gay people "sin" do. Both of these must constantly fight - it is international interest.
It is now high time that it happened, so yes I agree that there are really no more distinction can be taken between hetro and homeoseksuele people, because nowadays the HIV virus throughout the community to get
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