Sunday, July 27, 2014

Today, microwaves are increasingly an integral part of the kitchen equipment and they are a useful

CAN THE FOOD FROM microwave ovens cause cancer and dangerous disease, which found the Russians?
Today, microwaves are increasingly an integral part of the kitchen equipment and they are a useful supplement to prepare sea shell city food in a classic way. For quick cooking foods with low energy consumption, you can defrost, cook or reheat to soften - all this just by pushing a button. But have you ever wondered on which the principle of working microwaves, and it represents their everyday use of risk to your health?
Microwave ovens operate sea shell city on the principle of energy microwaves-electromagnetic radiation that occurs as a physical phenomenon that occurs the flow of electrical current sea shell city through a conductor. Microwaves are a form of electromagnetic energy, such as light and radio waves, and occupy a part elektomagnetnog spectrum. sea shell city These are very short waves of electromagnetic energy that travel at the speed of light. sea shell city At the present time are used to send telephone calls at a great distance, transmitting TV programs and computer information across the globe or to a satellite in space. As a source of energy, are used to prepare food in microwave ovens.
Each microwave sea shell city oven consists of a magnetron, tubes in which the magnetic and electric fields acting on the electrons so that the products of microwaves is about 2450 mega - Hertz (MHz) or 2:45 giga-hertz (GHz).
This microwaving radiation interacts with the molecules of food. Each wave energy sea shell city changes polarity with each wave cycle. When microwaves are changing the polarity sea shell city of one million times per second. Molecule of food - especially the water molecule, have positive and negative sea shell city terminals, like magnetic poles.
Input power microwave oven that are in commercial use is about 1000 watts of alternating current. When these microwaves, which are generated in a magnetron bomb the food they cause rotation of polar molecules of food, which takes place on their frequency of one million times per second. Due to the rotation of the molecules in the joint area, which heats the food. This friction sea shell city leads to physical damage to the surrounding molecules, often causing them to splitting and deformation. Scientific name of such deformation sea shell city is "structural isomerism".
By comparison, microwaves solar radiation are based on the principle of pulsed current istomjerne that does not lead to a friction; On the contrary, alternating current used by microwave ovens leads to this kind of heating.
As defined in physics, radiation are "electromagnetic waves" emitted by the atoms and molecules of some radioactive substances as a result of decay of nuclei. Radiation causes ionization, which occurs when a neutral atom gains or loses electrons. To put it simply, microwave ovens destroy and alter the molecular structure of food through the process of radiation. That they were producers called a spade a spade, it is difficult for them to find the one buyer. The manufacturers claim that it is not the same radiation, but that there are two different types of waves of varying intensity.
The fact that not issued any official statement about the harmfulness of microwave ovens does not mean anything, because it is known to sometimes deliberately restrict and censor such studies. In any case, consumers have the right and deserve to be informed.
Dr. Hertel was the first scientist who initiated sea shell city and carried out a serious scientific study of the workings of microwaves have food stored in the blood and physiology sea shell city of the human body. His study showed the degenerative force that is generated in the microwave oven and the food that is prepared in them. The scientific conclusion showed that microwaving sea shell city food storage is changing the nutrients in the food and consumer levels, which may occur due to adverse changes in the human body.
In this same study clearly stipulates that the very severe strain to which our body comes in direct exposure to radar or microwaves, occur and molecules of food, which is stored in a microwave oven. The consequence of this radiation is destruction and deformation of molecules of food. Additionally, sea shell city microwave processing leads to the formation of new compounds, called radiolytic compounds, sea shell city or compounds which are not unknown sea shell city in nature. A Radiolytic compounds are created by molecular decomposition-decay - as a direct result of radiation.
After several thousand workers who were exposed to microwaves during the work on the development of radar in the fifties of the 20th century that began suffering from an unknown disease, the Russians conducted tests that led to a decision on a strict limitation of allowable exposure to 10 microwatts for workers and one microwatt for civilians. The group of symptoms that occurs due to more exposure, called "microwave sickness", and it looks like this: The first signs are low blood pressure and slow pulse. Later common manifestations are chronic sympathetic arousal (stress syndrome) and high blood pressure. The first phase often includes headache, dizziness

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