Sunday, July 6, 2014

Media marula like a warm debate and want to visit all the people the opportunity to get their opini

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Think for a moment cup ice cream about someone in your life that the world difficult for you. Is it your spouse? A grumpy colleague or manager at work? A critical mother? A building contractor who is not at his promises not kept? Your rebellious teenager? Or maybe the slow or irresponsible motorist this morning on my way to work before you cut it? How do you deal with these difficult people uncomfortable situations in life cause? They curse you or thank you God for them? To be grateful cup ice cream for the above group of people seems to be nearly impossible and inconceivable. However, you realize that this group of people have an important role to play in your life? Here are two possible reasons why:
Reason 1: Difficult people or situations cup ice cream reveal what's going on in your heart Psalm 139:23-24 prays the Psalmist: "Search me, O God, and know my heart; test me and know my thoughts; . . . and lead me in the way everlasting "Why is it important to him that God should point out to him what was going on in his heart? We get an answer in Psalm 24:3-4: "Who may ascend into the hill of the Lord? And who shall stand in his holy place? He who has clean hands and a pure heart. . . "God is holy, and the closer we move him, the more we need to become cup ice cream like Him. Awkward situations and difficult people to help us identify what we need to adjust our lives as the Holy Spirit cup ice cream enables us to do so.
Reason 2: Difficult situations or people shape our character Our character cup ice cream is more important to God than our comfort. Difficult times and help our people grow, change our perspective on life, and most importantly, it keeps our dependence on God. It is therefore understandable that in Romans 5: 3-5 read: "We rejoice in our sufferings, because cup ice cream we know that suffering produces perseverance, perseverance and sincerity of belief, cup ice cream faith and character, engender hope; And hope does not disappoint us. . . "
I ask you again, who makes life uncomfortable for you? Remember, slow or irresponsible driver in traffic may disclose to our impatience and unnecessary anger in our hearts. The grumpy colleague or boss in the workplace helps us to remember that we have to work like our God and not people work at the same time our self-control at the same time be increased. And our rebellious teenager, mother-critical or difficult spouse brings us back to our knees, where we depend on God experience - and his power when he brings about change.
Prayer: Father God, I never thought I would say this, but thank you for the difficult people and awkward situations in my life. Help me not frustrated, but rather cup ice cream to identify what it revealed to me that in my heart I need to work. I ask this in the name of Jesus Christ. Amen.
Media marula like a warm debate and want to visit all the people the opportunity to get their opinion. We will, however, no racism, sexism, homophobia, disgusting personal cup ice cream comments, other forms of hate speech or crude, crass and foul language is not tolerated. Marula Media reserves the right to remove any comment. Do the uncle or aunt in the family of whom no one likes it.
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