Tuesday, July 29, 2014

Enzymes condiment cups have a very important role in biological systems condiment cups of food in a

. According of source of food can be found two main groups of enzymes. It can be native enzymes in the cells of plant or animal tissue and microbial enzymes are formed by contact with external microbial food.
In terms of nutritional content due to the small quantity of food enzymes are an important component. Like other proteins, they do not pass through the mucous membrane of the intestinal system without degradation. condiment cups However, in biological systems, such as food and in their food processing enzymes play a crucial role.
Enzymes are in their composition or pure proteins or protein-containing portion. Some enzymes are simple proteins constructed only of amino acid residues. Examples include digestive enzymes: trypsin, chymotrypsin and elastase. Other Enzymes are complex proteins (proteid-enzymes) that in addition to amino acid residues contain non-amino acid cofactors. Then complete the active enzyme is called a holoenzyme, and is composed of a protein portion and cofactors. The protein component is referred to as the carrier substance or apoenzim. These two components themselves are ineffective. Only when they join (holoenzyme) are effective and serve their intended function.
The catalytic activity of the enzyme is not necessary complete peptide chain. Region condiment cups in which the enzyme molecule directly involved in binding condiment cups of the substrate is called the active center. It consists of a small number of functional groups, and if it is a proteid-enzyme, the composition of the active center and has a cofactor (coenzyme, condiment cups metal ion). The main characteristics of the active center of the chemical groups that belong to build a very distant amino acid residues, but they are closeup images thanks to the secondary and tertiary structure of the enzyme.
Enzymes are found in all living organisms and affect the overall dynamic biological balance. Biochemical conversions are only possible condiment cups because of a particular enzyme activity condiment cups on specific substrates. At the same substrates as compounds that are chemically changed under the action of the enzyme. Enzymes have the substrate specificity, which means that they are selective. The foods that can be proteins, so they decompose protease, lipase lipids which decompose starch amylase, pectinase condiment cups pectins, etc. Each chemical compound (substrate) has a corresponding catalytically active enzyme in biochemical processes of this compound. condiment cups Enzymes, except that act selectively, can influence the direction of the reaction (revrezibilan or irreversible). condiment cups They have their life cycle and do not act indefinitely, although by default regenerate. The life cycle or during enzyme activity depends on the amount of substrate, pH, temperature, etc. They are in the same phase as the substrate. Enzymes can cause a chemical reaction or may shift the position of equilibrium.
During highly dynamic reaction, the molecules that participate in the reactions (substrate) to specifically bind to the active site of the enzyme molecule forming short-lived intermediate. The combination of substrate and enzyme condiment cups creates a new reaction path in which the free energy of the transition state is lower than in reactions without enzymes.
This implies that the enzymatic reaction takes place in several stages, by first creating a complex condiment cups enzyme-substrate (ES). The second step is the conversion of the substrate in the reaction products (P1 and P2). Enzymes speed up chemical reactions and remain unchanged condiment cups after the reaction (E). The bulk of the catalytic power of enzymes comes from routing substrate in the most favorable orientation for conducting chemical reactions. condiment cups
Most coenzyme contain condiment cups in their molecules as a vitamin component. If the function of prosthetic group performs mineral then it is a cofactor. Therefore, the function of essential nutrient vitamins and minerals is extremely important for the metabolic processes in the body. Chemical processes of transformation of energy and matter in the body are very dynamic. In these minerals and vitamins as cofactors and coenzymes, participate in numerous enzymatic processes.
Table 4.10.1. Coenzymes and their precursors from food precursors condiment cups of food biocytin Coenzyme Biotin Pantothenic acid Coenzyme A Vitamin B12 Coenzyme B12 Riboflavin (Vitamin B2) flavin adenine dinucleotide Nicotinamide condiment cups Nicotinic acid Pyridoxine (vitaminB6) pyridoxal phosphate Folate tetrahydrofolate Thiamine (Vitamin B1) Thiamine pyrophosphate
Enzymes condiment cups have a very important role in biological systems condiment cups of food in all segments of the food chain. Characteristics of enzymes important in food processing technology. Activity may be desirable and undesirable. The fresh unprocessed foods involved condiment cups in various physiological processes. Operate during processing and storage of food. The plant and animal tissue enzymes control condiment cups reactions associated with ripening and maturation. Enzymatic activity continues after sowing or harvest, and after the death of the animal in which to burn muscle tissue condiment cups hurt digest meat. After harvesting, if not inactivated by heat, chemicals, or otherwise enzymes continue to biochemical processes, and in many case

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