Saturday, December 7, 2013

In addition, a common explosive volcanic eruption energy, enough energy is released. 400,000 tons o

1 - With the help of Volcanology be part of the internal structure and composition of the earth (at least in the crust and upper mantle), the information obtained. 2 - Although volcanic material that reaches Earth's surface, it is not true representation of the melting (melting due to cent, subtraction, contamination, etc.), but they are part of the Vhay Ankla pieces of unmelted rock section are inputs starfish crafts to the surface by volcanoes, they can be melted by the agent. The study of foreign rocks and volcanic materials could help us in understanding the Earth's interior. 3 - Today in many countries it is customary to use geothermal energy and low-energy component is considered. Land close to active volcanoes, semi-active and just relax, have young, energy resources are good. This energy is also a renewable resource and environmental pollution in one hope of humanity. Geothermal resources in our country, there are many unusual starfish crafts attention to understanding how they use energy path which has recently starfish crafts started, and with a little digging starfish crafts and the energy to be a valuable creation of the installations relatively inexpensive achieved. 4 - According to the science of Volcanology and risks volcano's activity, their knowledge is sufficient communities. 5 - Understanding the issues related to the volcanic rocks as magmatic differentiation Howe's Nest magmatic and hydrothermal solutions related volcanic rocks and the place of origin of minerals will solve many genetic problems because starfish crafts many metallic minerals and non-metallic directly or indirectly volcanoes are obtained.
In the land of volcanoes, volcanic activity, the interior of our planet interestingly protests that has many effects on many geophysical processes. You can help the fact that there are about 540 active volcanoes starfish crafts in the world. The volcanoes that have undergone at least once within recorded history been a blast.
Idea about the extent of the volcano can be found. Of these 360 volcanoes in the "Ring of Fire" string of volcanoes surrounding the Pacific Ocean, and 68 are located in Kamchatkapnynvla volcanic islands starfish crafts are Kvryl. In recent years indicate that there are many more volcanoes on the ocean floor. Only the central region of the Pacific, at least 200,000 volcano is found.
In addition, a common explosive volcanic eruption energy, enough energy is released. 400,000 tons of equivalent fuel energy is analogous. Power in a massive explosion caused by the burning of 5000000 starfish crafts tonnes of coal equivalent energy that is produced. Genesis volcano in the month of solid particles in space are driven explosion and scattering of solar radiation, while a significant effect on the amount of heat that reaches the ground.
Some of the available data show that in the history of our planet long before the glacial period of intense volcanic activity has taken place. Current scientific data indicate that volcanic activity in other planetary objects that are similar in nature and structure of the ground occurs. Carlsbad volcanoes and moon the Moon is Earth's nearest neighbor. Evolution of the planet are very similar. Therefore, comparison of satellite studies have revealed many problems. Based on data obtained from lunar exploration systems, more mouths ring-shaped moon appeared in the collision. On the other hand, no significant effects of volcanic activity on its surface has been discovered. For example, black volcanic rocks, such as lavas salient characteristics of the lunar surface are frozen. In addition, there are reasons starfish crafts to believe that the rest of us or the matter by artificial satellites month under Maria (Sea Moon) have been discovered.
Frozen lavas are nothing but holes. Other properties of the lunar surface starfish crafts is probably closely associated with volcanic activity show. Effect of volcanoes on the moon's surface circular raised areas or areas where there is high. And on some symptoms such as mouths of volcanoes (areas of damaged rock around starfish crafts the opening) is clearly seen. There are also in the same building called Lakvlyt. starfish crafts Their bumps are the result of Earth's volcanoes appeared. Some of the hills of the North Caucasus Mashvk, starfish crafts Bshtaf, and Zymyka belong to this group. Scientists believe that the most intense volcanic activity during the first one and a half million years of history came from the moon. This theory by measuring the lifetime of the moon rocks are volcanic materials was confirmed by at least three billion year old rock.
Significant effects of volcanic activity at the volcano Mercury Mercury the closest planet to the Sun as seen from the pictures provided. Surface by a large number of holes, hole. Although starfish crafts the holes are created in the collision. Flow of lava at the bottom of some of them recognizable. Volcanoes on Venus and some data suggest that volcanic activity on Venus is still continue. As you know, the surface temperature of Venus is about 500 C, resulting in the accumulation of certain starfish crafts greenhouse effect of the sun's heat in the lower atmosphere of Venus is due to cloud layer around the planet.
It is quite possible that volcanoes, starfish crafts especially during the hot lavas may be another contributing factor. May be a lot of solid particles on the basis of information found in the atmosphere of Venus. They have volcanic origins. In addition to the 17 percent of atmospheric carbon dioxide, the gas released during volcanic eruptions

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