Saturday, December 21, 2013

Friends first, thank you very much we live, says our friend and SCT you want to take your car to fr

Exemption of excise duty in the calculation of Disabled Car Buying How is it performed? And What Should Be Considered? | He asked Sora
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Eternity says
1 - Exemption of disabled people who want to take advantage of a vehicle is no payment of excise duty. So this vehicle excise duty are not shown in the invoices. But unfortunately dealers are making the correct calculations. Car fiyatlandırılırk please note the following;
Vehicles are delivered to the user in this way. SCT dealers before doing calculations add up then calculate the VAT. Sales during the fall of excise duty as we are currently mug warmers staying up calculations are wrong. mug warmers In this way because you made a calculation of VAT on excise duty (ie the extra fee) means. Therefore, dealers mug warmers should do out of duty-free prices is to express KDV calculate the amount you must pay. Unfortunately, sometimes tax-free prices higher mug warmers said encounters with the situation, in this case using the following method if you suspect that price is the price of the vehicle you can find.
Sung at the price of registration plates and tax stamp costs, remove mug warmers the remaining price of 1.18 E by dividing the vehicle VAT price found, VAT price also 1:37 to splitting tool is the price you can find, finally bulduğuz the final price and 18 multiplied by 100 If you divide Do you find you have to pay VAT. Here's what you have found and KDV total price is the price you have to pay your dealer. Also registration costs from the fees collected under the name banderol expenses will fall because the disabled are exempt from Motor Vehicle Tax.
As mentioned above, the tax exemption of Law No. 7 of 4760 And the same substance is known to those listed in Article of the vehicle floods, landslides, earthquakes, and can not be used due to an accident waiting five years to re-tool the case that can be taken are arranged. In questions from our call center and our disabled citizens, insurance companies never have to pay excise duty if they report that they say they will pay the price. If this is not the insurance company comes to disability exemption means recognition. So they have taken the State of the disabled vehicle becomes mug warmers unusable in case of a second or even more while recognizing exemption, the purpose is to protect against potential damage to your vehicle attitude of insurance companies is extremely wrong. Therefore, such a policy should not accept our disabled citizens.
Friends first, thank you very much we live, says our friend and SCT you want to take your car to friends let me tell you a short calculation method of Price. The main benefit of the tool will be taken to the 37s% (SCT) was added and then 18% KDV is applied. Ozmen said to you Bolsa CAR SHOW ONLY ENOUGH to 1.37. (Proof: Net price 50,000 existing BI tools normally you SCT and KDV the restauration sale is made So SCT s price = 50,000 * 1.37 = 68.500TL on the bidet KDV accounted Putting Selling Price = 68.500TL * 1.18 = 80,830 AUD We disabilities We'll take our vehicles, that we are only paid from 80.830TL we fall pruning of SCT SCT y YOU SELLING mug warmers PRICE = 80,830 / 1.37 = 59,000)
hello my report mug warmers I have 91% to 60 thousand in the 1.6 motor vehicle prices will cost me what happens this tool. KDV excise tax deduction of up to 9 binlir yapılırmı.ba discount yapıyor.hilesiz me correctly the car where you can buy and would be glad if you enlighten me thanks
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Is not it wrong to SCT account? Results from the calculator with percentage calculations do not match the sample means, mug warmers for example 40,000 X 18% = 40,000 this KDV 7200. Remove from now, if the principal amount of KDV 40.000-7200 y = 32800 SCT now released another version of this tool if arch 32,700 X 37% = 12,136 SCT prune. mug warmers If y remove the SCT 32700-12136 = 20664 prune state ötvsiz we now add the remaining amount KDV 20,664 X 18% = 24,383 vehicle amount to be paid if your account 40,000 mug warmers / 1.18 = 33,898 / 1.37 = 24,743 X 1.18 = 29,126 turns. Meanwhile my account 24,383 29,126 4,743 TL difference in your account. I'm sorry, maybe I could be wrong, but make sure you know why I made this account. I wonder if one examines.
the following formula may be the principal X 0.18 = KDV principal - KDV remaining amount X .37 = SCT kalanmiktar-to-SCT = ötvsiz and kdvsiz price KDV If you add her X .18 = the amount on ötvsiz and kdvsiz price collect the amount payable emerges a bit confused but we can do the operation above 40,000 X .18 = 7.200 40000-7200 = 32,800 32,800 X .37 = 12,136 32,800 to 12.136 = 20.664 mug warmers 20.664 x 0.18 = 24,383 will be
There needs to be at least 40% of your report.

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