Friday, October 18, 2013

amylin Anneplandet FrkBadegakk G-Anettes creativity Gry Hege Hege hobby hook Hennie-home Hobbyugla

It was not a new pair of socks for its substrate rather ... I found a NSTE Baby Merino yarn in the closet, shell sea which was transformed into two pairs warmers. shell sea I often end up with these No. I do not quite know what to knit. Nice that there are two pairs of a NSTE, with only a meter or two to spare.
N I should really have started on socks, but s I found something that lured the yarn closet again, namely a skein of Wollmeise Twin color Krbis. It has been intended shell sea Hitchhiker ever since it came in the house, and now the alts would not wait any longer. The 12 first tags were knitted in a jiffy, the remaining 30 will take probably a bit more time ...
Fight Fine warmers, as usual. Well have a project to "only" No. It can knit klri fingers. It will be a colorful shawl, lovely! wish you continued good sommeruke! Pernilla Reply to comment Permalink Torhild BR Pettersen (Visitor) 2012-07-15 @ 11:34:23
Hey. Now I have seen on these warmers shell sea loooong shell sea time. Now I knitted two pairs. Thanks for the recipe-Have linked to the page of time. Still good summer and good work like Reply to comment Permalink kari Laundal (Visitor) 2012-07-19 @ http://Syogstrikkemakern 5:15:54 p.m.
Hey, s fine warmers! But I have been captivated by the shawl making. How do I get hold of yarn? Regards Reply to comment shell sea Permalink Leave a comment (Login) Comment Comment: * User Name: * Surname: * Email (not visible): * Website / URL (visible): Remember me Spam protection Preview shell sea
Quick heat by Felisi on 2012-12-04 1:34:39 p.m. Felisipulsvarmere shell sea again by Felisi on 2011-06-03 1:44:21 p.m. Flashing Rococo by Felisi on 2011-05-08 9:07:05 p.m. Felisipulsvarmere by Felisi Wed 2011 -05 to 05 3:04:19 p.m. Fourth, fifth and sixth - and some pske by Felisi on 2011-04-26 12:59:02 Third pair out by Felisi on 2011-04-21 11:31:21 p.m. More clobbere by Felisi on 2011-04-19 10:40:55 Finished Elf Clobbere by Felisi on 2011-04-15 10:27:50 warmers + recipe shell sea by Felisi on 2010-08-03 11:44:46 p.m. holidays! by Felisi on 2010-07-20 0:19:15
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amylin Anneplandet FrkBadegakk G-Anettes creativity Gry Hege Hege hobby hook Hennie-home Hobbyugla shell sea Judith Created by Linda Lisa Marie Mekkehjrnet mimouna Mons Term Rochester nutmeg Mnestrle Pinneguri Rekkehuset Scorpio strikkemor (o) two perverse Ullhedina Vibeke small gr nd ztrikkeriet
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Merging without cable needle Felisihalsen Felisis englemaskekurs shell sea Felisipulsvarmere short row heel Kirisjalet Flower Basket Shawl men gauntlets with cables ribbelue in Merino Extra Fine Felisis knestrmper
Elisabeth on Sweater Start Ina on Legwarmers Socks! mimouna on Legwarmers Socks! Ina on Yaprakli Fular! Tiara on First attempt Elisabeth on Done stripe sweater! Kristine Tnnevold Davidsen shell sea on First attempt Hobbyugla on Done stripe sweater! Solfrid on Done stripe sweater! Tiara on Done stripe sweater!
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