Monday, October 28, 2013

2.13. The driver must check that the car was equipped with bearing pads (at least two pieces) for p

DESCRIPTION OF WORK Driver (driver-dispatch) employed Driving all types and brands for passenger | Dubanevytska School I-II levels
Table clock distribution (6.9 KiB, 4,538 downloads) orientyry_vyhovania (166.5 KiB, 4,094 downloads) __. Zip (29.0 KiB, 3,290 downloads) Scenariji_CO (44.3 KiB, 3,273 downloads) (10.5 KiB, 3,186 downloads) sea conch ( 46.0 KiB, 2,749 downloads) (20.9 KiB, 2,722 downloads) (703.7 KiB, 2,620 downloads) ____. zip (15.2 KiB, 2,445 downloads) (36.2 KiB, 2,341 downloads)

1.1. To manage passenger car allowed a person at least 18 years intended order for the company to have a certificate for the relevant type of control of the vehicle sea conch and passed:
1.2.3. Immediately inform your supervisor about the accident that occurred at work, occupational disease signs, as well as a situation that poses a threat to life and health.
- Thermal factors (fires, explosions in the fuel supply to the carburetor by gravity engine, checking for fuel in the tank with the use of open flames, leakage of gas from gas cylinder installation, steam burns, water and carb); sea conch
Of primary importance among the harmful factors include neuro-emotional stress. sea conch The value of stress related to the number and nature of the information received, sea conch the responsibility for the life of the movement and the preservation sea conch of their health, to preserve property and depends on the individual driver.
Information flow supplied to the driver of the car under certain conditions can induce a state of monotony and falling asleep while driving. This occurs when traveling in traffic flow, moving with a uniform speed, and increases uniformity in the conditions of road, low traffic.
Nervous - emotional stress also depends on the specific sea conch situations in real road conditions: sharp braking, overtaking and complicated travel sea conch unregulated and regulated sea conch intersection, the entrance to the traffic flow in and out of it and so on.
1.5. Clothing and other personal protective equipment issued pursuant to DNAOP 0.00-3.06-98 sea conch "Typical rules free issue of special clothing, footwear and other personal protective equipment to employees of road transport", namely:
- When performing maintenance and repair of motor vehicles additionally - cotton suit (wearing period sea conch - 12 months) sea conch mittens combined (term wear - 3 months)
Head of the company shall replace or repair sea conch clothing, footwear and other personal protective equipment, which had deteriorated to the expiration of the period of wear for reasons beyond the control of the employee. sea conch
1.7. If an accident should assist the victim in accordance with the instructions to provide first aid, cause employee health service. Save to investigate the situation in the workplace as it was at the time if it does not threaten the life and health sea conch of the participants and do not result in an accident.
1.10. For personal hygiene driver must be in the car cleaning supplies (surface-active, suitable for use on the skin - such as "Rally", etc..), Brush for washing hands, towels, rags for wiping hands from lubricants . Drivers who have contact (contamination of hands) with various oils, paints, etc. (Transportation of these substances, repair work), shall be provided with protective ointments, pastes.
- The technical condition of the car, serviceability sea conch brake system, steering, lighting and alarm systems, windshield wipers, install mirrors, cleanliness and appearance of license plates and no leakage of fuel, oil and water;
2.2. Filling car with fuel spend idle the engine. Car Servicing should be carried out leaded gasoline from the gas station with hose, equipped with dispensing gun. Do not refuel vehicles using leaded gasoline cans, funnels, etc., and let leaded gasoline in a container (canister). Tanker sea conch and the driver must be at the gas station on the windward side of the car.
2.4. Check the car en route from failures that threaten safety, is prohibited.
2.9. Check the condition of the vehicle and its units to exit from the premises and return to the plant should sea conch be slowed down at the wheels. The exception to this rule is the case of testing the brakes.
2.13. The driver must check that the car was equipped with bearing pads (at least two pieces) for pidkladennya under the wheels, broad substrate beneath the heel jack and copper

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