Thursday, January 22, 2015

Usage: 2 teaspoons of fresh or dried herbs are boiled with 150 ml of boiling water and 10 minutes d

Botanical Information: from Sıracagil family; is a plant species of two years and life. first year thick, oval-shaped leaves are growing interests badge. The center of the rosette grows a thick stems in May next year. Remove rows of buds on the stem. Flowers bloom from below. Pink, purple, red, yellow or white. Similar hobart offenburg to the trumpet-shaped flowers open their mouths facing downward. Most of the interior is covered with white framed maroon spots.
Botanical Information: from Isırgangil family; hobart offenburg 30-80 cm tall, rising vertically, is a perennial plant. Its body is covered with fine hairs on the hook is similar to the four corners. The lower part of the body and is very dallıdır.yaprak of alternating full-edged. Flower petals on the bottom of the stems occur clustered so many flowers and are usually quite small whitish green.
Usage: 2 teaspoons of fresh or dried herbs are boiled with 150 ml of boiling water and 10 minutes dem is filtered.
Botanical Information: The leaves in the bottom of hat size and lightweight gear is covered with gray hairs. Ranging from off-white to pale pink flowers, at the end of the handle are opened in the form of a bunch.
Usage - Tea: Half a teaspoon finely chopped or plant roots, the medium from the assembly 1 cup full of water is placed in cold water in the morning warmed and filtered. 1 or 2 glasses sipped hobart offenburg throughout hobart offenburg the day
Usage - Leaves compress: Washed fresh leaves, crushed into flakes with a wooden rolling pin on top of a table, is deposited on the affected area and is refreshed every 1-2 hours. r.
Botanical Information: poppy family is from. Between May and August, the red flowers hobart offenburg blooming, or sometimes a herbaceous perennial plant height of 20-30 cm and a milky white. In wheat fields, are very common in uncultivated places. Steep and deep bodies tüylüdür.yaprakl is shaped recessed and asymmetric, which opens in the spring and throughout the summer, starting from bright red flower petals which is located under the black mark of the petals. Flowers located at the ends of branches. Sepals poured in during flowering. Flowers also poured quickly. Fruits are yellowish brown in color, is perforated and scatter the seeds of this hole.
Botanical Information: Located in the same genus or species malvaceae 1500 family is the common name for the hibiscus plant. Are two or perennial herbaceous plants. 8 species of hibiscus are grown in our country. The most importantly, Malva sylvestris (M. sylvestris) is a species. 20-30 cm. between the rounded shape of the leaves of this species can be sized, toothed margins, long-stalked, hairy, alternating sequence is fragmented hobart offenburg and palm veined like 3-7. Open throughout the summer and early autumn color pink, purple flowers on the striped, remove the leaves from the seat. Fruits which are divided into 10 parts, is in open dry seeds at maturity. The plant reproduces by seed shed.
Known compositions: the hibiscus plant leaves substantially hobart offenburg liquid adhesive; Astringent / reducing organic tissues shrink secretion, expectorants / expectorant, hobart offenburg emollient, diuretic / diuretic, sedative / sakinleştirici.yaprak stems and slightly fragrant and delicious uninspired. Some places are eaten as a vegetable. faydalarıprote and is rich in vitamin C. You malviya for content on malva and therefore the gums has an excellent feature from prooksi against bacteria in plaque-inhibiting and mouth. Mouthwashes, pharyngitis and chronic inflammation of the tonsils good gelir.bileşim 10% - 15 softness data is laxative agents.
Tea: 2 teaspoons of chopped flowers, leaves and whole plant of 250 ml of cold water, stirring occasionally 8-10 hours to infuse and filtered. hobart offenburg Heated before drinking hot drink. Lapa: a container of fresh leaves or whole plants are crushed, wrapped with very little water quickly heated to a temperature sufficient to burn the body of the patient. Bath: 10 g in 1 liter water flowers or whole plants are incubated for 8 h and filtered.
Botanical Information: from Apiaceae; that grows in damp places, 1-2 feet tall poisonous bitkidir.yaprak large; a thick stem. The lower part of the stem turns purple renktedir.hazir the month of white flowers, the flowers are small and shallow. Is a poisonous hobart offenburg plant with a bad smell. & # 8220; & # 8221 Great hemlock; and & # 8220; & # 8221 Small hemlock; There are 2 kinds including. The greater the medicine used in kullanılır.ev drugs.
Thistle: Akkız, Pulley, Donkey bush, Keng the grass. hobart offenburg Known Composition: silymarin, essential oil, Tyra s, flavonit histamine, resins, amine, albumin, agmatine, oil. Özellilleri: Stomach booster, appetite, liver booster, tonic, milk enhancer, facilitate digestion, bile flow regulator. Proposed Diseases: Contents is the liver of the drug substance because of silymarin, poisoning, malaria, lack of appetite, jaundice, nose under the influence of alcohol and abashed people

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