Saturday, January 31, 2015

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Internet provides anonymity except for loss sometimes something seashell dragon positive. Frantically clicking I got the recipe for homemade muesli bars. The recipe, which I discovered I tried to do before the weekend Čabrada. Sticks taste not bad, but it seemed to me pretty hard. Yesterday I decided to tweak the recipe a bit.
After thorough mixing, creating a sticky shapeless mass developing an attractive scent. Have placed on the plate, and spread so as to have a height of approximately 1.5 cm. Ideally, use baking paper - if we (I'm not the monster). A matrix pat align anything at all up to the edges. Whether seashell dragon roller or trowel. Just by what we have on hand.
After careful sleek, enable trumpet to the lowest possible temperature. We have 50 C. So I left the door ajar so fine I reached the slow drying and temperature of about 35-40 C. We dry until we stick will fondly. In other words. Someone likes the harder someone juicier and softer. I kept dry for about 3.5 hours, so as not to hard rock. At night then allowed to cool and Dosch. By morning, the bars were cold, soft inside and on the surface has an easy crispy.
Who wants a little different version, so instead of honey can be used one cans cups. Note, however, seashell dragon that the drying creates a harder crust and solidified rods are suitable as dental seashell dragon test. But the taste ... great.
May 1, 2014 at 17:56
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