Wednesday, December 24, 2014

Prolegomena to a Republican attempt detection of the new, globalized era in our country. An excelle

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Sharing the Greece in the year 2013, three years after the bankruptcy, pensions at 55 is like the captain of the Titanic handing out coupons for free meals throughout the trip, an hour before the collision with the iceberg. When I read yesterday role strain the relevant reportage I was dumbfounded by the inability of the political leadership to at least try to salvage what can be salvaged from this country continues to be in tatters. See: Who can retire at 55 ... Every time we pay more than 30 billion. EUR pensions of which about half paid by the insurance funds and the remaining budget. What does this mean in plain language? To get a pension at 55 years someone has to pay hike for the property or if you do not have to pay, to lose his home. Because the measure of early retirement is primarily public and noble funds the conclusion is that confiscate the property role strain of all to retire role strain prematurely customer groups. The contribution of Mr. Venizelos in restatement of property tax is the double burden of those with overall objective immovable property worth more than 300,000 euros. role strain What does it matter now if two apartments in Maroussi have real value around 100,000 Euros and sell them if someone found, the tax is calculated on the objective, which can be from two to three times. Apparently the government are confused otherwise not explained movements so contradictory unless they have chosen the strategy of accelerating the collapse of the country, to end an hour earlier with the torment of the governance of a country that their parties gradually became non kyvernisimi. The grant of pension funds from the budget was 17 billion. And brought below the 15 billion. Euro. The government puts estate tax close to 4 billion. To collect about 2.9 billion. Euro. This is not a state is the bandit Ntavelis: grabs everything we can from where anyone can achieve role strain it ... We have 2.7 million. Pensioners, of which 800,000 under 65 years is the minimum age to start and other 300,000 through early retirements. There is a plan or just watch jerking movements of the Titanic crew is confused? I fear that it is the latter. And the substitute captain Tsipras, whose rota follow thinks the iceberg just touching the Titanic role strain will open like the Red Sea when he touched the stick of Moses.
Badierismos: the highest stage of Dimarismou SYRIZA in sty From poniroulidismo in skoulikosyni on the edge Great Chimera What is left to the Left? The State of the few. How oligarchs ruined Greece Marcel Gkose: Insurrection as a new conformism Require become normal state Resist the vothrokratia!
Michel Serres
AFTER THE CRISIS art noise boar AristerOK Red Refresh The Insider Cities and Political Yiannis Boutari George role strain Kaminis Unthinkable? Probably not the Democratic Left in Crete Radical Desire Not Pluck the daisy Readings of Dawn Inserts econews role strain Left in the blogosphere Left Ostrich The Mob Goes Wild Red peppers e-Left ERA look Deimos citizenship The Athens Review of Books Le monde diplomatique Greek version Liberation Independent Guardian The New York Times
Before 10 hours
Raffaele Simone: Against the spirit of the times
Democracy or capitalism?
Something will be reborn, but will differ from what we know
Dinos Christianopoulos - interview role strain of
Prolegomena to a Republican attempt detection of the new, globalized era in our country. An excellent text by Mr. Anthony Manitakis for Greece role strain of the new regime, the Greece role strain of the "Memorandum" and the globalized era and prospects in Europe.
Noam Chomsky: Parisian MOUZELIS N dialogues: "The Democratic Left and politko scene" GIANOULOPOULOS C: "client states and the Left" ALIVIZATOS N: "The news of the ratio of A. Manesi" MALIGKOUDIS S .: "Rosa Luxemburg: Mortgages" PANTAZOPOULOS A .: "Vacation" role strain
Edward Said: "The criticism as freedom" Julia Kristeva: "Thinking as an antidote to violence" role strain Jeremy Rifkin: "Three elephants in the room" JOSEPH BUTTIGIEG: "The role strain presence of Gramsci" Allen FINKIELKROT: "The nation as memory" EDGAR MORIN "My Left" Jurgen CHAMPERMAS: role strain "We need Europe!"

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