Tuesday, December 30, 2014

Make a calculation. The annual candy shoppe birthday party pharmaceutical expenditure in Greece is

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And suddenly the whole world learned the word generic. For a week we all deal with the generic, are laminated picture and sound emissions, but I think the average person remains unaware. The cause is not on the difficulty of the subject but the deliberate vagueness of those directly involved. Not filed arguments candy shoppe birthday party but phrases, words such as emotional people, public health, risk and little third world and Jews ... .The truth is simpler. The real battle is to keep the Greek pharmaceutical exorbitant profits at the expense rates (already underfunded) pension funds, ie of each of our policyholders. Generic drugs are used in all advanced candy shoppe birthday party countries (Germany USA etc.), are safe, effective and simultaneously save from 40-90% of pharmaceutical expenditure. In Greece until now was the paradox. Generic drug is sold in more than 20% cheaper and often at the same price as the original. candy shoppe birthday party The official reason is to protect the domestic industry. The question is against Whose;
Make a calculation. The annual candy shoppe birthday party pharmaceutical expenditure in Greece is 8.5 billion. If we reduce the price of generics to 40% saving of approximately 3.5 billion. So is the extra amount candy shoppe birthday party paid funds in the domestic candy shoppe birthday party pharmaceutical industry in return for 8,500 jobs. If we consider 2500 E. wage costs per worker all employees costs 300 million Euro. So for 300 million for salaries that give the main manufacturers require the State at least 2.5 billion subsidy.
They certainly exporting drugs in developed countries with a profit rate of 40-90% less than the Greece. There suits them. In Greece extorted by closing their factories. Invoking loose and somewhat candy shoppe birthday party racist arguments that will overwhelm our generics from third world countries do not stand first because they themselves probably the raw material to get from the third world countries and secondly imagine German pharmaceutical industry rely on the same argument.
Ipolitiki Ministry of Health for drugs moving in the right direction, but disagree on how to apply and specifically with the public discourse expressing some without being specific. Echo So to say the following, and to apologize to readers for some scientific terminology to use, but unfortunately they were already familiar candy shoppe birthday party with the wrong way:
Over the last 30 years, all medical students, Dentistry, Pharmacy and Nursing taught drugs generically and under the brand ever. Ara argument that doctors do not know is not true. Furthermore, mandatory or voluntary prescription generically made in 22 of the 27 countries of the European UNION without imposing any troika.
The excipients (starch, sucrose, lactose, oil, doubly distilled water, etc.) are inert substances with no activity in the body. Add to the active substance-drug for reasons related to the formatting of drugs, that is, to make tablets, capsules, injections etc. Ontos can some of them cause allergic or other reactions in individuals with genetic predisposition, candy shoppe birthday party like lactose in people intolerant to lactose or sucrose as an excipient in diabetics. candy shoppe birthday party These are known to practitioners and marked in the package candy shoppe birthday party inserts of drugs that are determined by both the EMEA and the European and other drug control agencies. In no country in the world, medical practitioners prescribe excipients why this is impossible, but does not contribute anything to the patient's treatment. Certainly problems have occurred with both the generic and the original drugs, but this does not make generic "flour or excellent 'and the original' excellent or products of bad multinationals'. We need both. Multinational pharmaceutical companies are those who investigate and fortunately they do because otherwise we would not have drugs for AIDS, cancer, candy shoppe birthday party antibiotics for infections and others that led to the increase in average life span at least 10 years. Also, the Greek generics, but also those of the imported controlled candy shoppe birthday party and meet the standards are necessary because the reduction in pharmaceutical expenditure is crucial political decision that affects not only the economy but also on the health of patients. How the Funds will cover the cost eg treatment of breast cancer, that each treatment cycle (6 cycles of treatment) costs around 2,000 euros without

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