Sunday, December 28, 2014

And there is the other half Greece. looking great Entrepreneurship trying to create products that d

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This akrodexioaristeri, conspiracy, unparliamentary, anti-European, Third World rhetoric is not a risk only to reform Greece and avoid bankruptcy. Unscrupulous sorcerer's apprentice opened Pandora's box. Jeopardizing our society status itself into the democratic West. Countries commit suicide and examples are plentiful around us. In this strange and crunch can no be silent. looking great Everyone must choose "indignation", looking great choose "Greece".
In ma little, things begin to clarify. There are two Greeces. Both are, in fact, 'indignant' Greece. One wants to leave things as they were until 2009. He wants, that is, the wider public to consume annually 24 billion more than it receives. And they go to those who have a privileged more or less than the state apparatus. The intertwined entrepreneurship taking projects and commissions with predatory contracts. The parties-businesses to manage for their benefit, opaquely, public money. Voter customers parties appointed in series to the public in positions looking great unproductive. The union of parties is co to public companies. With 300 000 single coming looking great out in early retirement with voluntary departures to 50. Noble Funds are funded by contributions to third paid by the rest of society. Social assistance is converted into preference groups incomes. The islets public, autonomised, church, hospitals, universities, municipal government, have turned to looting and wasting homes. The kratikodiaita looking great Media funded by the respective governments and intellectuals to the grantees are packed with all the wrapping of the 'public interest'. Do they pass well, loans, grants, community grants. Account but to charge the whole society. And resent politicians who promised to continue the party and now throwing in the deal.
And there is the other half Greece. looking great Entrepreneurship trying to create products that deserve to be sold. Workers in the public or private sector who just want to work and live from their work. The jobber who are struggling for survival. The 800 000 unemployed are increasing, as the private sector of the economy suffocates and can not lift another's burdens bankrupt state. Young people by the hundreds of thousands can not even enter the production to measure and those unemployed. The unemployment which has reached looking great North African levels. Women are excluded from the rigid forms of work and can not enter into production. The one million cheap immigrant labor without rights. looking great The workers, scientists, professionals, who pay taxes without public looking great retribution quality services that pay exorbitant insurance contributions to bankrupt funds. The Greece wants to change everything you weigh this country. This Greece is the largest. Why include looking great large parts of the former favored Greece, which have long been understood that the system would be counterproductive, looking great unjust, looking great unsustainable. looking great That was turned into a negative-sum game with very few winners and losers all anymore.
While this is Greece the majority of citizens, the official public discourse is not represented. Parties, trade unions, professional associations, media, expressing the old power system, what went bankrupt. Only the elite of former disadvantaged sections give tearing rearguard battles to lose acquired. Why do they have to lose and more. Although the Greece maintenance is majority in public looking great discourse, the game has been held, can not win. For the simple reason that there is no longer prey can share in the electoral clientele. We can make appointments to bankrupt government can not give other subsidies from the European Union farmers can not divide profusely early pensions and hefty single layers of the public sector because the funds did not have money to pay pensions or those is already inside. There are projects to distribute for a fee in interlaced entrepreneurship, there are no more money to buy support to non-existent media and public intellectuals-feeding. The party is over. Battles given this

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