Wednesday, December 31, 2014

About the predecessor who persists issue notices extolling his own twelve-year souffle cups with li

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Dating in ... courts with Vassilis Papageorgopoulos gave yesterday John Boutari, announcing that he would ask expediting procedures to restore the truth and to apportion blame about the financial scandal in the days of former souffle cups with lids mayor revealed in primary funds. souffle cups with lids "The responsibility of Mr. Papageorgopoulos on the situation in the municipality is huge and must cease to do ... peacock!" He said, a day after the deposit of the municipal council of finding Mr. Scarfs. And, making clear that his role, and the role of administration in the municipality "is not to cover it up," said that in the coming days will visit the investigator. At this meeting Mr. Boutari intends to seek the one hand information on the progress of the case and the next steps of Justice, secondly accelerate action so that the case will go, if possible, to the audience.
About the predecessor who persists issue notices extolling his own twelve-year souffle cups with lids presence in the mayoral chair while blaming the current administration, said that he does not intend to as n 'deal with him. Yesterday was the last time, as Mr. Boutari, who replied to Mr placements. Papageorgopoulos. And it was indeed very strict. Occasion were comments of former mayor for the visit of Secretary of PASOK, M. Karchimaki, the town hall. "The souffle cups with lids Papageorgopoulos only knows one thing: the statue of Constantine Karamanlis. No longer playing with it, whatever you say. We will tell the court, "he said.
The third special investigator souffle cups with lids handling the sensational case of large embezzlement in Thessaloniki municipality mayor will accompany the Deputy Mayor for Finance, Chasdai Capon, and the chairman of the city council, Panagiotis Avramopoulos.
The day before yesterday, Mr. Capon submitted the minutes of the municipal souffle cups with lids council in very long finding of the economic inspector, Anastasia kerchief, which is investigating the case since February 2008, so that all members of the city council informed.
"It's something souffle cups with lids that should have been done by the previous administration, since the finding was tabled before the end of the year. The councilors must be aware, "said Mr. Capon. At the same time, was ordered to the Legal Service to the municipality to bring a civil action souffle cups with lids not only in the criminal part of the case, but also the urban, the financial souffle cups with lids loss suffered.
Recall that the municipality has proceeded to arrest the property of the accused official Panagiotis Saxony, named as the protagonist of the case, however, the finding souffle cups with lids fault with criminal responsibility for the deficit created the Apostle Tsoureka, Anastasios Gerogianni, Michael and Theodore Zorpidis souffle cups with lids Athanasaro the who served as deputy mayors of Finance, the general secretary of the municipality, Michael Lemousia, and other 20 people, employees and managers. According everything with finding the "black hole" in the funds of the municipality souffle cups with lids is 51.4 million. Euro between 1997 and 2008.
At the same time, the municipal administration proceeds in recruiting lawyer by private treaty, and a new tendering procedure for the election auditor. "Under the 'Kallikrates'', souffle cups with lids each municipality should proceed to a detailed inventory control, you should souffle cups with lids see what they received. For this reason, we asked for the approval of the city council to hire a lawyer who will review all contracts, but also to relaunching the competition for chartered accountant, since the former was held on December 15 and is included this new task of opening inventory control "said Mr. Capon. Tomorrow will meet the Economic Committee, which will proceed with the procedures for the new competition.
The aim of management is the inventory control to be completed in February, due to the forthcoming souffle cups with lids (by end March) filing of the 2011 budget In this context, the mayor expects to occur and reshaping the balance sheet of 2009, as well as stresses, his pension is taken into account certain "events", such as fiscal souffle cups with lids fines and gap insurance contributions arising from the case of embezzlement.
Also, the municipality souffle cups with lids intends to cooperate with Athens Law Firm, which will make a thorough review of all contracts of the municipality of Thessaloniki souffle cups with lids (for contractors, supplies, etc.), despite the objections of the opposition, who pointed out that those contracts reviewed by the legal department of the municipality.
Fatal sleepwalker

Tuesday, December 30, 2014

Make a calculation. The annual candy shoppe birthday party pharmaceutical expenditure in Greece is

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And suddenly the whole world learned the word generic. For a week we all deal with the generic, are laminated picture and sound emissions, but I think the average person remains unaware. The cause is not on the difficulty of the subject but the deliberate vagueness of those directly involved. Not filed arguments candy shoppe birthday party but phrases, words such as emotional people, public health, risk and little third world and Jews ... .The truth is simpler. The real battle is to keep the Greek pharmaceutical exorbitant profits at the expense rates (already underfunded) pension funds, ie of each of our policyholders. Generic drugs are used in all advanced candy shoppe birthday party countries (Germany USA etc.), are safe, effective and simultaneously save from 40-90% of pharmaceutical expenditure. In Greece until now was the paradox. Generic drug is sold in more than 20% cheaper and often at the same price as the original. candy shoppe birthday party The official reason is to protect the domestic industry. The question is against Whose;
Make a calculation. The annual candy shoppe birthday party pharmaceutical expenditure in Greece is 8.5 billion. If we reduce the price of generics to 40% saving of approximately 3.5 billion. So is the extra amount candy shoppe birthday party paid funds in the domestic candy shoppe birthday party pharmaceutical industry in return for 8,500 jobs. If we consider 2500 E. wage costs per worker all employees costs 300 million Euro. So for 300 million for salaries that give the main manufacturers require the State at least 2.5 billion subsidy.
They certainly exporting drugs in developed countries with a profit rate of 40-90% less than the Greece. There suits them. In Greece extorted by closing their factories. Invoking loose and somewhat candy shoppe birthday party racist arguments that will overwhelm our generics from third world countries do not stand first because they themselves probably the raw material to get from the third world countries and secondly imagine German pharmaceutical industry rely on the same argument.
Ipolitiki Ministry of Health for drugs moving in the right direction, but disagree on how to apply and specifically with the public discourse expressing some without being specific. Echo So to say the following, and to apologize to readers for some scientific terminology to use, but unfortunately they were already familiar candy shoppe birthday party with the wrong way:
Over the last 30 years, all medical students, Dentistry, Pharmacy and Nursing taught drugs generically and under the brand ever. Ara argument that doctors do not know is not true. Furthermore, mandatory or voluntary prescription generically made in 22 of the 27 countries of the European UNION without imposing any troika.
The excipients (starch, sucrose, lactose, oil, doubly distilled water, etc.) are inert substances with no activity in the body. Add to the active substance-drug for reasons related to the formatting of drugs, that is, to make tablets, capsules, injections etc. Ontos can some of them cause allergic or other reactions in individuals with genetic predisposition, candy shoppe birthday party like lactose in people intolerant to lactose or sucrose as an excipient in diabetics. candy shoppe birthday party These are known to practitioners and marked in the package candy shoppe birthday party inserts of drugs that are determined by both the EMEA and the European and other drug control agencies. In no country in the world, medical practitioners prescribe excipients why this is impossible, but does not contribute anything to the patient's treatment. Certainly problems have occurred with both the generic and the original drugs, but this does not make generic "flour or excellent 'and the original' excellent or products of bad multinationals'. We need both. Multinational pharmaceutical companies are those who investigate and fortunately they do because otherwise we would not have drugs for AIDS, cancer, candy shoppe birthday party antibiotics for infections and others that led to the increase in average life span at least 10 years. Also, the Greek generics, but also those of the imported controlled candy shoppe birthday party and meet the standards are necessary because the reduction in pharmaceutical expenditure is crucial political decision that affects not only the economy but also on the health of patients. How the Funds will cover the cost eg treatment of breast cancer, that each treatment cycle (6 cycles of treatment) costs around 2,000 euros without

Monday, December 29, 2014

Banks, moneylenders. Yes, there was so much exploitation that have lost half their money and went b

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I see with surprise now and representatives of anti-memorandum parties recognize deficits and looking for ways to meet them. Recommend taxes of course they too, those who have an income of 20,000 a year, contributions to those 50,000, extraordinary taxes on businesses. Where are they now 'not owed, do not pay "? Where are all those who did not pay tolls, tickets on buses and the subway? Where are all those where the State bankrupt proposed in response to the bankrupt even more? Where did those good people suggested audit committees to remove the onerous debt? Comparing the Greek democracy with Latin American bananas and did not recognize contracts of a European hapi hl7 Union country, with governments that voted 80% of the Greek people? Where are all those who had made the guts of batachtsi for free in progressive right and requirement to pay their life citizens of other countries? I wonder, now that they learned about 200,000 monkey pensions and allowances which cost 1 billion per year for the five-fold increase of pharmaceutical expenditure, to double in a decade of wage costs of the public, the tripling hapi hl7 of the State aid to the fund, still want committees control? Did you say anything to them the fact that after four years of recession and 2 Memorandum, starting again census of pensioners? With the sign "no pay, no pay ', the Greek parasitism tried hiding behind progressive labels to put the rest of society to pay the bill.
Our society is going through hard times. Many people have closed their jobs, a million of our fellow citizens hapi hl7 are unemployed. For, wait a minute, though. For "extermination of society" and spoke before two years. Extermination of society was cut early attendance allowance. Extermination were transfers in public. People threatened hapi hl7 to jump from windows because the forced redundancy, which was not implemented, the proposed sit two years homes and get 70% of their salary until they got to syntaxi.Kati ie whether the proposed not to one million unemployed, and workers in the private sector will face as a first number of the ticket. Those who created the atmosphere of conflict, misery, victimization, immobility, those who did not allow society to work to overcome its problems, were those who did not want to lose anything from their previous life. The real victims, the private sector was dissolved for not jeopardizing client state, had no time for slogans. He worked to survive.
Weird bay. When would you implement it? The value of the Athens Stock Exchange, the largest hapi hl7 enterprises, including state giants OPAP, electricity, water, telephone, Petroleum, National, all the Greek economy is, currently valued 19.5 billion. In order to have an order of magnitude, the Zara, clothes, have a market capitalization of 90 billion. A middle multinational can buy Greece hapi hl7 for fun. But it does not. Contrast. He leaves the Singapore Airlines, as Ryanair, the Aldi left, the Fnac, the Saturn, the fuel companies. Despite the Greek myths, hapi hl7 no one buys in a failed country. Nobody invests in a country of corruption, interweaving, low productivity and party "toll".
Banks, moneylenders. Yes, there was so much exploitation that have lost half their money and went bankrupt. hapi hl7 Now we do not lend the banks lend our citizens of other states. hapi hl7 And the rate is almost 2%. Those who say it them, confuse the rate of the interbank interest rate for bonds 15 and 20 years. And do we not do? When "borrowing" the banks with a single account, we have a 1% rate, if you lend to three months asking 5%. If it was a failed state how you wanted? The real issue is that in the real world, the market will not lend us even with 30%. And the even bigger problem is that before the crisis, when lent us 'German' low interest rate, we again had deficits while they organize their deployment. Now borrow cheaply and lend our countries, such as Spain and Italy, borrow at 6%. Again nag.
Depression had two years and before starting the Memorandum. There Memorandum, there is a shortfall. And no more borrowed money to cover it. Quite the opposite. The memorandum, that the loan agreement, with

Sunday, December 28, 2014

And there is the other half Greece. looking great Entrepreneurship trying to create products that d

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This akrodexioaristeri, conspiracy, unparliamentary, anti-European, Third World rhetoric is not a risk only to reform Greece and avoid bankruptcy. Unscrupulous sorcerer's apprentice opened Pandora's box. Jeopardizing our society status itself into the democratic West. Countries commit suicide and examples are plentiful around us. In this strange and crunch can no be silent. looking great Everyone must choose "indignation", looking great choose "Greece".
In ma little, things begin to clarify. There are two Greeces. Both are, in fact, 'indignant' Greece. One wants to leave things as they were until 2009. He wants, that is, the wider public to consume annually 24 billion more than it receives. And they go to those who have a privileged more or less than the state apparatus. The intertwined entrepreneurship taking projects and commissions with predatory contracts. The parties-businesses to manage for their benefit, opaquely, public money. Voter customers parties appointed in series to the public in positions looking great unproductive. The union of parties is co to public companies. With 300 000 single coming looking great out in early retirement with voluntary departures to 50. Noble Funds are funded by contributions to third paid by the rest of society. Social assistance is converted into preference groups incomes. The islets public, autonomised, church, hospitals, universities, municipal government, have turned to looting and wasting homes. The kratikodiaita looking great Media funded by the respective governments and intellectuals to the grantees are packed with all the wrapping of the 'public interest'. Do they pass well, loans, grants, community grants. Account but to charge the whole society. And resent politicians who promised to continue the party and now throwing in the deal.
And there is the other half Greece. looking great Entrepreneurship trying to create products that deserve to be sold. Workers in the public or private sector who just want to work and live from their work. The jobber who are struggling for survival. The 800 000 unemployed are increasing, as the private sector of the economy suffocates and can not lift another's burdens bankrupt state. Young people by the hundreds of thousands can not even enter the production to measure and those unemployed. The unemployment which has reached looking great North African levels. Women are excluded from the rigid forms of work and can not enter into production. The one million cheap immigrant labor without rights. looking great The workers, scientists, professionals, who pay taxes without public looking great retribution quality services that pay exorbitant insurance contributions to bankrupt funds. The Greece wants to change everything you weigh this country. This Greece is the largest. Why include looking great large parts of the former favored Greece, which have long been understood that the system would be counterproductive, looking great unjust, looking great unsustainable. looking great That was turned into a negative-sum game with very few winners and losers all anymore.
While this is Greece the majority of citizens, the official public discourse is not represented. Parties, trade unions, professional associations, media, expressing the old power system, what went bankrupt. Only the elite of former disadvantaged sections give tearing rearguard battles to lose acquired. Why do they have to lose and more. Although the Greece maintenance is majority in public looking great discourse, the game has been held, can not win. For the simple reason that there is no longer prey can share in the electoral clientele. We can make appointments to bankrupt government can not give other subsidies from the European Union farmers can not divide profusely early pensions and hefty single layers of the public sector because the funds did not have money to pay pensions or those is already inside. There are projects to distribute for a fee in interlaced entrepreneurship, there are no more money to buy support to non-existent media and public intellectuals-feeding. The party is over. Battles given this

Journalists say nothing about the distribution of government advertising in the extortion. For form

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Journalists say nothing about the distribution of government advertising in the extortion. For forms circulating in the name of a mailbox without signatures but with 2-3 entries SOEs means. For newspapers that exist just to hang at the kiosk a title without readers. Nothing strange loans borrowed slurpee cups and not returned, the subsidies end up in the pockets instead slurpee cups modernizing Media. We reveal the publishing debts from taxes and VAT, the non-payment of contributions to the funds. They do not say anything that a decade is not advertised broadcasting licenses and made radios and televisions "closed profession" where some people get rich by selling and buying the "licenses", property that is public.
M once years ago, not to go so to knock on the door, I asked a friend slurpee cups sent me into a bank, government was then. In the office of responsible lending is explaining to me the minutes, I asked him what is the interest rate. With unaware, continued to explain, again I restored them to discuss the rate with burning. Nothing, no matter, I began to worry. slurpee cups The third time I asked, turning begrudgingly slurpee cups and my answers: Well, this is what worries you, publishing is the loan? Only then I realized that man, assuming the office from where I had come recommended, be sure it has to do with another of these 'convenient' loans to the "holy vocation awareness." I descended the marble slurpee cups steps to the entrance and had caught giggle. Constantly thinking about the old joke about the hooker, who committed slurpee cups suicide when he learned that the other paid. The situation in the media is getting worse. The last few months have been closed more forms of what in recent years. slurpee cups Most of the other media kept alive with difficulty and some technical support. What do journalists ahead in this situation? Games. They hung a banner saying "We demand - not assign" slurpee cups and make strikes. Against what is not clean. We do not want to close the media, we do not want layoffs, wage cuts do not want, do not want changes in working conditions. Racing we are "against" at all. But we have a small problem. We are against, but those poor continue to psofane. And people become unemployed. The small problem that we have, that does not stick to our race theory, is that the media is actually passive. They damage, go for Fundo.
Journalists could do other things instead saying only racing "against." slurpee cups They could negotiate, propose other rescue solutions, to exchange money with time, make compromises to ensure jobs. They could even, if they were unsure of the contents of their work, to take on themselves the means closed and the issue workers. To prove in practice that they are right. But do not.
The issue is not only that they do it. Is that, paradoxically, pose no problem "institutional" do not ask any change in interlaced Greek media model. Say nothing about the distribution of government advertising slurpee cups in the extortion. For forms circulating in the name of a mailbox slurpee cups without signatures but with 2-3 entries SOEs means. For newspapers that exist just to hang at the kiosk a title without readers. Nothing strange slurpee cups loans borrowed and not returned, the subsidies end up in the pockets instead modernizing Media. We reveal the publishing debts from taxes and VAT, the non-payment of contributions to the funds. They do not say anything that a decade is not advertised broadcasting licenses and made radios and televisions "closed profession" where some people slurpee cups get rich by selling and buying the "licenses", property that is public. Wonder why already with this status journalists do not need radios playing with a computer. They do not see any problem if society pays with parafiscal employer contributions. They have no problem slurpee cups if the wealth of society instead of social expenditure goes to maintenance slurpee cups of dozens of televisions and radios, government, the Parliament, municipal, church, party, creating political money. But if you do not finish this

Saturday, December 27, 2014

Jürgen Rompf Angel Vayenas Mitropoulos Angel Angel Angel Sakketos Tsigris Akis Karagounis Alex Papa

The President of the Union of Kalavryta Patras Mr. N. Mantas and treasurer great danebull of Venus Skaltsa Dimitrakopoulou in charge of the theater group Voyagers of prose with the whole group kalodechtikan Kalavritinos Patras and Patras who came to honor the memory of Ampet gap and enhance food bank of our Metropolis. Mr. N. Mantas great danebull praised the work and contribution of the theater group and noted the many performances planned for Kalavrytochoria and the region of West Achaea.
Immediately after began to unfold a great Dimitris Psathas through 12 humorous story played with love and passion professional from the amateur actors of the group, under the guidance of theatranthropou Chr. Bayraktar.
Amazed applauded and impressed the audience who left with a big smile, the narrator who brioza and representational put into each piece that started the viewer, the President was applying serious literal Law and Ms. Attorney reticent but catapult, the policeman driving the grim sentenced to prison, Helen Menidi a thousand five hundred sheep and goats, the great Armenian ate, the troubadours dissonant and discordant, the silent love, the Kirkor with an iron fist, the cunning Karamatsoukis the distorted unmarried korasis the purses aimed Tuesday age, mincing typist, or for five years patient fiancée, the cheated wife who runs the mediums and finally the lovely lady Koliatsou square she flashed slap the nervous gentleman.
Roles interpreted as: Venus Skaltsa-Dimitrakopoulos, Alexandra Dimakopoulos Andreas Andriopoulos, George Papanikolaou, Helen Angelopoulos, Katerina Manda-Antonakopoulou Costas Iliopoulos, Manolis Sofoules, Nancy Andriopoulou Olga Stavropoulou Rena Pulse, George Chronopoulos, Dina Karagiannis and Giorgos Dimitrakopoulos The scenery is Dina Karagiannis and Katerina Manda-Antonakopoulou.
Any publication, republication, modification, copying, modification, distribution, transmission, display, reproduce texts and audiovisual material without MANDATORY REPORTING OF SOURCE active link. @ This online tool no responsibility statutory great danebull bearing on branded articles or comments hosting.
@ The signed articles and messages posted on this site reflect the views of the authors or their senders. The KALAVRYTA-NEWS does not endorse in any way these views. great danebull
Jürgen Rompf Angel Vayenas Mitropoulos Angel Angel Angel Sakketos Tsigris Akis Karagounis Alex Papalexopoulos Athanasios great danebull Giannakopoulos Athanassios Georgie Athanasios Frantzis Athanasios Hronopoulos Alexander Koutsomitopoulos Alexander Stathopoulos Alexandros Athanasopoulos Chryssanthakopoulos Alexis Alexis great danebull Lechouritis. Anastasia Anastasia Miliou Andreas Efstathiou Skarpelos Anthony Naxakis Anthony Harokopos great danebull Argyris Assimacopoulos Virtue Praia Aristides Georgopoulos Aristomenis Syngelakis Asimina Karabela Venus C. Kosmas Vangelis Arvanitis Claus Th. Kaldiris Vassilis Theocharis Claus Regular Royal Peacock Gerasimos Fessian German allowances George II. Glavas George great danebull Dimopoulos Georgios Theodonis great danebull George C. . George Vassilopoulos great danebull Papadimitropoulos George Chr. Sakellariadis John John P. Athanasopoulos. Christodoulou John Papelis John Papafilippopoulos George Vavougios George great danebull Velanis George Cosmas George Manikas George Spiliotis Gregory Salmon Dimitris Konstantinidis Damianos Dimitris Vasiliadis Dimitris Angelopoulos great danebull Dimitris Kanellopoulos Katsikopoulos Dimitris Lourantakis Dimitris Pettas Skoutas Dimitri Dimitri Dimitri Souda Georgie cerium Od. Stathakopoulos Dionysis Chr. Mamassis Helen Psychogiou Evangelia SOTIROPOULOU Hercules Roupas Thanassis I. Zisimopoulos Thanassis Paloumis Theodora mastrapades Theodore C. Thanopoulos Theodoros Papadopoulos Theodoros Siati Theodore Kollias Ioannis Kakavas Kalavryton Ambrose Katerina Nikolakopoulou Cleomenes Kakavas Konstantina great danebull C. Panitsa Karpetis Constantine Constantine Constantine Katsiaris Cholevas Konstantinos Ch. Kostas Nikolopoulos Varvistiotis Costas Dafalias Costas Kakkavas Costas Papaconstantinou Lefteris Avramidis Leonidas Leonidas G. Vassilopoulos. Margaritis Makis Tsapogas Mimis Christodoulou Maria Maria Vaina

Friday, December 26, 2014

As European citizens are sending the following message milk glass candy dish to the European instit

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As European citizens are sending the following message milk glass candy dish to the European institutions that have taken part of the responsibility of the recovery of Greece from the brink of bankruptcy in which irresponsible politicians have brought the country over the last 30 years: We appeal to the Troika to help remove significant barriers milk glass candy dish to economic recovery and the administration of social justice, which the Greek political establishment systematically avoids settle. We ask the Troika to bring forth countless cases of social injustice diffuse into Greek society, instances of poor financing the rich, cases of unjustified and even unethical speculation milk glass candy dish of a few against the many. Specifically ask the Troika to insist on the following:
1. Remove all taxes for third parties (usually pension funds specific professional groups, milk glass candy dish including lawyers, engineers, journalists and publishers). In very important for coastal tourism taxes for the Fund of seafarers milk glass candy dish and other groups milk glass candy dish representing 1/3 of the ticket price. There are dozens of similar taxes which are under management is covered by absolute milk glass candy dish opacity. It is unfair to low-paid finance privileged groups. The Government announced in March 2011 that would record and will publicly disclose all these taxes, so as to eliminate most of them, but these are well known tactics of obstruction using successive governments since the 1950s.
2. The most famous of these is the "aggeliosimo", a tax of 21.5% on all advertising media plus 23% VAT. The withheld amount collected from this tax that increases the cost of products advertised to consumers, essentially leads to the Funds of journalists and publishers. It is noteworthy that the journalists who choose not to belong to the Union (and not to participate in the strikes) are not entitled to health coverage under that regime.
3. Abolition of tax ( 4.24 per month to each electric meter) for the benefit of ERT state television milk glass candy dish and radio, which is collected through electricity bills. With a market share of 4%, ERT operates three television channels. Additional army of people employed by municipal radio stations and the Canal House. The main purpose of all these media is to convey the image of their political patrons and offer little in terms of public information. We suggest limiting the ERT in a television channel and a radio station, which are housed in the building of Av and the sale of the mansion of Agia Paraskevi. milk glass candy dish Also the end of public funding in the House channel and municipal radio stations.
4. To end the politically milk glass candy dish motivated support of private stations, whose survival depends milk glass candy dish on a variety of ways by a Member: (a) By law, beyond the Official Gazette, both listed and non-listed companies are required to publish their results milk glass candy dish in newspapers. In the Internet era it is totally unnecessary burden on businesses. milk glass candy dish (B) Public companies and organizations spend huge amounts of money to advertise in the media, including newspapers with almost no traffic. (C) Almost bankrupt SMEs rescued by the state through 'Settings' tax and social security liabilities, and debt forgiveness.
5. Seek the painful but necessary restructuring and privatization of public enterprises has not even begun. In some cases the government has retreated instead to make progress. Nowhere is this more obvious than what the PPC. Under the threat of "blood and blackout" that unleashes the powerful union GENOP-PPC employees, the government capitulated to the requirement to put the mains under the control of PPC instead do independent.
6. It should be imposed by law on trade unions to publish balance sheets and financial statements and subject to independent audits. A recent survey revealed that GENOP-PPC received financial aid, 'loans' (never returned) from PPC that exceeded 30 million euros in the last decade. Collective agreements that gave the green light to these aids violate the law 1264/1982 which prohibits aid employers in labor unions. Or EP

Thursday, December 25, 2014

More lies could not be implied in such a short text. Proceedings Sheen, known for his neo-liberal v

Overflowing inaccuracies and half-truths reference to Greece and postwar Germany Hans Werner Sinn in an article published originally in French Le Monde and then in the New (August 14, 2012) entitled, being great "Germany and the crisis, relentless Numbers and painful solutions. " He literally the president of the International Institute of Public Finance and Professor of Economics being great and Public Finance, University of Munich, who have often heard arguing why Greece should leave the euro area: "Germany is still grateful for the Marshall being great Plan. Within a few years received this assistance plan that others appreciate 2% and others 5% of GDP in a single year. To this must be added the deletion of the German foreign debt, as envisaged in the London Agreement of 1953 without including the dismantling of German industry, even from the western countries, the total amount of debt written off, including the Marshall Plan, amounted to 22% of German GDP. Greece has received total external assistance worth 460 billion. Euro equivalent of 214% of GDP, thus ten times that taken by Germany thanks to the Marshall Plan. The fourth of such assistance, some 115 billion. Euros, corresponding to a minimum of 10 Marshall Plan, the Berlin being great contributed. "
More lies could not be implied in such a short text. Proceedings Sheen, known for his neo-liberal views, claims that Greece has benefited from its creditors (spearheaded being great even Germany) much more than it benefited Germany with the London Agreement of 1953. In fact the post of miracle Germany owes beyond immigrants in removal of much of the debt, on the initiative of Western countries. Germany is thus the last country that had to be talking about the need to respect the obligations towards the creditors! being great
So it is worth looking more closely at the London Agreement signed on February 27, 1953 and which is favorable treatment model debtor country from its creditors. I wish especially to share the same fate and other countries since then, including the Greece being great ... and crucial to grasp the content of the Agreement, that is why the winners of the war that both had suffered being great from German atrocity the 40s stood opposite both positive without trace revanchism, has a historical precedent. Also crucial to interpret the attitude of 'allies' has the geopolitical environment of the time.
The historical precedent that influenced the decisions of the conference was the Treaty of Versailles, which was signed in June 1919, just five years after the assassination of Archduke Ferdinand, being great which triggered being great the start of World War II. With the Treaty of Versailles officially ended too. Accompanied, however, by many strong disagreements. The most important of these was the objection expressed by John Maynard Keynes, a member of the British mission then engaged in negotiations. His views were crystallized being great at great book, The Economic Consequences being great of the Peace, which met with huge commercial success and today we can say that the views expressed anything but marginal could qualify. But it was undoubtedly heretical. In very broad terms disapproved of the conditions imposed on the defeated Berlin (from territorial concessions to financial compensation) with the argument that this does not ensure the welfare of Germans and as a result of poverty and national humiliation being great will sooner or later find ourselves in new adventures, precisely because of the peace treaty. The following passage is very characteristic of his views and very useful for a broad conclusions:
"The policy of Germany relegation to servitude for a generation, degradation of life of millions of people being great and the deprivation of a whole nation of happiness should be repulsive and abhorrent, even if it were possible, even if enriched us, even if you do not sow the decay throughout the civilized life in Europe. Some people preach in the name of justice. In the great events of human history, the unwinding of complex destinies of nations, justice is not so simple. And if they were, nations are not authorized, by religion or by natural morals, to afflict the children of their enemies with the offenses of parents or their rulers. "
What matters is that the fate of the Weimar Republic, even though the requirements of the allies was not the sole cause for the rise of Nazism, vindicated the complaints of British economist. Nobody

Wednesday, December 24, 2014

Prolegomena to a Republican attempt detection of the new, globalized era in our country. An excelle

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Sharing the Greece in the year 2013, three years after the bankruptcy, pensions at 55 is like the captain of the Titanic handing out coupons for free meals throughout the trip, an hour before the collision with the iceberg. When I read yesterday role strain the relevant reportage I was dumbfounded by the inability of the political leadership to at least try to salvage what can be salvaged from this country continues to be in tatters. See: Who can retire at 55 ... Every time we pay more than 30 billion. EUR pensions of which about half paid by the insurance funds and the remaining budget. What does this mean in plain language? To get a pension at 55 years someone has to pay hike for the property or if you do not have to pay, to lose his home. Because the measure of early retirement is primarily public and noble funds the conclusion is that confiscate the property role strain of all to retire role strain prematurely customer groups. The contribution of Mr. Venizelos in restatement of property tax is the double burden of those with overall objective immovable property worth more than 300,000 euros. role strain What does it matter now if two apartments in Maroussi have real value around 100,000 Euros and sell them if someone found, the tax is calculated on the objective, which can be from two to three times. Apparently the government are confused otherwise not explained movements so contradictory unless they have chosen the strategy of accelerating the collapse of the country, to end an hour earlier with the torment of the governance of a country that their parties gradually became non kyvernisimi. The grant of pension funds from the budget was 17 billion. And brought below the 15 billion. Euro. The government puts estate tax close to 4 billion. To collect about 2.9 billion. Euro. This is not a state is the bandit Ntavelis: grabs everything we can from where anyone can achieve role strain it ... We have 2.7 million. Pensioners, of which 800,000 under 65 years is the minimum age to start and other 300,000 through early retirements. There is a plan or just watch jerking movements of the Titanic crew is confused? I fear that it is the latter. And the substitute captain Tsipras, whose rota follow thinks the iceberg just touching the Titanic role strain will open like the Red Sea when he touched the stick of Moses.
Badierismos: the highest stage of Dimarismou SYRIZA in sty From poniroulidismo in skoulikosyni on the edge Great Chimera What is left to the Left? The State of the few. How oligarchs ruined Greece Marcel Gkose: Insurrection as a new conformism Require become normal state Resist the vothrokratia!
Michel Serres
AFTER THE CRISIS art noise boar AristerOK Red Refresh The Insider Cities and Political Yiannis Boutari George role strain Kaminis Unthinkable? Probably not the Democratic Left in Crete Radical Desire Not Pluck the daisy Readings of Dawn Inserts econews role strain Left in the blogosphere Left Ostrich The Mob Goes Wild Red peppers e-Left ERA look Deimos citizenship The Athens Review of Books Le monde diplomatique Greek version Liberation Independent Guardian The New York Times
Before 10 hours
Raffaele Simone: Against the spirit of the times
Democracy or capitalism?
Something will be reborn, but will differ from what we know
Dinos Christianopoulos - interview role strain of
Prolegomena to a Republican attempt detection of the new, globalized era in our country. An excellent text by Mr. Anthony Manitakis for Greece role strain of the new regime, the Greece role strain of the "Memorandum" and the globalized era and prospects in Europe.
Noam Chomsky: Parisian MOUZELIS N dialogues: "The Democratic Left and politko scene" GIANOULOPOULOS C: "client states and the Left" ALIVIZATOS N: "The news of the ratio of A. Manesi" MALIGKOUDIS S .: "Rosa Luxemburg: Mortgages" PANTAZOPOULOS A .: "Vacation" role strain
Edward Said: "The criticism as freedom" Julia Kristeva: "Thinking as an antidote to violence" role strain Jeremy Rifkin: "Three elephants in the room" JOSEPH BUTTIGIEG: "The role strain presence of Gramsci" Allen FINKIELKROT: "The nation as memory" EDGAR MORIN "My Left" Jurgen CHAMPERMAS: role strain "We need Europe!"

Normally, now, must be stopped

Politics | Opinions | Culture | Democratic Left | World | Local Government | Economy | Dialogue on the Left | History | Ecology | Ideas | Education great world | Society great world | Local Policies | Feedback of Gustave Flaubert | Books |
Aytes days we should compare proposals to examine the measures proposed by the parties to reduce deficits. To arrive at a more feasible and more fairly. Surprisingly not do that. The parties of the government behind the troika great world in June would "require" great world new measures and the anti-memorandum front of fraud denounced the "foreign rulers". Three examples. The House voted to give doses of party funding. The point is not to get financing is that decided by law that money is not confiscated, they can state banks lent parties great world to get their interest, not the insurance funds to collect the debts. great world The Democratic Alliance denounced the scandal to pass laws that put the parties above the law, Stefanos Manos revealed great world that the cost of the Greek political system is a multiple of Europe. The next day, the subject great world left the television bulletins, end of story.
The grant of the parties, however, is only a small part of the way in which political parties legally misappropriated public property. The parties receive state funding. Take special election grant. Subsidies for "research great world purposes". Grants to institutions with. They use hundreds of civil servants seconded as party officials whom the Greek society pays. They get EU subsidies for their party companies, which then go bankrupt and put in Article 99. They are granted outside competition television and radio frequencies, namely property of the State. In these zero audience media receive by way of state advertising new cash remittances. They get subsidies for the "training" of their members. Have earnings in kind, cars, tickets, phones, emails. Inflate the cost of the House, have tripled in a decade, great world to park their partisan armies and to multiply the sources of revenue. A bankrupt country has the potential for such a generous deal with a political system, which even led to the disaster? Curiously, none of the "friends of the people" does not set such petty problems.
Example Two: The prosecutor brought charges of fraud as felonies against the association of PPC, as the Financial Crime discovered overpriced trips 'union tourism' and assignments studies daughters of members. great world Became again a conversation two days and the matter was forgotten. The issue is not the extravagance, fraud for which anyway will give justice. The point is that unionism has become a state bureaucracy, with all the benefits that entails. A few months ago the inspector Administration revealed that the unions get the utilities as a form of informal distribution of profits, payments of tens of millions. great world The trade unions and professional associations, yet, get subsidies from European funds for the "professional improvement" of their members. They get grants from the Ministry of Labour, the Ministry of Agriculture and by the insurance funds. The Tzimeros of "rebuilds" complains that only the Workers' great world have gotten 177 million in recent years. A few days ago the president of the shipping companies complained unionists closing ports and receive a salary of 15,000 euros per month. Many times it has been published that the executives of the trade union movement are appointed to state banks and companies as board members with fees of up to 150,000 euros per year. Mr. Rakitzis again denounced travel 65,000, fictitious overtime, representation expenses. As a result, the turnover of each club to reach the turnover of a medium-Greek enterprise, funded by contributions from employees. We have decided that as a bankrupt society afford to provide such a luxury in trade unions, namely the parties again, not kid ourselves? It was not always so, you know, it is not evident, once those aspiring to be syndicalism rented a basement in Exarchia, Dutch treat the contributions great world of their members. Within a few decades, statism and party politics transformed the labor and professional unionism in state bureaucracy. Curiously, no one again does not affect such petty issues, blame Merkel and Bilntempergk club.
Normally, now, must be stopped

Tuesday, December 23, 2014

Christ anestaine dead and questioned. Payment will be made believable by the same hearts that would

Located on p.82 of the book of the monastery. Briefly mention: A lady at Megara, after the death of her husband, the Tax Office informed glass candy dish the Megara go to settlement of large debt left by her husband of firms had. He went to the IRS to know the amount and how to arrange this. The Commissioner said she could not that day, because he had the world and that we carefully see the folder, so call in two-three days. Before bringing this difficult time, she went with her sister in Gorgoepikou Monastery of deep prayer to the Virgin Mary "to settle the matter as she knew and could, because money is not there." Indeed, in three days I got the Superintendent to tell the amount, he heard something that I could not believe her ears. "Madam, your debt settled, yesterday came a lady and xoflisei all the debt, the file was closed." The lady asked him how and what, because they had gone to pay. "I do not know, he said, what was the lady. The issue is that the file is closed, because the debt was paid. " Note that the subject did not know the one but her mother and her sister. glass candy dish "But I knew Mary and ran ....". Her sister heard the widow says among other things: "And only my Lady, that I think this unprecedented miracle, how came the same in the Tax Office and held me in your hands money of our own careless transaction, who walked in noisy area Tax Office, burning my heart cried out to the worldwide .... Who was the treasurer took from thy blessed hands the money without being shocked inexplicably? Bells did not hit up on your path, my Lady, but beating in my heart and will beat as they exist with tears of gratitude, who claims to live such a miracle I potty servant of God. " It happened after 1995. The evidence of the woman is the Holy Monastery. Source of: the book of the Monastery: Madonna, Lady Gorgoepikoos Mandra
Do not rule out to found money and debt paid but I can not believe that Mary went to pay the IRS! That they saw people paying the debt! If the miracle had to do with the salvation of the soul and not the salvation of financial debts, it would be different. Why then all these inherited debts what to do? Such telling me the impression attracting loyal fans ... 08/08/12 10:04 pm
ANY AND PSEFTOSYGKLONISMOI, you are right. I honestly do not understand that nothing is hidden, nor to the written word? The reason your overall is a fake penny. There is absolutely no content. 09/08/12 6:53 pm
Christ anestaine dead and questioned. Payment will be made believable by the same hearts that would question anything that does not fit in their minds; glass candy dish Gentlemen, what is impossible for God; I expect the answers ... Tsolakidou Basil, psychologist - psychotherapist 13/08/12 10:50 a.m.
One who want answers sir Tsolakidou Kings certainly. Thanasis called a Bill which rightly you gave your name I give and I. I'm the one who did the second comment in Laconia. I personally can not say for three Alou columnist nor the miracles in the Bible indicating contested the position of the Virgin, according to the Orthodox Church belonging is after the Holy Trinity challenger. My complaints are to them that distribute these in the opinion of Further tales become glass candy dish the reason to the faith reviled by many. Besides, the apostle Paul said not to believe in myths anile. But I can not understand how someone who puts YES and scientific titles around requires that saw ierodikiou answers from what question not the Lady but some rumor. For Virgin Mary 14/08/12 7:59 pm
What Are anile myths and look with half eye? ;-(To tell you-but I'll tell telika- stories of old women, miracles glass candy dish shocking to move your hair you have in your head, oh readers! Greatest respect glass candy dish for old women and old men, please, glass candy dish for your own good, the I write! 8/15/12 9:23 pm
Respect for the old man and I have gerontises and very large in fact. Especially one that Vasta heroes 21 from FOKIDA MERIA heard from my grandmother roumeliotisa many stories about the old wily. Other commentators DEAR 9 and 23 was repudiated here 3 persons is as paid a debt to the tax authorities by divine intervention. The stories of Elder both the true and the fairy tales are still respectable. Besides the wonderful GREEK mythology is largely glass candy dish oral history elderly. As anile myths reported daredevil stories satirised the Orthodox faith both in ternary Fundamental and in which the Virgin Mary Assumption of celebrating glass candy dish today Its total Orthodoxy. No e

Monday, December 22, 2014

5. Even this OECD report, on page 124, refers to Fishwick

Stefanos Patakis: A wise and powerful voice for the single book price | Art-e
Publishers have taken very seriously the issue of fixed book prices. And because you do not know many (or almost all) the depth of the problem, we present today the letter of an issuer that has prestige and prudence, but also has a great love of books and correspondingly extensive experience in the publishing industry. sand mermaid Stefanos Patakis, notes:
We return to the issue of a single sand mermaid price. The ENELVI met with Development Minister. Kostis Hatzidakis and with Deputy Development Mr. Athanasios Skorda Friday 17.01.2014 at a meeting which lasted about 2 hours. The two ministers decided to consider the issue, but it seems to be prejudiced against single price. Meanwhile, while many scholars, colleagues from our tonklado, journalists, and politicians have understood the problem and expressed in favor of maintaining a single price, however last made public views contrary, which try to characterize the effort of industry Our movement corporatist spirit. sand mermaid
Our impression is that prevailed in some cases a culture of extreme neoliberalism, which makes people not screened, not to perceive the specificity of intellectual creation, use continuously stereotypes, not interested to become acquainted with the operation and the problems of the industry us. Personally even I was surprised discussion deputy minister. Athanasios Skorda with Mr. Mars Portosalte radio SKY. In this debate, Mr. Deputy talking about the single value reported in directed, he said, sales of the category of books on language learning. This issue had said Mr. Undersecretary at our meeting on 01/17/2014 and I explained to him that he has no relationship of this phenomenon with the fixed book prices.
This is the case of a few specific issuers have gained a large market share in the category of books and define prices high. O leader even this market has cash and only books booksellers discount only sixteen percent, which is clearly not sufficient to cover the operating expenses of a bookstore. In what sense then charge Mr. Undersecretary booksellers high prices in these books?
If, despite sand mermaid the liberal philosophy, the government wants to control and reduce the profits of these companies, as well as of any other industry, this is another case that has no relation to the single sand mermaid price. sand mermaid The bitterness that remains to us is that this hostility to the world of books charge people what problems do not cause the same.
2. The emerging writers and less best sellers books can be promoted only through the small bookstore. The evolution of our language and our culture is based mainly on them and especially books. Profit from the best sellers invested in new writers.
3. All European sand mermaid countries (except the UK and Ireland), Japan, N. Korea and others have similar laws to that of the single price. Law of Germany defended Professor Dr. Jürgen G. Backhaus of Maastricht University, concluding that the impact of the culture is invaluable and therefore outweigh the alleged restrictions against competition. In England, where that law was repealed in 1997, has already begun to restore discussion: sand mermaid The Guardian: Time to bring back the net book agreement?
4. It is a myth that where there is free book market prices are lower. sand mermaid In the US book prices went up by 50% between sand mermaid 1995-2007 and the consumer price index by only 29% . In contrast to Greece, with the applied law from 1998 to 2008 book prices increased 10% less than the consumer index in the same period.
5. Even this OECD report, on page 124, refers to Fishwick's report on the consequences of the release of the book market in England concluding: "His evidence suggests that the dominant internet bookseller (Amazon) and the supermarkets sand mermaid gain significant retail market share against traditional booksellers and specialist bookshops. On the publishing side of the market, he documents that UK publishers gained from the expansion of the total market, but some of those focusing on minority-interest titles have lost. After deregulation, all publishers sand mermaid faced a concentrated retail market with much greater buying power and, at least for some, this resulted in lower profits. With respect to consumer welfare, Fishwick argues that consumers

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Sunday, December 21, 2014

Already, after the submission where do sand dollars come from of the first two reports interim find

Politics | Opinions | Culture | Democratic Left | World | Local Government | Economy | Dialogue on the Left | History | Ecology | Ideas | Education | Society | Local Policies | Feedback of Gustave Flaubert | Books |
At 51.4 million euros ejected the "hole" where do sand dollars come from in the funds of the municipality of Thessaloniki, as evidenced by the final findings of the inspector of the Ministry of Finance, delivered yesterday to the prosecution of Thessaloniki, where do sand dollars come from for the big financial scandal. In the final outcome, eight hundred pages, an inspector blames a total of 24 people, including the deputy mayors, during the tenure where do sand dollars come from of which were made misappropriation. At the same time blamed where do sand dollars come from the municipality for flawed audits and omissions in the supervisory mechanism of the municipality, which had resulted in the mammoth deficit in the funds of the municipality of Thessaloniki. In finding answers given on many burning questions where do sand dollars come from about the scandal mammoth where do sand dollars come from misappropriation of EUR 51.4 million from the funds of the municipality where do sand dollars come from of Thessaloniki and named those who gave the orders, where do sand dollars come from the way of deception, where do sand dollars come from recorded those who worked in the misappropriation and those knew. The Prosecutor Thessaloniki seriously considering to submit a proposal for the survey of appellate special where do sand dollars come from investigator. The proposal will be submitted by the Chief Prosecutor of Appeals Panagis where do sand dollars come from Giannakis to the plenary session of the court of appeals, as the case is very weighty. The case of the "hole" in the municipality of Thessaloniki where do sand dollars come from began investigating him in February 2008, with a court order, following relevant publications. The first prosecution brought by the prosecutor Lambros Tsogka in June of the same year, at the expense of 46chronou treasurer of the municipality, Panagiotis Saxoni. where do sand dollars come from The persecution extended to other persons in October 2009, after the second exposure. The final report of the inspector Anastasia Scarfs originally was to be delivered in June, but the inspector ever asked extensions, as the size of the finding is large and research complex. In early November informed the prosecutor where do sand dollars come from that has completed and delivered its findings where do sand dollars come from by the end of the month. Indeed, in oral information to the prosecuting where do sand dollars come from authorities the inspector where do sand dollars come from claimed that the deficit of approximately 34 million where do sand dollars come from euro initially calculated, jumped now amounting to over 50 million, but give details on what directions channeled money, although estimated that most of them relate to insurance contributions to workers' funds were not paid. For the case of large financial scandal already has in custody the treasurer Panagiotis Saxony, who a few days ago in the judicial council was considering a request his release where do sand dollars come from he admitted once again his involvement in the case, while among others named as recipients of the money registered are removed a close associate of the mayor and a former deputy mayor of Finance.
Already, after the submission where do sand dollars come from of the first two reports interim findings of Mrs kerchief, criminal charges were brought for the offenses of embezzlement and forgery against the public, with the aggravating circumstances on abusers and synergy in them. However to date the investigating authorities have not drawn indictments for other stakeholders, waiting for the final report of the inspector, and in a few days will bring additional charges against those involved in the updating of the amounts embezzled, as original proceedings where do sand dollars come from concerning where do sand dollars come from the amount of about 34 mil. EUR. VIP
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Saturday, December 20, 2014

The Juergen Teller has on his resume hundreds of jobs and campaigns for big brands, editorials for

The Juergen Teller has on his resume hundreds of jobs and campaigns for big brands, editorials for the best fashion magazines and a portfolio full of portraits with first-class star.
In front of the lens is set up naked by Vivienne Westwood, the Bjork, the Winona Ryder, the Sofia Coppola, the Charlotte Rampling, the Michael Stipe and many other artists. Since 1998 he had also taken nearly all the campaigns of his close associate and friend Marc Jacobs.
The designer himself explained a single plea in an interview: "I have worked with Jurgen shell museum sanibel for many years and I love it as an artist, but this time I just wanted to photograph the Miley ... I however the love and I feel great. I think it has everything it takes to star in my campaign. "
And that's shell museum sanibel how the Juergen Teller became for some the hero of the day and for others another snob creator and the Miley Cyrus for which is why, took the David Sims. Behold and the campaign:
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Available at home ... without clothes! December 19, 2014 | 0 Comments

Friday, December 19, 2014

The previous legislation has failed miserably because of the millions of borrowers enrolled fewer t

According to today's im great (06/06/14) newspaper "To Vima", Single setting with several installments of a minimum of 48 and maximum 100, promoted by the government for the debts of citizens, professionals and businesses to Authority and reimbursed.
The request will put the ministries of Finance and Labour troika coming to Athens next week arguing that the only solution im great to address the "mine" im great the debts of individuals and a social explosion if implemented coercive recovery measures and become business and property seizures that will take a mass character.
The previous legislation has failed miserably because of the millions of borrowers enrolled fewer than 300,000 mikroofeiletes, leading and the state loses revenue and citizens increasingly im great trapped in debt.
The issue is to adjust the debtors to the Funds in 100 monthly im great installments (1% of the debt each month) officially came from PASOK and examined by the leadership of the Labour Ministry and the General Secretary for Social Security Mr. Panagiotis im great Kokkoris, who coordinates the Center Collection of Insurance Charges (KEAO).
Towards better regulation of debts to the tax office and customs moving and Deputy Finance im great Minister Mr. George Mavraganis, while he became the new general secretary of the Public Revenue lady Katerina Savvaidis im great 'bombarded' with daily demands im great citizens for rapid action to to breathe, households are due and not their debts. The message carried by citizens to the political leadership of the Ministry of Finance are:
"Give us the opportunity to pay our debts in installments. It is possible that we can pay our debts in installments. It is possible that we can pay our debts in 12 installments when running a series of tax and other obligations. " im great
The Deputy Finance Minister is of the opinion that it can not and should im great not be split in the number of doses between debtors insurance funds and Tax. Mr. Mavraganis has recorded all the "thorns" of the previous regulation and the next week will come the troika in Greece would expose their concerns, suggestions and data are currently the main ones that monthly debts instead of decreasing rise.
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@ The signed articles and messages posted on this site reflect the views of the authors or their senders. The KALAVRYTA-NEWS does not endorse in any way these views.
The theater group of the Union of Kalavryta Patras played for children im great
Jürgen Rompf Angel Vayenas Mitropoulos Angel Angel Angel Sakketos im great Tsigris Akis Karagounis Alex Papalexopoulos Athanasios Giannakopoulos Athanassios Georgie Athanasios Frantzis Athanasios Hronopoulos Alexander Koutsomitopoulos Alexander Stathopoulos Alexandros Athanasopoulos Chryssanthakopoulos Alexis Alexis Lechouritis. Anastasia Anastasia Miliou Andreas Efstathiou Skarpelos Anthony Naxakis Anthony Harokopos Argyris Assimacopoulos Virtue Praia Aristides Georgopoulos Aristomenis Syngelakis Asimina Karabela Venus C. Kosmas Vangelis Arvanitis Claus Th. Kaldiris Vassilis Theocharis Claus Regular Royal Peacock Gerasimos Fessian German allowances George II. Glavas George Dimopoulos Georgios Theodonis George C. . George Vassilopoulos Papadimitropoulos George Chr. Sakellariadis John John P. Athanasopoulos. Christodoulou John Papelis John Papafilippopoulos George Vavougios George Velanis George Cosmas George Manikas George Spiliotis Gregory Salmon Dimitris Konstantinidis Damianos Dimitris Vasiliadis Dimitris Angelopoulos Dimitris Kanellopoulos Katsikopoulos Dimitris Lourantakis Dimitris Pettas Skoutas Dimitri Dimitri Dimitri Souda Georgie cerium Od. Stathakopoulos Dionysis Chr. Mamassis Helen Psychogiou Evangelia salvation

Monday, December 15, 2014

When approached, Robert looked around the building. Reconstruction of the entire first part of the

The luxurious black Jaguar XJ flew with careless ease along stretches out as far as the eye can see, quivering in the wind, green lawns. The further north you go, the more hills and mountains framed spacious landscape and around them descended severe watery greatly clouds whose sullen faces smeared with muttering thunder. Road passed along many lakes. Over submerged in cool nap quiet waters floated misty veils. The driver was a young, very tall boy with a focused look behind the thick glass of his spectacles. Made quickly, greatly often cursing and had hard Eastern accent. When you make a more spectacular or risky overtaking, looked for a moment to Robert thin smirk, as if expecting to see his face fright. Robert, however, pressed radiates indifference. Barely talked. Eventually we came to the big bridge greatly that arched like a thin white bone connecting the mainland with the island of Skye. He stretched out over the calm silvery waters of Loch Alsh, which in itself was still one of the long fingers of the hand greedy sea, clinging to ancient Scottish Rocks. One of the concrete pillars of the bridge was deeply fixed on the stony walls of a small piece of land called "White Island", which rose above the water just between land and wooded coast of Skye. On the edge of the small island was built neat white lighthouse and the cool water with his tongue licking the stone base. His slender figure, however, seemed insignificant against the high bridge shrouded it proudly in his shadow. While crossing the bridge, Robert remembered that before the state bought it for tens of millions of pounds, it was owned by private investors. The increased their billing had become the most expensive European path and run frequent news reports on the case. Fortunately charges of traveling is no longer necessary, and discontent with the former owners had become an unpleasant memory. Robert stared at the dark bristling silhouettes of distant mountains. A sailboat rocked them among tireless lake waves as solitary pilgrim greatly in the wide space. He thought where there is impetuous this little white traveler, surrounded by endless gray emptiness. Finally got to Isle of Skye and sank in silent embrace of its coastal forests. Before you leave behind, the driver mentioned that the southern peninsula of Skye - Sleet is said - no more castles, most of which are well known to tourists. In one of them - Castle Knock - wandering ghost of the Green Lady. Locals claim that when the lady was delighted came good days, but if you happen to grief-stricken, had to prepare for disasters. The driver greatly said that he believed they were gammon, but Irvine often telling him such stories when I happened to ride to the island.
Their journey has continued north. Sunset pierced the murky clouds and bathed the western hills Kuelin colorful jets rapidly waning light. It trickled slowly down their hard granite, shell of extinct volcanoes, as a reminder of lava flowed freely from the open ground breast greatly millions of years ago. After dark came Peninsula Troternish. Castle greatly Irvine MacLeod was built on the shore of a small lake nestled in the lap of steep porous rocks covered greatly with moss and low coarse grass. In their slopes towering basalt sharp needles - such as protruding nails buried under tons of earth and stone dead giants, who scratched the heavenly dome in wretched attempt to break out of his tomb in the ground.
When approached, Robert looked around the building. Reconstruction of the entire first part of the second floor was done professionally. Castle had fresh renovated facade, but retained its grim medieval style. Up differed unfinished walls, welded constructions stretched between them roughly rigid beams and piles assembled for building materials. greatly Kenneth met them before the high double doors. The butler turned retail old man with wide-eyed, thin beaked nose, cheeks overgrown white stubble and cropped hair acute. He was dressed in a blue plaid shirt and black pants, captured by a wide leather belt with a large square buckle. Once Robert out of the car, Kenneth hastily ran to him and hugged him so warmly as if they were old friends. - Mr. Cole - zanarezhda old man - so glad to see you! Sir MacLeod called. greatly Said he came to deliver us from the vampires. Robert noticed the thin ironic smile which leaped upon the face of the driver. He waved goodbye and started the engine as declined the invitation to spend the night in the castle or at least to join for dinner. In matte black surface of the Jaguar passed fleeting aluminum glow as he made a U-turn and then the car quickly melted greatly into the darkness as the only rear lights continued to fester for some time in the distance. Kenneth Robert entered the castle. The rooms were ff

to meet us and to proclaim -

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Feeling faint
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2014 (149) December (8) November (25) Fire and Ice BY ROBERT FROST night closed down ... Albena Petrova From Albena Petrova manfrotto 3130 DREAM SONG WITHOUT WORDS From Theodore Trayanov choice of "Aglika" You'll be happy bright Staykova POGASVA MEMORY manfrotto 3130 OUT ... Nicole Liliev ME: Invisible (not really a poem, but a gasp in ve ... Road chrysanthemum From R. Pelova Can not do it anymore by "Zoe" THANK YOU ALL! November manfrotto 3130 of Ivan Metodiev manfrotto 3130 November inside of Yana Moneva I'll be there by Tsvetelina Antova SOMETHING May Lose From Tsvetelina Antova ME: Do they please I have no strength for the Prince and Princess of Tsvetelina Antova TALE WITH YOU From Tsvetelina Antova Short song through a long night of Damyan Damyanov To Zarathustra by Charles Kinnaird ME: Set my wings on fire ME: Consecutive nameless Against storm of unknown author Libra Stefan manfrotto 3130 Tzanev ME: What I wind in the sails? October (6) September (15) August (6) July ( 1) June (15) May (4) April (18) March (22) February (9) January (20) 2013 (179) December (28) November (14) October ( 19) September (11) August (21) July (30) June (4) May (8) April (9) March (6) February (3) January (26) 2012 ( 539) December (27) November (26) October (13) September (22) August (50) July (40) June (98) May (59) April (47) March ( 50) February (48) January (59) 2011 (615) December (94) November (62) October (49) September (47) August (23) July (26) June ( 59) May (85) April (83) March (54) February (17) January (16) 2010 (16) December (16) 2008 (3) November manfrotto 3130 (1) October ( 2)
An ordinary person in an ordinary world, living ordinary life - with ordinary dreams, hopes and skills, ordinary friends and family and ordinary day-to-day things to do ... Did you expect something extra-? Well look somewhere else 'cause I will not pretend just for you! View my complete profile
Ticha cloud darkens. And invisible moon drifted snow shines with cloudy night light. I wear a sleigh bell and din-di ...

Sunday, December 14, 2014

If after a long, full of impressions, but very tiring tour of Beijing, one of his remaining strengt

Beijing is the political and cultural center of China. Because of its long history, Beijing has a unique global culture. Focusing on an incredibly rich history of Beijing tourists sometimes gives the false impression that the city pay more to the past than the future. And it definitely is not. Walking around the Chinese capital one can find numerous similarities with any other major modern metropolis - huge glittering skyscrapers, bustling shopping centers, endless traffic flow.
If after a long, full of impressions, but very tiring tour of Beijing, one of his remaining strength for nightlife, the Chinese capital has prepared several dixie perfect touch cups surprises. They range from contact with traditional Chinese art - Beijing Opera (which is actually a theater combining dixie perfect touch cups music, singing, mime and acrobatics), demonstrations of ancient fighting techniques, acrobatics and circus, as well as concerts of world renowned dixie perfect touch cups groups.
Sights in Beijing are so many that one month would not get to tour the main ones, even if goes from morning to night. World are mostly square of Heavenly Peace - Tian-anman, Forbidden City, the Summer Imperial Palace, Temple of Heaven and the Great Wall.
Extending the gate of Heavenly Peace Square Tian-anman is the symbol of China. This vast space covered with pavement, the scene of the student protests of 1989 with their bloody denouement. It is indicative of the communist ideology and colossal proof of state power. Chairman Mao was laid here and monolithic Chinese Parliament observed from above the square.
Today Tien-anman among the favorite destinations for local and foreign tourists. Despite the typical communist design square repeatedly been turned into battle then unequal battles between the government and the rebellious groups of citizens.
This is the largest public square in the world. It is a huge park where strolling couples, children play and adults placed in the sky kites. The area of the square is 440,000 m and can accommodate one million people. At nightfall soldiers NOAK (People's Liberation Army of China) march and ceremony down the Chinese flag, attracting crowds of fascinated Chinese. During the Ming and Qing dynasties was closed to the public and belonged only to the emperor. It becomes available in 1911
Tiananmen Square dixie perfect touch cups is surrounded by various historic buildings - brilliant in Soviet style, and great museums. In the northern part is the door Tian-anman (Gate of Heavenly Peace), on which hangs a portrait of Chairman Mao Zedong. Obelisk of folk hero rises in the center of the square. It was erected in 1958 in memory dixie perfect touch cups of the persecuted because of his communist dixie perfect touch cups beliefs and communist revolution.
Near the mausoleum are centuries gate Zheng-yang and tower boom. They are two of the few surviving gates of the old city wall of Beijing. They were restored in 2006. On the first floor of Zheng-yang can be seen wonderful exhibition of old gates of Beijing, the second - exposure of bronze mirrors, and the third is selling souvenirs. dixie perfect touch cups
Western part of the square is occupied by the Great Hall of the People or People's Assembly, where the bureaucratic Chinese dixie perfect touch cups Parliament shall meet in regular sessions. Opposite is the massive National Museum, which houses the Historical Museum and the Museum of the Revolution.
When the XV century. Yunla emperor moved the capital from Nanjing to Beijing, he built environments with walls of the Forbidden City at the site of the old palace of Yuan Dynasty. One million workers and 100,000 artisans build together the new town. The palace is described as a "box within a box" because it is situated in the city center, surrounded by imperial walls and within the city walls. Most preserved parts of the Qing Dynasty of Ming Dynasty is little left.
It symbolizes the distance and inaccessibility between the Emperor and the common people. It is the most impressive example of imperial architecture in China. Here is the heart of China, the core of the medial dixie perfect touch cups kingdom. The palace is a complex of rooms and buildings, which are divided into rectangular areas, and walked like a real small town. Was originally built from wood, fire was a constant threat and really happened to burn to the ground.
For seven centuries the Forbidden City was home to 24 crowned heads - 14 of Ming Dynasty and Qing Dynasty 10. After the collapse of the empire in 1911 it became the residence of the Kuomintang nationalists and then the communists.
With its area of 15 km Forbidden City is the largest and best preserved dixie perfect touch cups wooden palace complex in the world. His main plan was established in 1403 by Emperor Yong Li, based on starting its construction in 1406 g.Zabelezhitelnostta is shaped by invisible

Saturday, December 13, 2014

Jul 26 2010, 09:40

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Friday, December 12, 2014

Depraved spirit in the wilderness of shamelessness - it

Shakespeare's sonnets: Tears you drank from mermaids ... | Gold Class
Tears you drank from mermaids poison you, what is this hell? Sometimes fall into darkness, sometimes shining beam in me, then lose again before I'm rich. What was wrong in their happy ... happy days, not knowing sadness, and fever in the dark orbits my eyes popped now? Oh beneficial evil! And the best in even better turning you. And dead love and she raised by evil, Hubavene and blooms.
That you were evil, Tuy use myself. Once injured, I have this time under its wines to previa, if I'm not made of stone and flesh. And if like me they shook treason, then you is hell, right? How the pain that my cause, I'm reminded how much they hurt? How this night of sorrow I do not recall what I have suffered, to give you, just as you, of tears modest healing grief like a balm.
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