Saturday, February 22, 2014

4 steaks of beef or beef steak pržole (kontrafile) approx 18 -20 grams each, four heads of onions,

Ukraine - Yulia Tymoshenko release, beach shells Yanukovych dismissed, scheduled new elections! A general strike on Tuesday in protest Wednesday Menart entered the finals with the project Kolektiv - Apsurdistan! Starts Spring Mountain School CAR Ekstrem Ladislav Šošic: beach shells Put the POS of the building is based on the modified asphalt geodetic survey
A amstek sauce (zwiebelrostbraten) of onions is typical Austrian cuisine dish that has long gained worldwide fame and became a part of international gastronomy. Suffice it to say that the preparation of the same name (rear quarter on the other hand Tenderloin / steak /) juicy and firm flesh suitable for cooking and baking. The meat is separated from the bone and cleaned of excess fatty parts, beach shells and let a few days of being aged in a cool place (optionally coated with mustard), so do not cut too thick steaks weighing 15 to 20 ounces per person. Certainly the sirloin steak with onions can be prepared from fresh meat, but the result is always better if a little is allowed to age (mature), especially if the word about beef, to tender. Just dish is very quick and almost not too tricky to prepare, but the result beach shells is truly remarkable.
4 steaks of beef or beef steak pržole (kontrafile) approx 18 -20 grams each, four heads of onions, 3-4 tablespoons of lard, 2 tablespoons butter, beef or veal broth (meat), vinegar, a little flour, a bunch of parsley, salt and pepper
About dreske steak flatten slightly with the palm (can not beat a meat mallet) beach shells and cut the edges in several places as the burning would not be twisted. In a frying pan very hot fat and fry the prepared meat on each side for 3 minutes (give up the outside should take on a brown color, and the inside should stay a little bloody). Sprinkle with salt and pepper and remove from the pan to a warm place, covered, to settle. During this time in the same oil, fry golden brown onions, pre-sliced beach shells and rolled in flour. Then remove from pan fried onions and pour off the fat, add butter and a little flour, short brown, beach shells lay it on the steak and onions, all add some meat broth. All together cook (simmer) on medium heat 10 minutes, set aside the steaks and lay them on a plate or platter. Dress up the taste of onions sauce to taste with salt and pepper, add a few drops of vinegar and a piece of cold butter that tastes better connected, a little stir, and pour all over the steaks. With Rib eye steak with onions served boiled beach shells or baked potatoes and all the parsley garnish. Bon appetit!
Extraordinary N would have to prepare gravy (dark basic sauce) beach shells instead of beef or veal broth, but this is usually not the case. Would be wrong to use wine, because the goal is to allow the cap and meat to develop beach shells and sljube their flavors, and add a little vinegar at the end of cooking just tastes will liberate and give them a new dimension. As a contribution to a very good agreement beach shells gnocchi beach shells and croquettes of potato dough, usually served cooked (salted) potatoes, and potatoes cooked with the peel, peeled, cut into four pieces and then fried in deep fat. It is truly remarkable about the combination that's worth a little effort. Do not forget a glass of your favorite red wine - recommendations: Zweigelt!
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