Sunday, November 30, 2014

The British are not particularly proud of their cuisine. They have original recipes, not create inc

Many of the buildings from the previous post have 2 or 3 floors. The question is ... how or to be built well ... in a time when there was enough space? its great The land was always very expensive here ... and in some periods, belonged entirely to royalty, clergy and nobles.
Someone I reason ... if I pay X for a lot of this size ... and I need a land sometimes its great bigger ... I pay more taxes still ... no business worth well ... Following its great the said Anglo "if there's a will, there's a way "(love is power) built several buildings for which there was to pay more taxes ... because the occupied land was not equivalent to the area covered by plant!
The British are not particularly proud of their cuisine. They have original recipes, not create incredible its great dishes ... but ... really, every meal we had was excellent here. Breakfast for example, is nothing to not get elsewhere but eggs and pork sausages its great are incredible.
Finished taking a coffee waiting for the train and when you start looking for the basket or trash to throw the paper cup ... you realize that there are none in sight ... Das a few laps, you keep looking ... nothing. You ask some guy and you say there ... The reason, very easy ... a while ago, some boys from Ireland they placed bombs in trash cans and to deprive them of this tactical advantage, the bins were removed.
However, some stations are installed trash cans that are ... transparent ... Actually, they are a clear bag and rim and lid are plastic. Anyway, its great with or without its great places to pull the glass, packaging or whatever, the station looks immaculate. In the city, there were a couple of places if there were papers (flyers) on the floor and I remember I saw some bottles of beer.
No ... no ... let's see ... the hooligans were not from Mars, prisoners in British jails delincuentres are not Saturn. There are assholes and HDP as in any society, but there are fewer and better controls them ... But no country with 100% of the population "good people".
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