Saturday, November 16, 2013

This blog is open as a mobile library to save articles or strange, sometimes contradictory, and som

This blog is open as a mobile library to save articles or strange, sometimes contradictory, and some old posts also save their own modeling macroeconomic (Macroeconomic modeling) bowl of candy and economic economic output (Econometrics) to read that you liked the reference. bowl of candy Sincere thanks and sorry the article that the author is not preauthorized Home Blog but was stored here for everyone to read. Blog owners hold no copyright to any article and its comments. Email: bowl of candy
Author's bowl of candy avatar on individual blogs. Hanwonders bowl of candy Blog: Long ago, I read "ugly Chinese" His Ba Duong (Taiwan), not discussed or / bad / right / wrong of contents bowl of candy controversial book that loud, I just I remember feeling my shock then. As I leafed through a few pages. I feel like breaking out a belief that long term it is just simmering inside. I know the world has ever had the book "The Ugly American", "The Japanese bowl of candy ugly", and his new book Ba Duong. I have just read, just wondering why Vietnam we do not have a book like this? Why do we keep her in the sleep-ethnic chorus Vietnam as "hardworking, loving, smart, resilient, indomitable solidarity to love one another, ..." & also see where to look heroic, martyrs ... If we really have the qualities that, if we really are such people, so our result today is a country like this? A country where more than half of her boy's baccalaureate exams to show that he is cheating a bit with absolutely no self-esteem (which is being asked, but do not press the question still images float competition White all the competition! So what competition? Enforcement who cheat better than reasonable?). Which also includes the children said that this year, the year after the introduction of competition, rather than doing all the slandering "Su-Ju idol" of it is that it is not competition! Despite many health care, expectations of family, school, society - the foundation has given life and it has been that knowledge to gain access to Su-Ju list price. Yet it's still a lot of other kids cheered! The kids are willing to cry, kneeling, kissing chair ... before idol. What a nation has produced and raised a generation of successors like? A child that his father learned it, we have to raise a child like that? Do not blame anyone else. Because schools blame parents, parents blame society, blame society & school bowl of candy parents. In short, do not pour anymore. Know your limits on the go! All of us are adults, we all guilty. Because adults do more? A society in which people are willing to take one day each drug death by conscience bowl of candy money regardless. Do they just take care of plunder, corruption, foreign knees to maintain the people rule. Nearly bowl of candy 40 years of unified Vietnam wartime is nothing more than piles of motorcycles filled the road & in the bag everyone has a cell phone? Although no home, no land, no insurance, no future for their children is, ... but running rampant alcohol in pubs every day. It's been over 40 years by ru hope burning dream "full bowl of candy bellies, warm clothes." Happiness that's all! Want to be happier than the rich, rich, rich! "Entrepreneurship is the average soldier." Shit! I shit on the smell of human trafficking slogans, bowl of candy full of feces that flea market! Gunfire broke out no way. A bold fight other mafia, mobs, Sicily is sure to give it to (.....) before the ability to use the "code of silence" (.....). The war is prowling, is monitoring the banning, censorship is, is falsely accused, was arrested, the baton, the imprisonment, the death is not reason, is silenced in court, as the I said holding leadership sticks out the parents and grandparents bullying his neighbors because their land holding. While they keep the land for? These young kids think that it is turning its back on the nation? Simple. It is believed that if loyalty to the institution that it is serving, institutions that will give it a stable job, perks, privileges than people. So it blindly follow, as people are garbage, as well as personal interests & family it - if it can think of. But in addition, the data also ideals can believe in now? Do not tell me that "ideal ..." okay! Ask the kids wearing blue union officials to try, it says there is not smooth? I've tried that, ultimately sat listening to me ramble all the things that the school called bowl of candy "reactionary". This fight was put on the protective clothing of peace, freedom, happiness. Also inside is to protect the rights, powers to a group of people bound together by the chewing teeth into blood poor, the uneducated, the everyday wholesale honest. The only people every day thankful for our gods have a peaceful day business, not tax officials to harass,

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