Wednesday, November 6, 2013

There is nothing compared to gardening, well, maybe art making, - two sides of the same - for me. Ge

Jeg SKULLE jo egentlig ikke samle frø, men er man frøavhengig, ja så er man det da. Og der stod de, den ene planten mer fristende enn den andre, og viftet med frøkapslene sine rett foran beina mine. Selvsagt klarte jeg ikke å la være. Etterhvert utstyrte jeg meg med fulle lommer med servietter, og hver dag gikk jeg tom – lenge før tiden. Jeg fikk tatt noen snapshots av plantene, men det var bare i begynnelsen, før jeg ga fullstendig opp og konsentrerte meg om hamstringen. Så blir det spennende da å se hva som kommer opp til våren, og hvem som ikke lengter for sterkt hjem igjen, og absolutt ikke vil tilpasse seg nye (våtere) forhold.
I was overwhelmed. Taking in the magic of the landscape of Cappadockia, and collcting seeds was kind of contradictory. Looking conch shell up – keeping conch shell the balance while walking on slippery mountains – discovering plants waving their seed capsules right in front of me. Ohhh, how could I choose? I had not planned it, but being adicted to seeds it was impossible for me to just pass by. First I tried to be systemathic, but soon I had to give in and focus on the harvesting. Spring will be a surprise party. Will my treasures germinate, and if so – how about the change of climate? What a thrill.
Publisert i Blogroll , Flora , Travel | Merket conch shell med Cappadockia , flora , flora of turkey , fottur , frø , frøsamling , hike , hiking , hiking in turkey , kappadokia , reise , seed collecting , seeds , travel , turkey , tyrkia , vandring | Legg igjen en kommentar conch shell
I get inspired by everything surrounding me. By the sun shining, birds singing and by sharing these impressions. ARTGARDEN makes it easy to reach you as long as you subscribe to my blog. So please, sign up and you will get an email every now and then with my latest expeditions. Flickr Photos More Photos Kategorier Velg kategori Art in garden conch shell artworks conch shell Blogroll cards and books Drama Edible Ellys Besøkshage conch shell Fauna Flora Growing Indoor Garden Miscellaneous My view omtaler Plant portrait conch shell Planteliste Studio The cones – konglene The United Lampshaders Travel visitors Arkiv Velg måned oktober 2013 september 2013 august 2013 juli 2013 juni 2013 mai 2013 april 2013 mars 2013 februar 2013 januar 2013 desember 2012 november 2012 oktober 2012 september 2012 august 2012 juli 2012 juni 2012 mai 2012 april 2012 mars 2012 februar 2012 januar 2012 november 2011 oktober 2011 september 2011 august 2011 juli 2011 juni 2011 mai 2011 april 2011 mars 2011 februar 2011 januar 2011 desember 2010 november 2010 oktober 2010 september 2010 august 2010 juli 2010 juni 2010 mai 2010 april 2010 mars 2010 februar 2010 ARTGARDENING
There is nothing compared to gardening, well, maybe art making, - two sides of the same - for me. Getting soil on my hands makes me calm and relaxed. When art gives me a hard time my garden is the place to recover, to get energy, inspiration and change viewpoint. Being in the garden is an exercise of seeing, of being present. conch shell Putting a seed in the soil, seeing it grow and fold out, makes me grateful. Blogroll Claus Dalby Elly Prestegard, Visual artist
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