Sunday, May 24, 2015

The failure of the political leadership oru hl7 burning oru hl7 of fossil oru hl7 fuels, deforestat

Climate change will result in the destruction of North Africa. Many will die as forced millions oru hl7 of people to migrate. Desert are expanding and crops fail and fishermen losing their livelihoods. oru hl7 Irregular rainfall will increase and diminish water supplies oru hl7 and storms will become more intense. Summer will become hotter and winters colder. oru hl7 The drought will force the villagers to leave their homes and destroyed fertile land due to rising sea level. Low food production and shrinking water would threaten even major cities such as Cairo, Casablanca, Algiers. oru hl7 The next twenty years will see a radical shift in the region. This is not an act of nature works. Climate change is first and foremost a war - a war waged by the rich to the working classes, and small farmers and the poor. They are the ones who carry the burden on behalf of the privileged. Climate violence caused by continuing to fossil fuels - burning option, an option that companies oru hl7 and Western governments, along with local elites and armies. It's the result of a century of capitalism and colonialism. But these decisions are constantly being re-manufacture in Brussels and DC, and Dubai, and locally in Heliopolis, and Lazoghli and Katameya, and Ben Aknoun and Hydra and the marina. Survival depends on leaving fossil fuels in the ground, and to adapt to climate change winning. Billion will be spent on trying to adapt - to find new sources of water, and the restructuring of agriculture oru hl7 and the conversion of crops grown, marine and building walls to keep the non-salt oru hl7 water intrusion and change the shape and style of the cities. But for the benefit of this adjustment will be? The same autocratic power that caused the climate change are the same structures that form a response - to protect itself and to achieve greater profits. Alnao- liberal institutions are based on the formulation of climate shift, oru hl7 while the left-wing movements, democracy is still largely silent. It will remain outside the walls of the fortified communities against climate change in the future?
How would turn climate North Africa? Human-induced climate change is a reality in North Africa. It undermines the social, economic and environmental life in the region basis, and will inevitably lead to change of political systems. The recent drought that stretched in Algeria oru hl7 and Syria was a disastrous oru hl7 climatic events exceed the capacity of the existing social and institutional structures to handle it. Severe drought in eastern Syria destroyed the livelihoods of 800 thousand people and led to the deaths of 85 percent oru hl7 of the cattle. 160 whole village was abandoned in 2011. The changes in the hydrological cycle before will reduce oru hl7 the supply of fresh water and agricultural production. That means more food imports and higher prices in the countries that have already become dependent on imports, such as Egypt. A greater number oru hl7 of people will face the risk of starvation and hunger. Desert are spacious, omnivorous land around it. Originally scarce water supply will suffer from greater pressure. Demand is accelerating with steady population growth. But disposable ones will fall due to changes in rainfall and seawater oru hl7 intrusion into the groundwater reserves oru hl7 patterns, driven by climate change, as well as excessive use of groundwater. This would put most of the Arab countries under the water poverty oru hl7 absolute exact level of 500 cubic meters per person. And forcing the rising sea level farmers to leave their land in Tunisia, Morocco and Egypt. Salt water destroying fertile fields that were in the Nile Delta in Egypt and the Delta twisted in Morocco, and threatens to overflow and destroy vast areas of coastal settlements, including cities such as Alexandria and Tripoli. Seas themselves are changing. With the ocean to absorb carbon dioxide, it becomes more acidic, resulting in the death of coral reefs. This will erase a lot of biodiversity oru hl7 in the Red Sea, and destroying the livelihoods of tens of thousands who live on fishing and tourism. Will intensify the heat of summer. The high temperatures and stress because of the heat kills thousands, oru hl7 especially rural workers who can not avoid the hard work and outdoor work. The pace and strength of weather phenomena are growing. Dust storms and floods threaten the lives of the poorest urban populations, especially the millions of immigrants who live in the communities and neighborhoods informally oru hl7 on the edge of cities. Refugees will be more vulnerable oru hl7 to these changes, including the Sudanese in Egypt and Algeria in finance and Libyans in Tunisia, and the Syrians in Lebanon. Without significant upgrades, will not be existing traditions and infrastructure in cities can adapt, including water networks, morphological, and emergency services, and practices of water sharing. Warm weather means creeping disease, and the arrival of pathogens oru hl7 that are transmitted with water and insects from the tropics to the millions who have not been exposed to it before. Will move malaria and other diseases northward, threatening humans and livestock alike. And parasites existing in North Africa will expand their range, oru hl7 such as leishmaniasis, which will double the range of "appropriate" in Morocco. Climate oru hl7 chaos has come so far on the lives of millions oru hl7 of people and billions of dollars squandered. Says, "The Lancet" medical journal, "that the survival of whole communities in the Arab world has become at stake."
The failure of the political leadership oru hl7 burning oru hl7 of fossil oru hl7 fuels, deforestation and unsustainable agriculture with the encouragement of commercial farming sector is leading to climate change. Carbon dioxide and methane oru hl7 Nfethm constant in the atmosphere are the by-product of industrial modernity. Oil, gas, coal and minerals are brought out their consumption oru hl7 and to serve the profits and power of the state - this is the extractive capitalism in which we live dependents. The burning of fossil fuels - whether in the car, or in the kitchen or at the factory - emits carbon oru hl7 dioxide. And the accumulation of carbon dioxide leads to the heating of the planet. There is now a strong consensus P

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