Tuesday, May 26, 2015

India has a population of about 1,210,193,422 by the Indian Statistical year 2011. Thus, India lies

India or as they are called officially the Republic of India is a country located in South Asia, the seventh country in terms of geographical area, and the second in terms of population, which is the most populous in Alm.o bounded by the Indian Ocean to the south, and the Arabian Sea to the west of the country, and the Bay of Bengal to the east bordered by Pakistan to the west and the People's Republic of China, Nepal, and Bhutan to the north, Bangladesh and Myanmar from India Alcherq.o located near Sri Lanka, the Maldives and Indonesia to the Indian Ocean
India has a population of about 1,210,193,422 by the Indian Statistical year 2011. Thus, India lies to the north of the equator between '44 6 and '30 35 north latitude O'7 68 and '25 97 east longitude Climate
India's climate is strongly influenced and Himalayan Thar desert and all of them lead to the monsoon. Himalayan prevent the coming of the Central names of seashells Asian cold wind, to keep the bulk of the Indian subcontinent warmer than most of the areas that fall with them on the same Aerd.talb desert line erupted a crucial role in attracting the moisture-laden monsoon south winds Western and this in the period between June and October India to provide most of the rainfall. Four major climatic groups are prevailing in India: tropical wet, tropical names of seashells dry, sub-tropical and humid mountain
The Indian civilization of civilizations that built on the Indus Valley around 2500, but since Christmas. Where the life of the ancient Indians have been associated mainly with agriculture, especially tobacco breeding names of seashells cows used in the transport and tillage purposes
The most notable achievements of this civilization in the art of construction and urban planning. The major cities, especially the Mohnju Darrow composed of Castle on the high Alohlain housing around the castle was the center of most of the major public buildings. In Mohnju Darrow Castle, for example, there is a large bathroom built with brick and granaries, while the Lower Town Vtdm residential built of brick buildings with intersecting streets of the small and large homes. And indicated
Among the most prominent landmarks of India's population that used the old systems of accounting and weight and measurement and writing. They also dug trenches and land corridors in and around names of seashells cities to irrigate fields and farms, Zbnoa grain stores, and schools in each city
India knew medicine, mathematics, astronomy and flourished centuries between the third and fourth centuries, influenced by astronomy names of seashells Alpabl Indians invented the nine numbers names of seashells and decimal system. For the Indians preferred to triangles
I arrived groups of Aryans in 1500 BC coming from the mid-continent of Asia to the northern part of India. Alvedaon fled India's population who are indigenous in percentage south. The Aryans known for their combat skills Vsatroa on all lands located on the Indus River, worked in agriculture and breeding names of seashells cattle, sheep and many of the Indians were forced names of seashells to work on their farms
The Aryans appearance in the Indian sub-continent was part of the great migration from Central Asia and Persia names of seashells (Iran), was the end of the Indus Valley names of seashells civilization names of seashells in the eighth century BC at the hands of the Aryans, who entered India from the western north across the famous people from Central Asia Khyber Pass . The origin of the label to the Sanskrit word for nobility. Managed Aryan tribes after violent and long-lasting battles of subjecting the local population and drive them toward the south, after the destruction of their civilization, and the Aryans are gentlemen layer and different from the indigenous people their religion, customs and social roots and the color of their skin
Sanskrit is an ancient language in India, a liturgical language of Hinduism, and Buddhism, have a site in India and Southeast Asia. It is similar to the language of Latin and Greek in Europe in the Middle Ages
The Hindu, one of the oldest known religions - the sacred writings attributed to Hindus to about 1400 - 1600 BC. M. It is also one of the most complex and diverse religions, as Hindus believe in millions of gods. Hindus have a wide variety of core beliefs and their different denominations. Although Hinduism is the third major religions in the world, but they are found mainly in India and Nepal
Perhaps the worst thing was characterized by unique to India and among all peoples of the world, names of seashells it is. That is unjust caste system which trampled human dignity and (iii) Glanders Afar in her forehead, which made more than half of India digestible rights pariah nation, have no function in life
Is (Brahmins layer): Since Brahmins are created from Ashraf and Athar member and is the face, they have the permission rights are characterized by the other other classes, but other creatures, so it has been entrusted to them by reading books ((Aleoda) holy) and education and interpretation Hraiaha and laws and bring the gift of the victims and to manage other tasks. Also make all his property in the world
Is (Alkstraeh layer): Alkstraeon - and have created from the arms of God - and the arms are symbol of valor and strength, it is no wonder that the Kings and Warriors of them, and to be the most prominent names of seashells of their duties to protect the people
It is (layer Alhodra) and are created by Brahma from his feet, and is the base layer,

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