Saturday, May 9, 2015

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Chocolate is made from cocoa and food product. The word chocolate means "bitter conch shell water". Cocoa, from which chocolate is made extracted from cocoa beans. When the beans are harvested ripe, dried in the sun and roasted. Then cool under an expedited procedure, conch shell eliminate the butter and powdered. Compensating mass added to a variety of flavors, cinnamon, vanilla, cloves. Apart from adding cocoa into chocolate has sugar, milk and cocoa butter obtained. The mixture is blended and melts, the cooling is produced crystals, which gives the chocolate strength and fragility. History of chocolate goes back to the distant past Chocolate also contains sugar and cocoa butter ancient peoples have considered chocolate conch shell as a food for the gods, or rather drink of the gods. In Europe, the chocolate has brought Christopher Columbus in 1502, but the people did not immediately accept. At the end of the 16th century was a valuable chocolate drink. Particularly appreciated was the Spanish court in the 17th century were in Paris has opened a number of houses of chocolate. It is becoming increasingly valuable. Slowly chocolate group received force in the solid form, and not just as a beverage. Chocolate conch shell contains a lot of vitamins B complex, vitamin E and carotene. It is rich in vitamins and minerals - phosphorus, magnesium, iron, potassium and zinc. It has a high calorific value. For the chocolate it is typically reduces appetite and gives a feeling of satiety, because it contains a fairly high proportion of fat and sugar, chocolate, cocoa beans and chocolate powder There were opinions that should be the chocolate cause of high cholesterol, conch shell but all this is not scientifically proven. It has also been said that chocolate cause of AKN, but even this fact is not true. Research about the chocolate is still performing on the rise while chocolate treats. Food for the gods so fascinates millions of people worldwide. Chocolate is most delicious when we eat on an empty stomach. Chocolates not shranjujmo in the refrigerator, the ideal temperature is around 10 degrees C. When the surface of the chocolate turns white chocolate loss of quality and also in taste. We wonder whether chocolate can cause addiction? Yes, like coffee, coca cola, tea .... but this title for a little chocolate. Chocolate is very nutritious, but on the amount of how much we eat depends on whether we gain weight or not. It has been demonstrated, however, conch shell that the chocolate is good for the memory, since it contains Carbolic acid, which prevents the narrowing of the arteries. It is also a very good sedative learning. conch shell Chocolate is sweet and seductive, and few can resist conch shell the "food of the gods". Image Source: pictures
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Popular balcony ornamental plants
Purple conch shell nemezija and salvija. Nature took care of the colors that nourish us, both physically as well as spiritually, active or passive. Choices ...
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