Saturday, October 4, 2014

The media hardly the planned investment and trade agreements. Although buffet servers TTIP is here

UNTIL THEN TTIP CETA - Two major steps in the wrong direction Aug. 17, 2014/0 Comments / in Europe, free trade agreements, geopolitics, manipulation, people and society / by Caillea B. Rakow-Grebestein
The media hardly the planned investment and trade agreements. Although buffet servers TTIP is here and there with its risks been addressed before from 22.30 clock on ARD and ZDF, 3SAT but was once again the only station that dared to primetime on the subject - including enlightening technical discussions at Skobel.
Is completely forgotten in the discussion often that just a free trade agreement between the EU and Canada is negotiated. This is groundbreaking insofar as it is based on existing agreements between Canada and the United States. It is in a sense the precursor of TTIP.
In CETA, it's like TTIP: The corporations / companies in Canada can complain if they are limited in the agreed competition rules. Also here is - rightly - concerned that the consumer buffet servers protection rules and quality standards in Europe are undermined. Even German companies could sue under those agreements. To refine by CETA criteria to be active, buffet servers or after TTIP, a company based in Canada or the United States is only necessary. It is not just that we get products based on Canadian or North American production criteria, but - there it is again in competition and competition - German companies will join the shared, American buffet servers and Canadian production conditions.
The consequences are clear. With these rules there are advanced remedies and get it - especially in the globalized market - huge compensation claims into play. Prohibits the EU GM food or fracking, Monsanto and Exxon will file their complaints with billions. A nightmare! Neither the state nor the citizens themselves can defend against such claims and to product dictatorship then. You must seamlessly in any case and justify scientifically proven, why GM food or fracking pose an immediate danger and that they have therefore taken with the prohibition of a reasoned decision, in which the competition law intervention is justified.
Both CETA and TTIP are shown to a concept of the neoliberals. Your goal is to free markets, but only when it comes to sales, revenues and profits. Otherwise the States for the provision of infrastructure for the (training) should provide education of citizens, they are awarded buffet servers ground and patent rights to the company. All this leads to the complete commodification of everything that is somehow present on this planet. Water, air, soil, fauna, flora - everything gets an economic value and the general public is deprived in this way. The corporations buffet servers are always rich and powerful: The redistribution from poor to rich, the degradation of the middle classes buffet servers and the plundering of the planet is not by chance. There is no conspiracy theory, but it's pure practice. The fall from grace was the elimination of the gold reference in the dollar currency, then followed by the weakening of the financial market - liberalization - triggered by Margaret Thatcher. And now follows the total liberalization buffet servers of markets - the total globalization.
Even worse will happen buffet servers to the States, are not integrated into the Agreement. The access these third-party on the market of the EU, the USA and Canada will be of course much more difficult. And the shopping community - consisting of the three Great - will react accordingly in the market. On the one hand of course, to counter the emerging, led by China Supermarket in Asia something, on the other hand is a completely wrong policy.
It relies on growth, competition and endless resources. Unlimited growth is not possible - the money system collapses straight and real growth can not be stopped even at the highest growth figures. Competition is a method of dealing buffet servers with each other, of which we need to get away quickly.
Global climate and resource problems would be sufficient reason to cooperate in the World: The raw materials buffet servers are limited - water and air can not stop himself to the limits. Absence of these population groups, so they will "invade" to get this and to simply survive. Moreover, we know of numerous impending disasters that will inevitably happen: storms, earthquakes (San Francisco, Japan, buffet servers Istanbul ...), etc. We need to cooperate in order to cope with such disasters buffet servers together. We can not exclude that a powerful volcanic eruption appeared our planet for months in a dark ash cloud, go forth among all the food and the air we breathe is difficult. We should prepara us

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