Tuesday, October 7, 2014

The kindergarten teacher told me this morning (as an explanation and probably also for comfort) tha

The great nursery school crisis | Mom Blog
The day had started really well: All were reasonably quickly ready to leave, my husband had just cycled with the little one in the nursery candy station jars and I waited with my Great to the girl next door. As my daughter put her bag and the Chindsgibändel suddenly in the corner candy station jars and hid himself with the words "I'm still not in the nursery!" To bed.
The first week nursery was run without any problems, she ran every morning los enthusiastic and seemed to be on the second day to feel at home in their new environment. And then suddenly this change of heart.
I was completely taken by surprise. If problems would occur, so I thought, then at the first two or three days. But not until a week later? I asked why, if something had happened, of which I knew nothing. But the only problem seemed to be that it was her become simply too much kindergarten. "I just want to be once more at home," she said, "once again something to do with you and do not always go to kindergarten."
After a lengthy conversation I brought them finally out of bed and we went off. Everything was fine until we were faced with the nursery door and she burst into tears. I comforted her as best I could, and gave her farewell candy station jars my little guardian angels in the hand, so that they pass me the day a little way in and would have to feel protected. Then I had to leave them sobbing and it tore my heart almost. candy station jars
I felt powerless, at the mercy of the situation, as I zukehrte her back and ran away. Because I had no other option than my daughter against her will to get there and they leave sad. And I could not even console ourselves that she could stay home tomorrow for them. Whether they like it or not, they have to go back the next day.
Totally late on the way to work, I poured my friends via Whatsapp my heart out. And I was surprised to hear that such kindergarten crises are not so rare a few weeks after launch. A mom told me her boy had gone first two weeks beaming out of the house. Now, in the third week, he had suddenly enormous effort. Another had experienced yesterday almost exactly the same as I, and in the third there was indeed candy station jars no active candy station jars Chindsgi-denial, but both children lay a week after school starts ill in bed.
It seems that quite a lot of children of the new life is really aware of until after a week or two and they only realize that they are now every week Monday candy station jars to Friday must leave the home nest. Maybe is suddenly the great exhaustion candy station jars after the initial excitement is gone.
The kindergarten teacher told me this morning (as an explanation and probably also for comfort) that the kids usually would need about six weeks, candy station jars until they are really used to the new life. Therefore quite possible that we will have some time to fight until the autumn break with such initial candy station jars difficulties.
Therefore, I am now very interested to hear your comments: Do you have any special tips in stock to absorb such emotional hangover? And how is your child two or three weeks after the start of school? Did it today also more trouble than the first day?
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2.2 rules, new games, unidentified craft materials, new building blocks, candy station jars etc. The discovery of colorful nursery room is automatically intensively despite narrow down the initial program candy station jars and asks also a certain amount concentration. Look forward to the autumn holiday, we will need them all And sometimes there is this "I would not want more go!" - Phases, until much later. Also this should be so.
Beautifully written. My personal experience from the first year: First week super, second / third: You can tell the effort, then: great again, after the autumn holidays: highly motivated, somewhat overwhelmed before candy station jars Christmas (but also lies at the many special program), then perfect again and only towards the end before the summer holidays we have seen the nursery and would rather something in the Badi. The second year is exactly congruent to now.
This morning candy station jars I had to pick up our youngest from kindergarten ... she sleeps since then. I think it is an exhaustion, the new, the must from the house. A new life has begun!
For years I experience candy station jars as a kindergarten teacher heartbreaking farewell scenes in the morning and may also be a few

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