Monday, October 6, 2014

150 children celebrated on September 24 at the main library their successful participation seashell

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150 children celebrated on September 24 at the main library their successful participation seashells in bulk in the Summer Reading Club of the Vienna Public Libraries. The young readers and their parents were of Education Councillor Christian seashells in bulk Oxonitsch and economic leader of the Vienna Public Libraries, Elke Bazalka, welcomes and congratulates them on their reading zeal. The nine-year-old Khushi has during the holidays 60 books, so a book per day, devoured. So it is indeed the record holder, but by far not the only book enthusiasts. Elke Bazalka pleased to announce that the Summer Reading Club has lost in the third year, none of its popularity: "Again, nearly 800 children participated and a total of more than 5,200 books read." Reason seashells in bulk to celebrate all they have, finally, seashells in bulk the summer reading pleasure seashells in bulk will also do the good grades. City Council Oxonitsch emphasized the successful cooperation of schools seashells in bulk and libraries: "Participation in the reading club facilitates school entry in the fall, and the reading certificate, with the reading of three books is confirmed, can be presented in the school as proof of extracurricular engagement in reading." Great party with author Christoph Mauz and prize draw
Relaxed atmosphere seashells in bulk prevailed then also the big party at the main library, by the well-known and award-winning children's author Christoph Mauz led; for musical seashells in bulk accompaniment was provided seashells in bulk by the "dance band Pitzelberger". The highlight of the festival was finally drawing the ten main prizes - cinema, seashells in bulk theater and concert tickets, books, audio books, games - among all successful participants. After the feast, the children still had ample opportunity to stock up on new reading material - so the time goes a bit faster until next Summer Reading Club! For more information: Press Photos: https: // .at / gallery2 / rk / run.php g2_itemId = 33102 return for media inquiries: Martina Adelsberger MA 13 - Libraries Phone: 4000-84535 01 E-mail: Florian Weis Spokesman StR. Christian Oxonitsch Phone: 01 4000-81440 E-mail: Responsible seashells in bulk for this page: Rathauskorrespondenz (Municipal Department 53) Contact form
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