Monday, June 30, 2014

Or maybe you know someone else feels. Then one for that one - crack that shell of his solitude open

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102:7,8 Psalm: "I feel so abandoned like a pelican in the wilderness, like an owl among ruins. I watch, and am as a sparrow alone on the roof. "This affects images explain exactly the experience of desolate people, sea shell city you feel pushed out, you experience that you are invisible in the company, people are not interested sea shell city in you, they have forgotten you. Mary Greer's words are an apt description: "Loneliness is living in a shell."
Jesus had no trouble with this kind of people konnekt. So he invites himself to dinner at Zacchaeus, a hated tax collector sea shell city - and he, God, is man for another man. The result? A sinner, a profit hunter and an extortionist's life by this unconventional hand of friendship saved and he changed miraculously in a man for others: he gives fourfold he cheated, and share half of his possessions to the poor.
When a Samaritan woman came to create water at a time when no one else will be there, Jesus saw a woman with a past and a reputation touch, but a lonely man in need - a pelican in the wilderness wandering. He intentionally knot with her a conversation - his man for another man, and water to create him? And by his conversation with her then, he is only one for her and eventually her savior.
You may feel abandoned like a pelican in the wilderness, an owl among ruins or lonely like a bird on a roof, remember Jesus' words: "For sea shell city the Son of Man came to seek and to save that which was lost were. "(Luk19: 10). Light you on top of your loneliness or your ruins and desert of desolation and run to Him - He is waiting for you and want you to come live with them.
Or maybe you know someone else feels. Then one for that one - crack that shell of his solitude open. How you ask? Give yourself and your time. Interested in who he is, what he likes, invites him for a cup of coffee, go out of your way to Godbeeld in man before you can be. So you are instrumental to the gifts in that shell, giving wings.
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