Thursday, June 26, 2014


1886 Rheine / Westphalia 1965 Königswinter After military service he enrolled at the Düsseldorf Academy in 1906. During a trip to Italy with his brother Rudolf, Carlo ended in Ascona, where he came into contact with the reform movements that exert a lasting influence on his life. Following a suggestion made August Macke he went to Berlin to study with Lovis Corinth. , However, after the winter he continued his studies in Munich and Weimar. manfrotto monopod head In 1910-1911 manfrotto monopod head the young painter settled in the Rhineland and joined the newly founded "Cölner Secession" and "Gereon Club '. En1912 exhibited at the legendary Sonderbund in Cologne and his work was shown in 1913 at the exhibition 'Rhinish' started by August Macke in Bonn. This led him to contact Herwarth Walden, whose magazine 'Die Aktion' magazines and 'Der Sturm' Mense contributed prints. Straits friendships linked to Heinrich M. Mense Davringhausen, who accompanied him in 1914 on his second trip to Ascona. When World War II broke out, Mense was drafted and did not return to the Rhine until the war was over. Mense later became a prominent member of the "Gesellschaft für Kunst '[' Art Society '], who founded the magazine "Der Strom." In 1918-1919 also joined associations manfrotto monopod head Das Junge Rheinland artists' ['Young Rhine'] and "Novembergruppe manfrotto monopod head '[' Group in November ']. After his marriage to Vera Baske, used to stay in Munich, where he cultivated a close relationship with Paul Klee and the art scene in Schwabing. Consequently, their circle of friends They included Oskar Kokoschka, manfrotto monopod head Josef Eberz, Georg Schrimpf and especially Richard Seewald. In 1923 Alexander joined her Kanoldt. Since the artists manfrotto monopod head were in dire financial straits manfrotto monopod head at the time, was in Positano Mense long time. Richard Seewald and other painters met him. While Mense was in Italy, the art critic Franz Roh managed the sale of his paintings. Finally, Mense 1925 he was appointed professor at the State Academy of Fine and Applied Arts of Breslau, where he befriends Oskar Schlemmer manfrotto monopod head made. In 1932, however, the Breslau Academy was closed and Mense lost his job. The award of the Prix de Rome assured an income until the summer of 1934. Throughout the confiscation of 'degenerate art', 34 Mense paintings were removed from public collections. Mense was in military service in World War II until early 1944, when he settled in Bad Honnef his studio was bombed. For a time nothing manfrotto monopod head more was heard of him until 1956, when I held a solo exhibition of his work in Königswinter occasion of his 70th birthday. Kettererkunst Information
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2014 (146) June (24) JOSEPH ANTON CAPOGROSSI Lamazares, MYSTIC ARTIST Corrado Cagli Medardo Rosso Ánxel HUETE (1858-1928). Italian sculptor. Al ... Antonietta Raphaël and Mario Mafai-SCHOOL ROMA Hannah Höch Fernand Léger Spillaert Camille Leon Paul Citroen Bombois Casorati Mario Felice Broglio CARLO Mense Alexander Alexandrovich Laurence manfrotto monopod head Stephen Lowry Deineka Lacković Croatian Ivan Horace Pippin André Bauchant Gertrude O'Brady Morris Hirshfield SAL MEIJER Lloyd James Alfred manfrotto monopod head Wallis manfrotto monopod head May (27) April (29) March (24) February (19) December (23) 2013 (324) December (21) December (28) October manfrotto monopod head (19) October (20) August manfrotto monopod head (23) July (32) June (26) May (31) April (36) March (38) February (30) December (20) 2012 (491) January (29) Novembe

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